LR satisfied with the number of ministers expected; the left denounces “a betrayal of the French vote”

Cover image: Bruno Retailleau and Laurent Wauquiez were welcomed by Michel Barnier on September 19, 2024. Cyril Bitton / Divergence for “Le Monde”

Prime Minister Michel Barnier announced on Thursday, September 19, that France would have a government “before Sunday.” In the evening, he was received at the Elysée for approximately fifty minutes by Emmanuel Macron, during which he submitted a list of thirty-eight ministers, sixteen of whom are full-time ministers. The last obstacle remaining is the ongoing ethics checks.

Among the full ministers, there are seven Macronists, three Republicans (LR), two MoDem, one from Horizons, and one member of the centrist UDI party. Bruno Retailleau, the leader of the LR senators, is among the three ministers from the right and is expected to be appointed to the Ministry of the Interior, according to several sources from the right and the central bloc. Laurent Wauquiez, the leader of the LR deputies, announced that he was stepping back from joining the government after having declined the position of Minister of Finance.

On the Macronist side, former Minister for European Affairs Jean-Noël Barrot, who resigned, is set to be proposed for foreign affairs, while Sébastien Lecornu, the Minister of Armed Forces, is expected to be reappointed, as per a central bloc official.

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Cover image: Bruno Retailleau and Laurent Wauquiez were received by Michel Barnier on September 19, 2024.

Cyril Bitton / Divergence for “Le Monde”

France’s New Government: Michel Barnier’s Strategic Appointments

Prime Minister Michel Barnier made headlines on Thursday, September 19, 2024, when he announced that France would have a government “before Sunday”. During an important meeting with President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysée Palace, which lasted around fifty minutes, Barnier proposed a list of thirty-eight ministers.

Among these ministers, sixteen are set to become full-time ministers, with the primary barrier to their appointment being the ongoing ethics checks. The selection of government members is a vital step in shaping France’s political landscape under Barnier’s leadership.

Key Ministerial Appointments

Highlighting the political coalition, the government will include:

  • Seven members from Macron’s party.
  • Three members from the Republicans (LR).
  • Two members from the MoDem party.
  • One member from Horizons.
  • One member from the centrist UDI party.

Full Ministers Overview

Bruno Retailleau, a significant figure within the Right and the head of the LR senators, is set to be appointed as the Minister of the Interior. Retailleau’s role will be crucial as France navigates contemporary challenges in security.

Conversely, Laurent Wauquiez, the leader of the LR deputies, has chosen to decline a position in the government, notably refusing the role of Minister of Finance. This decision signals a strategic maneuver within the Republican party dynamics amid ongoing negotiations.

Implications of Government Formation

The coalition government presents various implications for policies and governance in France. Here are some notable points:

  • Stability at the Helm: With a diversified cabinet, Barnier aims to achieve stability amidst a politically fragmented environment.
  • Political Cohesion: The blend of parties reflects a conscious effort to ensure inclusive decision-making and address various voter concerns.
  • Ethics and Accountability: The ongoing ethics checks highlight the French political system’s commitment to integrity and accountability within its leadership.

Notable Ministerial Changes

Several changes in ministerial positions have been confirmed, such as:

  • Jean-Noël Barrot, previously resigned from European Affairs, will now oversee Foreign Affairs.
  • Sébastien Lecornu is expected to retain his position as Minister of the Armed Forces, indicating continuity in defense strategies.

Strategic Moves within the Republican Party

The dynamics within the Republican party are particularly noteworthy. The decision of key leaders to accept or decline cabinet positions can signal their future intentions and strategies:

Gérald Darmanin’s Strategic Maneuvering: Darmanin’s actions to secure his position while navigating potential friction within the party will be closely monitored.

Gabriel Attal’s Role: Attal has been pressuring Barnier to solidify his influence against the Republicans. His ambitious approach could reshape alliances and influence policy directions.

Impact on French Governance

The formation of Barnier’s government is not just about political appointments; it represents the broader narrative of governance in France. Key points of consideration include:

  • Inter-Party Relations: Barnier’s government aims to foster collaboration across party lines, which could enhance policy-making effectiveness.
  • Voter Perception: The cabinet’s composition will influence public opinion and voter confidence, as citizens evaluate ministerial effectiveness and responses to current issues.


As France gears up for the unfolding political landscape under Michel Barnier, the appointment of ministers represents a pivotal moment in the country’s governance. Close attention will be paid to how these dynamics evolve in the coming weeks, impacting both domestic and foreign policies.

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