Congestion continues in the Kingdom’s courts, and a new strike paralyzes work there.


The congestion continues in the Kingdom’s courts, with the announcement of a new strike that may paralyze work there.

In this context, the National Office of the National Union of the Justice Sector, under the banner of the National Union of Labor in Morocco, announced a national strike in the central administration and in the various courts of the Kingdom and judicial centers and in the sub-directorates and in the preservation and archive centers, on Wednesday and Thursday, September 18 and 19, 2024, as well as on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September 24, 25 and 26, 2024.

The union office clarified in a statement its adherence to approving the amendment of the basic system of the registry body and amending the special account decree, in a way that achieves motivation and protection. And in a way that does justice to the engineers of the sector, in light of the university’s memorandum addressed to the Minister of Justice since May 2, 2024, renewing its call to the government to respond urgently to its legitimate and fair demands as the optimal solution to avoid the continuation of the congestion and its repercussions on the justice system.

Below is the full text of the statement, a copy of which was received by Agadir 24:

The National Office of the National Union of the Justice Sector, affiliated with the National Union of Labor in Morocco, held an extraordinary meeting on Sunday, September 15, 2024, to implement the decision issued by the National Council of the Union, held the day before yesterday, Saturday, September 14, 2024, in Rabat, which stipulates continuing the struggle in the absence of any clear vision from the government regarding the demands of the employees of the registry, and to avoid the repercussions of the congestion in the sector, especially after the strikes it witnessed for nearly half a year.

The National Office of the National Union of the Justice Sector, while understanding the steps taken by the Minister of Justice to restore social peace in the sector and his announcement on multiple occasions of his desire to settle the demands file in the near future, the government has not yet shown any positive steps that would reassure the sector’s employees, despite the passage of sufficient time to study their just and legitimate demands.

For all of this and in response to the outcomes of the regular session of the National Council of the National Union of the Justice Sector, the National Office announces to the national and sectoral public opinion the following:

First: He commends the frank and serious discussion that took place during the regular session of the National Council held on Saturday, September 14, 2024, and is committed to implementing its outcomes in a democratic and transparent manner.

Second: His insistence on approving the amendment of the basic system of the Registry Authority and amending the special account decree, in a manner that achieves incentives and protection, and that does justice to the sector’s engineers, in light of the university’s memorandum addressed to the Minister of Justice since May 2, 2024.

Third: Renewing his call to the government to respond urgently to our legitimate and just demands, considering them the best solution to avoid the continuation of the tension and its repercussions on the justice system.

Fourth: Implementing the National Council’s decision regarding the continuation of the struggle, by declaring a national strike in the central administration, in the various courts of the Kingdom, in judicial centers, in sub-directorates, and in preservation and archive centers, as follows:
× Wednesday and Thursday, September 18 and 19, 2024.
× Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September 24, 25 and 26, 2024.

The National Office of the National Union of the Justice Sector, in announcing this, renews its call to its activists, both male and female, and all employees of the sector to close ranks and strengthen internal cohesion, in defense of our demands, which unites us all.
Long live the National Union of the Justice Sector, free, steadfast and struggling.
About the National Office

#Congestion #continues #Kingdoms #courts #strike #paralyzes #work
2024-09-20 06:16:11



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