How they influence your well-being

Relationships are a fundamental aspect of many people’s lives, but they can also be a significant source of emotional stress.

When a relationship is not going well, the effects on mental health can be profound. For this reason, psychotherapist Ana María Infante shares her vision on how relationship problems can affect emotional well-being and what strategies can help improve the situation.

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What are the signs that a relationship is affecting your mental health?

According to Ana María Infante, one of the first warning signs is when the relationship begins to disrupt a person’s everyday well-being.

“Sleep is affected, anxiety, palpitations and sweating appear,”

Infante explains.

These symptoms can arise both when the person is with their partner and when they are not, indicating that something is not right in the relationship.

For this reason, it is important to ask yourself questions like: ‘What is happening to me?’, ‘Why am I not okay in this relationship?’, advises the psychotherapist. Identifying these symptoms early is key to preventing the discomfort from worsening, and seeking help in time can make a significant difference.

How to improve communication as a couple?

Communication plays a crucial role as it is the foundation of any healthy relationship, but it is not always easy to keep it effective.

The expert suggests that the key is to avoid assumptions and speak from the “I.”

“We love to blame others, but it is essential to speak from our own experiences: ‘I feel’, ‘I perceive’,”

she explains.

Another useful strategy is to avoid generalizations. Phrases like “You always do this” or “You never do that” only increase the conflict. Instead, it is advisable to speak with precision and clarity to avoid misunderstandings that may affect the dynamics of the couple.

How to approach conflict in a healthy way?

For Infante, the key is in not allowing conflict to control the relationship.

“Problems are inevitable, but how we deal with them is what really matters,”

she claims.

A proactive approach involves discussing the problem without pointing fingers and focusing on joint solutions. She also recommends that couples take time to reflect on their emotions before addressing a sensitive topic.

How to encourage self-care in a relationship without seeming selfish?

Self-care is essential in any relationship, but many people confuse it with selfishness. Infante clarifies that self-care is not incompatible with a healthy relationship.

“A healthy selfishness is necessary for growth. Each member of the couple needs time for themselves, whether it be for hobbies, friends or simply to reflect.”

This personal space allows each individual to contribute the best of themselves to the relationship, strengthening the bond and avoiding emotional dependence.

When is it necessary to seek outside help?

Infante emphasizes that not all couples can resolve their problems on their own.

“There are times when it is necessary to go to couples therapy to find solutions that are not clearly seen from within,”

she comments.

Therapy not only helps to resolve conflicts, but is also a tool for emotional growth for both members of the couple.

Benefits of Relationship Counseling

  • Improved Communication: Counseling often helps partners learn effective communication skills.
  • Understanding Patterns: Couples can identify recurring patterns that lead to conflict, fostering awareness.
  • Conflict Resolution: Therapists teach strategies to handle conflicts in a constructive manner.
  • Emotional Support: Provides a safe space for both partners to express their feelings.
  • Strengthening Connection: Counseling can reignite emotional intimacy that may have diminished over time.

Practical Tips for Maintaining Healthy Relationships

Tip Description
Regular Check-ins Set aside time weekly to discuss each other’s feelings and any issues that may arise.
Express Gratitude Regularly acknowledge and celebrate each other’s contributions, fostering positivity.
Engage in Activities Together Participate in shared hobbies or interests to strengthen your bond.
Apologize and Forgive Practice genuine apology and forgiveness to heal misunderstandings.
Seek Growth Together Encourage each other to pursue personal goals, enhancing mutual respect.

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