Canaco calls for workers to take advantage of FONACOT loans – Laguna Report

Victor Barron / Laguna Report

Torreón, Coahuila.- The president of the Chamber of Commerce of Torreón, Mariano Serna Muñoz, reported that currently, the National Fund for Workers’ Consumption (FONACOT) has a fund of 53 billion pesos for preferential loans with a rate of no more than 27 percent.

In this regard, the businessman said that this is an unbeatable opportunity for workers to access a competitive rate, considering that the quick loans offered through applications reach rates of up to 300 percent.

“If we as business owners spread this message to our workers, that they should make use of the credit that is there, then we will also sell more because it is fresh money that will come in,” he said.

Serna Muñoz said that yesterday he participated in a meeting in Mexico City with Salvador Gasca Herrera, general commercial coordinator of FONACOT, where the availability of this fund was announced.

“So, tell workers to use this tool, because if they are workers who are in the formal sector, they are workers who legally have a FONACOT loan,” he explained.

Loans are granted for 12 and 24 months, in installments that each worker pays directly via payroll after acquiring this federal benefit.




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