Members of Muface, Isfas and Mugeju have a high level of satisfaction with health insurance

Members of Muface, Isfas and Mugeju have a high level of satisfaction with health insurance

He degree of satisfaction of the officials of the General Administration of the State belonging to Muface, Isfas y Mugeju with his private health insurance is very highwith an average rating of 7.6 out of 10according to the results of the survey conducted by the independent research agency 40dB. Specifically, SegurCaixa Adeslas y Visual Communication Design Both score 7.6, closely followed by Asisa, with a rating of 7.5 out of 10.

The demographic analysis, based on interviews with 1,925 officials during the month of June 2024, shows that private health insurance is the predominant choice among mutualists. So, 8 out of 10 mutualists respondents opt for private coverage through their mutual insurance company, which highlights a clear preference for this modality over the public system, chosen by only 17.3% of respondents.

Furthermore, the study indicates that the 75% of those who currently prefer public health coverage would consider switching to private health insurance in the future.

Most people don’t want to change companies

On the other hand, the survey also reveals that the degree of permanence of the surveyed mutualists with their chosen private health insurance is very high. He 64,2% of the officials who opted for SegurCaixa Adeslas has been around for five or more years with this insurance. In turn, the 59,1% of those who chose Asisa They have been with him for more than five years, and the 54,4% of those who chose Visual Communication Design They have been with the company for over five years.

82% choose private health insurance

When asking officials of the General State Administration about the reasons for choosing private health insurance, more than 82% of officials pointed out the speed in obtaining and managing appointments for consultations or clinical tests and the freedom to choose specialists as the main reasons. They also highlighted the agility in emergency care and personalized and close attention. Likewise, the most highly valued aspects of private health insurance are the freedom to choose specialists (7.9 out of 10)the ease in the Appointment management and analysis (7.8 out of 10)and the speed in the emergency care (7.7 out of 10). In addition, the members with children are, in general, more satisfied with the different services.

In this line, the survey shows that the 95% of officials with private insurance report being satisfied with their experience in hospitalization through your private insurance in the three companies.

In addition, about one third of those interviewed have used new therapies or treatments innovators through their private health insurance. Within this group, the women They are the ones that have made the most use of new therapies (30,6%).

You can consult the complete report at this link:


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