In the race between Netflix, Amazon and Disney, YouTube may be winning

Over the last 3-4 years, YouTube usage has grown dramatically, not only from apps but also and a lot from the TV: unfortunately, those who are watching have noticed this from the increase in advertising (come we told here)Google noticed it from the correspondent increase in advertising revenue. And Netflix probably noticed too.

The Los Gatos company, which at the moment It seems to have no rivals in the so-called streaming warmay actually have found an unexpected competitor in the video platform owned by Google, which continues to churn out impressive numbers.


YouTube Hype is coming: what is it and how does the new feature designed to help smaller creators work?

by Emanuele Capone September 18, 2024

The Most Used Streaming Platforms by Americans in 2024 (Source:

The Most Used Streaming Platforms by Americans in 2024 (Source:

Netflix and YouTube, the comparison that seemed impossible

The last round of the Emmys, the Oscars of television (details here)with the share price growing by more than 70% year on year and a number of paying subscribers practically never decreasing, despite the bad prophets who wanted it “at risk of failure” after the increases and the grip on password sharingNetflix today is close to 280 million subscribers worldwide. And at the moment it is honestly difficult to imagine how even large or very large companies, like Amazon, Apple o Disneycould really hold their own in the streaming field.

This is where YouTube comes into play, playing the role of the outsider even if it is not one at all in terms of size: according to research conducted by Nielsen and of which Variety also recently wrote (Who)referring to the ever-significant US market, since the beginning of 2024 people have spent more time in watch content on YouTube than on any platform di streaming. Compresa Netflix.

The elaborations made by Chartr starting from the Nielsen data and those released by the two companies speak very clearly, after all: in each of the first 7 months of this yeara quarter of the time spent streaming on Americans’ TVs was spent on YouTube, while Netflix is ​​around 20% and all other services are far, far behind, with Prime Video remains at around 7-8%. And it doesn’t matter that people (almost) don’t pay to watch YouTube while they do pay to watch Netflix, because when you look at the real money that companies put in their pockets the difference is practically unnoticeable.

Why YouTube is Making It

There are at least a couple of reasons why this happens. First of all, YouTube has no production costsunlike Netflix which has to invest millions of dollars a year to commission and produce films and TV series, often in the dark, that is, not knowing whether they will be successful or not: what is on YouTube, is there because YouTubers upload it on their own initiative. Furthermore, as we have already pointed out on Italian Tech, YouTube’s advertising revenues have benefited from a sharp spike between 2020 and 2021 and in 2023 were just 7% lower than the $33.7 billion a year Netflix reported.

As for the speech of people who they don’t pay to watch YouTube while they pay to watch Netflixit’s true but it’s not entirely true: last February, Google’s video platform declared (Who) of having exceeded 100 million subscribers paying for its Premium service. It’s true that it’s not Netflix’s 278 million, but it’s also true that it’s still a pretty big number. And a number that’s 7 months old.




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