“Adversaries without plans. The example of Genoa becomes the model for Italy” –

Aldo Torchiaro

Marco Bucci is the super technician who has been leading Genoa for two terms. After much experience at the helm of private companies, including in the United States, Bucci has returned to Italy to try to apply the managerial dynamics of the private sector to the public machine. Last week he officially announced his candidacy as President of Liguria in the regional elections of October 27-28. Yesterday he announced that there will be two civic lists supporting him. The two civic lists are joined by Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, and Lega. At first, Bucci had refused the candidacy due to his health conditions and other reasons, but then changed his mind.

Who finally convinced her to take the field for the Region? Toti claims the original idea, then Meloni had a decisive role?
“President Meloni called me and asked me to make a decision on two levels. As prime minister, she gave me a political directive. Telling me that from an administrative point of view the best decision was to nominate me. Then from a personal point of view, however, she stopped and told me that, knowing my state of health, I had to be the one to evaluate, personally. I really appreciated this speech.”

Hadn’t Toti been the first to ask him?
“Many people asked me about it, already a month ago. I don’t know who suggested it to me first.”

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His candidacy has overturned the predictions.
“I don’t look at the polls, but I’ve already done two election campaigns and I have to say that now I feel an even better atmosphere. When I go around I see that I really have a lot of consensus. I meet people who are not registered with any party, and I meet them in the street. By chance. They stop, encourage me, promise me their support.”

We do not hide it, there is also the issue of his illness. Excuse me if I am direct: what is the picture and if he has the strength today for the election campaign and tomorrow to lead the administration?
“As of now, from a medical point of view, I am fine. The tumor was removed and now I am fine, I have had radiotherapy and now I am undergoing a very modern treatment, immunotherapy. There will be no negative consequences from chemotherapy. I feel good and I am sure that I will be able to continue.”

Can the Genoa model become the Liguria model?
«I think it can also become the Italian model, if we are mature enough to understand what it really means».

And what does it really mean?
«Not what everyone thinks. We didn’t cut all the procedures. We followed all the procedures but did them in a short time. We worked in parallel and not sequentially. We introduced a project management – the one I worked on in private companies already twenty years ago – based on the compression of time, on the parallel race to reach the goal in half the time».

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A control room that cuts time, in short.
“The other important thing about the Genoa model is the alignment between administrations. It is not possible that one administration wants to do a work and another one stops it. Totally unacceptable: it means a great waste of time and public money”.

What should public administrations do?
“Public administrations must do what citizens want. Not what the parties want. The left-wing coalition wants to set its own limits, its usual no. And they also want to impose them on citizens. I think the other way around: people want works and infrastructure? Then they must be done. And quickly.”

Can you tell us three things you would do in your first year as governor?
“The first: we will move forward with all the transport and hydrogeological infrastructure projects that are needed to continue the economic growth of the Liguria Region. The second: we will fix the health system by cutting waiting lists and starting work immediately on the five new hospitals that we have planned. Third: a program of renewed attention to the environment. We will make sure that the environment becomes a priority, integrating with everything I said before.”

Of course, the Renzians are in a tailspin… Renzi with you in the Municipality and against you in the Region. What would you say to the centrist voters?
“To centrist voters I would say what I say to everyone: we work for Genoa and for the Liguria Region with a precise strategy and operational plans that allow us to realize a vision of development. If you think that others have a vision that can make the Region work, go ahead. But citizens do not want to waste time or take leaps in the dark. Our opponents have no operational plans, they have been in politics for thirty years without ever having achieved the results that I have achieved in my professional and political life.”

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#Adversaries #plans #Genoa #model #Italy #Tempo
2024-09-20 11:24:46



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