Popular Clinic Las Amazonas with a record of 43 thousand patients treated

This Free Health Center is for the Community: Surgical Plan and First-Class Care

Courtesy of the Caroní City Hall Press

The Popular Women’s Clinic “Las Amazonas” is dedicated to serving the local community with a range of healthcare services, including a robust surgical plan and first-class medical care. Since its inauguration by Mayor Tito Oviedo two and a half years ago, this health center has become a pivotal resource for residents seeking quality medical attention without any financial burden.

A Testament to Community Care

Gladys Martínez, the coordinator of the Popular Women’s Clinic “Las Amazonas,” expresses pride in the service provided to the community: “We have had the satisfaction of welcoming all the people who come here. We are happy with the service provided.” As the center continues to grow, the number of patients has been steadily increasing:

  • January to April: 16,703 patients
  • May to August: 22,763 patients
  • September (to date): 4,091 patients

Overall, the clinic has successfully attended to 43,557 individuals, showcasing its pivotal role in addressing the healthcare needs of the community.

Commitment to Surgical Excellence

While the Popular Women’s Clinic is not classified as a type IV hospital, it offers surgical solutions to many community members. Under the Surgical Plan initiated by Mayor Tito Oviedo, the clinic performs a variety of surgeries, including:

  • Inguinal and umbilical hernia repairs
  • Prolapse surgeries
  • Hysterectomies
  • Gallbladder removals
  • Pediatric surgeries (scheduled separately)

Martínez highlights the clinic’s growing surgical success: “In May we had 118 surgeries, in June we also maintained 118, but in August we increased to 195 surgeries, only for adults.” This indicates the clinic’s dedication to expanding its service offerings in response to community demand.

Comprehensive Medical Services

The Popular Women’s Clinic is not limited to surgical offerings; it provides a comprehensive array of medical services designed to cater to diverse health needs:

Medical Specialties Services Offered
General Medicine Comprehensive health assessments and treatment plans
Gynecology Women’s health services, including prenatal care
Pediatrics Health services for children
Cardiology Holter monitor placement
Pulmonology Respiratory health evaluations
Traumatology Injury and recovery management
Otorhinology Ear, nose, and throat health services
Laboratory Services Diagnostic tests and analyses
X-Ray Services Imaging for various medical conditions

Humanized Birth Plan

One of the clinic’s most notable initiatives is the Humanized Birth Plan, which focuses on providing compassionate and comprehensive care to mothers. Through Gestational Support Circles, the clinic supports women throughout their pregnancy and continues to offer assistance even after delivery, ensuring a smooth transition for both the mother and newborn.

Daily Patient Care

Almost one hundred patients visit the clinic each day, benefiting from the dedicated efforts of a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including nurses and doctors. This team is committed to the well-being and health of the community, providing attentive and personalized care.

Accessibility and Medication Support

One of the standout features of the Popular Women’s Clinic is its commitment to free services. Not only are consultations and treatments provided at no cost, but the clinic sometimes offers support with necessary medications to help patients in their healing journey. This commitment to affordability ensures that everyone in the community can access quality healthcare without financial barriers.

How to Stay Informed

To keep the community informed about the latest services and updates from the Popular Women’s Clinic, residents can join the Diario Primicia channel on WhatsApp. Connecting through this platform allows individuals to receive real-time information directly on their mobile phones. Additionally, the clinic encourages residents to join them on Telegram for continuous updates.

For further details, residents may join the channels:



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