Burglars burgle your home using Google Maps, how to defend yourself

You always have to be very careful with technology, because it can also be used for very shady purposes. According to experts, in fact, thieves now we need it Google Maps to locate the homes of their potential victims. In short, with the famous Big G app that has replaced the navigator for years now, it would be possible to locate the apartments to burgle. For this reason, many users have decided to darken their home, a system to defend themselves by hiding from Google.

But how is it done?

Technology used for deplorable purposes

The alarm comes from the Statesbut at the same time there is also a way to defend yourself. With Google Maps in fact it is now possible to reach any place, since as we said in our incipit it has become a real navigator without limits and with constant updates. The Google Street function then allows you to virtually view the chosen places, in order to have a detailed overview on your device of the place in question. Apparently, however, this option is particularly appreciated by thieves, who in this way practically carry out a inspection and study in detail the plan to be implemented to burgle the chosen house.

And now many American apartments are completely blurred, that is, no longer accessible with this service, so as not to allow thieves to carry out such a burglary. virtual inspection. In this way, poorly protected entry points or any hidden alarm systems are obscured and thieves cannot plan their criminal intervention perfectly. So the question arises spontaneously for Italian readers too: how to obscure your home and not show it on Google Maps? Let’s find out together how to do it.

Thieves blocked, Google Maps stopped

Even in Italy, thieves could get into this bad habit of using Google Maps to plan the robbery and rob our house, taking away all our belongings. savings.

So let’s see how to hide your home from Big G’s navigation service. First you need to access the site in question from your PC and enter the address of your home. At this point you will need to enter Street mode by clicking on the yellow amino and dragging it onto the map. The next step will be to view your home and then click on the three dots in the top right so that the Report a problem item appears.

Once you click on this item, a box will open that will allow you to select the entire area you want to darken. We can therefore darken the entire apartment, or a detail that we want to hide, such as a person portrayed in the image or something else. Once the clippingwe can send our report to Google, which after some time will examine the request and obviously agree to obscure the reported image in compliance with Privacy. And here is how to defend our home from the prying eyes of malicious people in general.

The highlights…

  • With Google Maps, thieves can plan their robbery in detail;
  • the criminals use the app to do a virtual inspection of the apartment they want to burgle;
  • Many users protect their privacy with a simple procedure that darkens the apartment.



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