Spring Ecosystem Announces Multiple Milestone Releases – InfoQ

Original link(2024-07-22)

The week of July 15, 2024 was an eventful week for the Spring ecosystem, highlighted by the following milestone releases: Spring Boot 3.4.0-M1, Spring Framework 6.2.0-M6, Spring Security 6.4.0-M1, Spring Session 3.4.0-M1, Spring Integration 6.4.0-M1, Spring Modulith 1.3.0-M1, Spring AMQP 3.2.0-M1, and Spring for Apache Kafka 3.3.0-M1.

Spring Boot

Spring Boot 3.4.0First Milestone ReleaseIn addition to bug fixes, documentation improvements, and dependency upgrades, the release brings new features such as support for structured logging as an alternative to PatternLayout logging,MockMvcTester Spring Framework with class auto-configuration MockMvcAssertJ support for classes, as well as improved support for Testcontainers and Docker Compose.Release notesPublished in.

Similarly, the Spring Boot version3.3.2and3.2.8In addition to improving documentation and upgrading dependencies, the following notable issues have been resolved:OnClassConditionThe problem is a NullPointerException when autoconfiguring from resolveOutcomesThreaded() defined in ConditionOutcome The array instance becomes full, orTestcontainersLifecycleBeanPostProcessor This occurs because instances of classes do not work properly with scoped beans.Version 3.3.2andVersion 3.2.8Published in the release notes.

Spring Framework

Spring Framework 6.2.0-M5releaseA week later, Spring Framework 6.2.06th Milestone ReleaseIn addition to providing binary backward compatibility with previous 6.x generations, it also provides the following new features:

AbstractServerHttpRequestIn classRequestPathThe ability to initialize interfaces on demand,ReflectivePropertyAccessorTo link to a class,MapAccessorSupport for making classes read-only, andDefaultPartHttpMessageReaderThe release also includes the ability to prevent the reactor scheduler from being instantiated aggressively.Release notesPublished in.

Spring Security

Spring Security The first milestone release of 6.4.0 brings bug fixes, dependency upgrades and new features including:RelyingPartyRegistrationRepositoryAs a complement to the interface,CashingReingPartyRegistrationRepositoryA new class has been introduced, initial registration loading is suspended, andDefaultMethodSecurityExpressionHandler Kotlin support has been added to the class, making it possible to immutably store the state of immutable Kotlin collections and maps. In addition, if the form data is UTF-8, the charset is not added,Adapt to form dataNew changes have been made to improve the performance of the RTOS.Release notesPublished in.

Spring for GraphQL

Spring for GraphQLVersions 1.3.2 and 1.2.8 ofreleaseand the schema fields mapped to Kotlin functionsSchemaMappingInspectorBug fixes and notable improvements to the class not being reported as mapped issue. Details of this release are as follows:Version 1.3.2andVersion 1.2.8Published in the release notes.

Spring Session

Spring Session The first milestone release of 3.4.0 brings bug fixes, dependency upgrades, and new features, including:UserDetailsThis is the default implementation of the interface.UserThis fixes the issue where the was returned instead of a user-defined custom implementation,MongoSessionThe class is made public and the developerAbstractMongoSessionConverterIt is now impossible to implement methods of classes. For more information on this release, seeRelease notesPublished in.

Spring Integration

Spring Integration 6.4.0First Milestone ReleaseIn addition to bug fixes, documentation improvements, and dependency upgrades, the following new features have been added:LockRegistryThe interface implementation now allows the unlock() operation to throw a ConcurrentModificationException even if ownership of the database lock is lost, and the subscription ID for channel adapters defined in the MQTT 5.0 specification has been improved. For more information on this release, see:Release notes andNew FeaturesPosted on the page.

Similarly, in addition to upgrading dependencies, Spring Integration versions 6.3.2 and 6.2.7 resolved some notable issues, including:MeterRegistryResolved the issue where the Spring-integration actuator endpoint did not work when registering multiple beans for a class,IntegrationManagementConfigurationThe obtainObservationPatterns() method defined in the class has been modified to allow the order of given patterns to be preserved when sorting JavaHashSet. Details of this release are as follows:Version 6.3.2andVersion 6.2.7 Published in the release notes.

Spring Modulith

Spring ModulithVersions 1.3.0-M1, 1.2.2, and 1.1.7 ofreleaseThis includes bug fixes, dependency upgrades, and the following new features:DocumentAn option to empty the folder that contains classes has been added, and the module package can now be used to empty the folder that contains classes.@ApplicationModuleTestAnnotations using the above are now possible. These releases also upgrade Spring Boot 3.4.0-M1 and Spring Framework 6.2.0-M6. For more information on this release, please see:Version 1.3.0-M1Version 1.2.2Version 1.1.7Published in the release notes.

Spring AMQP

Spring AMQP 3.2.0First Milestone Releaseprovides bug fixes, dependency upgrades, and new features, including:RabbitMQ Consistent Hash Exchange Type(x-consistent-hash) support,RabbitListenerErrorHandlerThe release includes removing deprecated methods from interfaces.Release notesPublished in.

Spring for Apache Kafka

Spring for Apache Kafka 3.3.0First Milestone ReleaseThis release includes bug fixes, dependency upgrades, and the following new features: A new ConcurrentContainerStoppedEvent class ensures that all concurrent messages are processed before an application receives an instance of the ContainerStoppedEvent class, and the ability for the RecordFilterStrategy interface to receive an empty list when using batch messages. For more information on this release, see:Release notesPublished in.

Similarly, Spring for Apache Kafka versions 3.2.2 and 3.1.7 require dependency upgrades andKafkaListenerEndpointRegistryThe getUnregisteredListenerContainer() method defined in the class@KafkaListenerThe issue of returning NULL when registering custom containers manually instead of with annotations has been fixed. For more information on this release,Version 3.2.2andVersion 3.1.7Published in the release notes.

Spring for Apache Pulsar

Spring for Apache PulsarVersions 1.1.2 and 1.0.8 ofreleaseThis release includes many dependency upgrades, including Spring Framework 6.1.10, Micrometer Metrics 1.13.2 and 1.12.8, and JUnit 5.10.3. These versions are included in Spring Boot 3.3.2 and 3.2.8. More details about this release can be found at:Version 1.1.2andVersion 1.0.8Published in the release notes.

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