FPÖ – Steger: Nehammer is being fobbed off with alms for Austrian flood victims | Freedom Party parliamentary group

2024-09-20 04:00:17

Vienna (OTS) –

“The result that Chancellor Nehammer took home from the EU’s ‘flood summit’ in Poland is paltry and a pittance for the tens of thousands of Austrian citizens who were severely affected by the disaster,” reacted Petra Steger, the European spokesperson for the Freedom Party parliamentary group and MEP. “If the EU gives ten billion euros and Austria only receives a measly five percent of that, that is a serious defeat for Nehammer, but unfortunately it affects people who are already battered by fate,” criticized Steger.

The liberal MEP also noted that while ten billion euros sounds like a lot of money, it has to be put in relation to other EU expenditure. “Ten billion is nothing compared to the huge sums that Europe has already spent on weapons for Ukraine. It is already almost 90 billion euros, and there is no end in sight,” said Steger. The amount for the flood victims seems even more ridiculous when compared to the 800 billion euros in debt that is to be taken on annually to improve the competitiveness of the economy, after it has suffered massively – not least because of the EU’s misguided climate and sanctions policy.

The voting behavior of the Austrian representatives in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg also fits in with the poor result that Nehammer brought back from Poland. “Yesterday it was once again clear which party is the only one standing on the side of the Austrians and in particular on the side of the citizens who were badly affected by the floods. The ‘Patriots for Europe’ submitted a motion in the plenary session – as did the FPÖ in the National Council – to grant those affected a legal right to full compensation. All representatives of the left-wing parties SPÖ, Greens and Neos voted against it. The ÖVP representatives abstained, thereby sending a signal of their shocking lack of interest in the victims of the disaster,” reported Steger.

“The members of the Austrian Unity Party have once again committed themselves to even more support for Ukraine – and thus to even more European taxpayers’ money being pumped into this war instead of finally standing up for peace,” said the MEP, who spoke of a “remarkable prioritization in view of the current hardships of many Austrian citizens.”


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