This is the theme and logo of National Transportation Day 2024

This is the theme and logo of National Transportation Day 2024
National Transportation Day Logo (Ministry of Transportation)

National Transportation Day (Harhubnas) is always an important momentum to highlight the progress of the transportation sector in Indonesia. Every year, the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation introduces a different theme, reflecting new aspirations to improve transportation infrastructure and services.

In 2024, Harhubnas will be present with a strong spirit of renewal, carrying a vision towards better transportation to support the nation’s progress.


Based on information from the official website of the Ministry of Transportation, the theme of this year’s National Transportation Day is “Advanced Transportation, New Archipelago”. This theme was chosen as a symbol of commitment to realizing a more advanced and integrated transportation system, in line with the vision of creating a better life in Indonesia.

In addition, this theme also invites all related parties in the transportation sector to continue to collaborate and synergize in facing future challenges and opportunities.

Logo Harhubnas 2024

The 2024 National Transportation Day logo depicts a two-color graphic: turquoise and gold. Each color element in this logo has its own meaning.

Tosca green symbolizes hope for a more fertile relationship sector and in line with the development of the times.

Also read: National Transportation Day: Meaning, History, and Important Role in the Development of Indonesian Transportation

Gold reflects the wealth and prosperity of the Indonesian nation which must be maintained and fought for.

This logo also features four patterns that symbolize air, rail, land, and sea transportation with four main elements that are the backbone of transportation in Indonesia, both on a national and international scale.

How to Celebrate Harhubnas 2024

There are many interesting ways to celebrate Harhubnas, both individually and together. Here are some ideas that you can do:

Also read: Commemorating National Transportation Day: Transportation Challenges in Indonesia

Celebration at the Individual Level

Using Public Transportation

As a form of appreciation for public transportation, try to use buses, trains, or other public transportation more often in one day.

Sharing Stories on Social Media

Share your interesting experiences related to transportation on social media using the hashtag #Harhubnas or #HariPerhubunganNasional.

Learning the History of Transportation

Find out more about the history of transportation in Indonesia. You can read books, articles, or watch related documentaries.

Also read: The Role of Technology in the Transformation of Indonesia’s Transportation Sector

Watching Movies or Series about Transportation

There are many movies or series that feature transportation as a theme. Watching them can be a fun way to learn and relax at the same time.

Celebration at Community Level

Holding a Competition

Organize competitions related to transportation, such as competitions to make model airplanes, ships, or trains.

Cleaning the Terminal or Station

Invite friends or communities to clean the nearest terminal or station as a form of concern for the surrounding environment.

Driving Safety Socialization

Invite the public to care more about traffic safety by holding outreach or campaigns.

Donation for Transportation Development

If possible, donate some of your money to develop public transportation facilities or support transportation-related projects.

Celebration at Institutional Level

Seminar and Discussion

Hold seminars or discussions that discuss current issues in the transportation sector.

Transportation Technology Exhibition

Showcase the latest technologies in transportation, such as electric vehicles or smart transportation systems.

Social service

Carry out social service activities, such as providing assistance to people living in remote areas or providing training to public transport drivers.

National Transportation Day 2024 is an important moment to strengthen the commitment to better, collaborative, and sustainable transportation throughout the archipelago. (Z-3)

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