Beer Sheva and Negev news | A successful tender in Yeruham: 238 new housing units in the Ofek neighborhood

The land in six complexes was purchased by entrepreneurs for more than 10 million NIS, with the participation of over 20 bidders. Mayor Nili Aharon: ”The entrepreneurs are returning to their homes – the goal has been achieved!”

Danny Beller, Wednesday | 18.09.24 | 10:04

Yeruham (Photo: Sima Shetrit / Public domain)

Yeruham continues to develop and become attractive for entrepreneurs and investors. No less than 20 offers were submitted for the tender where land was successfully sold in six complexes for the construction of 238 housing units in a saturated construction, in the new Horizon neighborhood in the city.

At the end of the auction, the total purchase amount was approximately NIS 10,369,830 (not including VAT and development expenses), and the lands were purchased by several companies and private entrepreneurs.

Nili Aharon, the mayor of Yeruham, expressed her satisfaction with the success of the tender and said: “After years of disbelief in the potential of Yeruham, the entrepreneurs are getting interested and investing again. From my first day in office, I made it my goal to bring the entrepreneurs back to Yeruham, reduce bureaucracy and lower barriers. This tender shows that we achieved the goal! Beyond the fact that the tender was successful, over 20 bidders approached it , and this indicates the great potential that lies in their hospitality.”

The complexes sold in the tender are intended for residences as part of the southern neighborhood of Yeruham, which covers about 733 dunams in the southern part of the city, east of the Ha-Agam neighborhood. The Ofek neighborhood, where the new housing units will be marketed, will include a total of 1,074 housing units, alongside areas for educational and public institutions, commerce, offices, road infrastructure and open public areas.

Shay Karp, director of the southern region of the Israel Land Authority, added: “We welcome the success of the tender and see it as a vote of confidence on the part of the developers and the public who will settle in the future of Yeruham in particular and the south in general. We wish Yeruham continued flourishing and prosperity.”

In the coming weeks, another tender of the Ministry of Housing is expected to be closed, which is also expected to have a lot of participation from other entrepreneurs, which ensures the continuation of the development momentum in the city.

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