PON 2024 Gets Special Coaching from KONI Paniai

Papua Provincial Government Gives Special Attention to Athletes Competing in 2024 PON (Anara)

THE CHAIRMAN of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) of Paniai Regency, Tinus Pigai, together with KONI Secretary Martinus Mote, made a visit to monitor Paniai athletes participating in the 2024 Aceh – North Sumatra National Sports Week (PON).

This visit focused on two sports, namely Athletics and Boxing, and brought a message of support from the Acting Regent of Paniai, Dr. Martha Pigome.

“Our presence in Medan is a form of support and our duty to directly monitor the PON event, with the hope that our athletes can provide the best results,” said Tinus to reporters, Thursday (19/9).

Tinus added that the Acting Regent of Paniai, Dr. Martha Pigome, gave special attention to athletes sent to PON. The form of support provided includes coaching money for one coach, two participants from the Athletics branch (PASI), and one participant from the Boxing branch (PERTINA).

“This shows great support and hope from him,” said Tinus.

He stated that Paniai Regency has great potential in athletics and boxing, and hopes that athletes can achieve maximum results. Tinus also emphasized that participation in PON provides an opportunity for Paniai athletes to develop themselves.

Also read: PON Shows Success of Athlete Development in Regions

“We are here to provide motivation that the government supports them. Hopefully the spirit of competition and motivation to win will be even greater,” he added.

As KONI Chairman, Tinus hopes that in the future, more Paniai athletes can participate in various sports at the PON event. He emphasized the importance of the coaching aspect to achieve this.

“If today we only participate in two branches, in the future we hope to send more athletes. We are optimistic about the potential in Paniai,” concluded Tinus. (Z-8)

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