Nutrition expert reveals the best foods that promote health, do not cause weight gain, and protect against cancer

Health Translation: Professor Tim Spector, a nutrition expert at King’s College London, revealed the best healthy meals that promote health and do not cause weight gain, explaining that a low-sugar, high-protein meal can be chosen.

Rich in fiber

His selection includes some foods rich in fibre – known to reduce the risk of bowel cancer – as well as protein, according to the Daily Mail.


“A small amount of extra virgin olive oil with a salad and yogurt makes the salad ‘fairly healthy’ and full of ‘good fats,’” he said. “Eating eggs and spinach, plus a box of salted almonds covered in dark chocolate, with an apple in the meal is a healthy meal that will fill you up and not be high in sugar and fat.”

Amount of sugar

He urged people to be wary of the potential hidden health risks lurking in supposedly “healthy” foods, with this amount of free sugar easily exceeding the 30g (7.5 teaspoons) of sugars the NHS advises Britons to limit their daily intake.

free sugars

He explained that free sugars are the type that are not only added to foods such as cakes and sweets to make them tastier, but also to fruits that have been juiced or blended.

Almonds and chocolate

He said that although Professor Spector’s chocolate-covered almonds contain about two teaspoons of sugar, the snack also contains 5.5 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of fiber, so it is considered a healthy meal.

Daily menu

His daily menu included a range of very high-calorie foods, including soft cheese as a snack and curry, adding that for my gut health, my main focus is to make sure I include as many plants as possible, and always add some fermented foods. He added, “My day usually starts with yoghurt and lots of fresh fruit, nuts and seeds. For lunch I make a quick salad with seasonal vegetables topped with dressing. I have a pre-dinner snack of some cheesy crackers. Then I make a vegetable curry with rice for dinner, adding more yoghurt to make sure I get all the probiotic benefits. These ingredients are said to be packed with polyphenols – a type of antioxidant that ‘feeds’ healthy gut bacteria.”


The diverse bacteria in your gut are thought to provide the basis for overall better health, well-being and the ability to ward off disease, although scientists aren’t entirely sure how gut microbes affect blood sugar, how well fat is digested and how quickly that fat is removed from the body, Professor Spector said.



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