The shocking dialogues of the circle that exposed EOPYY

In the dialogues recorded by the Greek Police bug, the Economic Police Officers found out the way the ring operated, how they made their orders and how they made their agreements.

They also established the conversations about the AMKAs of foreigners, but also that a doctor who is and works abroad, seemed to be prescribing the drugs in Greece.

The dialogues of the circuit that accused EOPYY:

A: Well, the only good thing is that I travel, you understand, I go to Greece, I get some medicine from there and bring it here, you know these things. That is, this OZEMPIC George makes one hundred and five (105) euros. Did you understand? I give her a hundred

B: Yes

A: Did you understand? but the membership also has a 25% participation, say twenty-five (25) euros, I don’t know how much it is, do you understand? well, let’s say fifty (50) I’ll take it out

B: Yes

A: On the phone, if I give you a couple of AMKA, come in and fix it, okay?

B: Now, now at this moment, ok

A: Got it, ok. Do we have any pending, do we have any pending?

B: I have, I have, Vangelis, I have collected ours, a lot, I will send little by little

A: Fine, can you send it to me? Now; I have two hours alone, I have no work nothing

B: Okay, okay, I’ll send you Stamatis to leave and I’ll send you ours

A: Come on, hello

B: I have collected enough, I will send you slowly, slowly, come bye

A: Ok, because I sent you five (5)

B: I will see it, I didn’t see it

A: You only sent me two, one, one may be dead, we will cancel it, IBRAHIM

B: Why did he die? Where did he die?

A: E, I think in Egypt, not here

B: Ah! ok ok michelle

A: Put them in a black bag

B: Yes? And do I throw them away from the pharmacy or here near us?

A: No. Far, of course. As far as possible

B: I’m taking them home, okay

A: Yes. Take them and throw them away, but in a black bag, so that you can’t see what’s inside.

“The Organization will take legal action to safeguard its interests”

Those who attempt fraud at the expense of EOPYY and its insured persons are brought to justice, reports the organization on the occasion of the dismantling of virtual prescription circuits with millions of euros in damage.

As stated in an announcement, after a thorough investigation by the competent services of EOPYY, two complete files with indications of systemic fraud by doctors and pharmacists at the expense of EOPYY were sent to the Economic Police for investigation in October 2023, on the basis of which the Economic Police, after and from its own investigation with its own means resulted in the arrest of doctors, pharmacists and others involved in two criminal organizations, as stated in the Police press release dated 9/16/2024.

What does the EOPPY state, among other things, in the announcement?

“The experienced doctors and pharmacists of the EOPYY, combined the targeted checks that have been systematically carried out in the last twelve months by the competent services of the EOPYY to observe the compensation restrictions on iron, vitamin D and magnesium medicines with the updated limit checks from the beginning of 2024 prescription (ceiling) with complaints from insured persons for unknowingly prescribing and carrying out in their AMKA preparations, including the drug legislation”.

According to EOPYY, after cross-references in the information systems of EOPYY and the Health Insurance File and, in addition to prescriptions outside of indications and overdoses of preparations of specific companies, similarities in diagnoses, pharmaceutical preparations, active substances and dosages were observed in doctors’ prescriptions, but also high execution rates in terms of the number and value of prescriptions in specific pharmacies.

The established high delinquency of the doctors by the competent services of the EOPYY led the EOPYY to attribute the damage found to the prescribing doctors and to impose the prescribed sanctions and the EOPYY will take legal action to safeguard its interests, the Organization’s announcement concludes.

EOPYY: What does the EL.AS announcement say?

In the hands of the Economic Police are the members of two different criminal organizations who made fake prescriptions, causing damage to the National Organization for the Provision of Health Services (EOPYY) that exceeds 3.5 million euros.

As it became known, a multi-month investigation by the Economic Police preceded the establishment and activity of the criminal organizations with the virtual prescriptions at the expense of EOPYY, while after a large-scale operation that took place on Friday, a total of 16 of their members were arrested.

They are four doctors of Public Health Structures in Attica and Boeotia, owners and employees of eight pharmacies in Attica, a medical visitor of a drug production company and a person who had the role of a middle-class criminal organization activity started at least since January 2020, while as it emerged , had a similar purpose, way of acting as well as common members who were active in parallel.

In particular, it was established that the members of the two organizations, having continuous action and distinct roles, initially proceeded through their member doctors in the systematic issuance of false prescriptions to AMKA – mainly foreigners – individuals.

These people had either been removed from the country, or were incarcerated in Detention Centers, or housed in various structures, as a result of which they were unable to detect the false prescription. In fact, in order to maximize their profits, the members also used AMKA of uninsured persons, since their participation in the EOPYY expenditure was zero.

Then, through the companies/pharmacies of their members, they proceeded to virtual executions of the prescriptions, signing execution documents instead of the insured, forging their signatures. The further distribution of illegally prescribed pharmaceuticals was carried out through pharmacies and doctors to customers, both in Greece and abroad.

Subsequently, the proceeds of their illegal activity were either mixed with legitimate income through the issuance of fictitious retail receipts, or kept in safe deposit boxes of banking institutions.

It is noted that, among the drugs they falsely prescribed, are narcotics as well as other psychotropic substances, while some of the drugs are in short supply, both in the Greek and international markets.

The damage to EOPYY is over 3.5 million euros

From the investigation so far, it has been established that the illegal use of 3,516 AMKA was based on which 90,186 prescriptions were falsely issued, to the detriment of EOPYY, exceeding 3,500,284.98 euros.

In addition, in the context of the investigations, the illegal activity of the owner of a pharmacy was ascertained, which put into circulation pharmaceutical preparations, which could cause a risk to human health, while part of these preparations were supplied by a pharmacy belonging to criminal organizations.

A case file was filed against all the above arrested persons for -as the case may be-, formation – membership in a criminal organization, forgery after use per se, false certification, per se at the expense of the Greek State and NPDD with a total benefit and corresponding loss exceeding the amount of 120,000 euros, fraud jointly, by continuation and by profession at the expense of the Greek State and NPDD with a total benefit and corresponding loss exceeding the amount of 120,000 euros, without the right to intervene in a personal data archiving system, obtaining knowledge of of these data and using them, with a total benefit and a corresponding loss exceeding the amount of 120,000 euros, money laundering, distinguished drug trafficking as well as trafficking in harmful drugs.

In searches carried out in homes, storage areas, clinics, pharmacies, Public Health Facilities and bank safes, the following were found and confiscated:

  • over 9,000 packages of illegally prescribed pharmaceutical preparations, including preparations containing narcotic substances,
  • 451,140 Euros, 10,000 US Dollars, 8,000 Australian Dollars,
  • 2 gold bars total weight 1 kg, 109 gold pounds,
  • number of documents (handwritten notes with doctors’ payments, doctors’ stamps, prescriptions/opinions, etc.),
  • cell phones, computers as well as other digital persuasions.

Those arrested were taken to the competent prosecutor’s office and referred to a main interrogation.

It is reminded that citizens can contact, anonymously or by name, the telephone number 11012 or the website of the Greek State ( “Complaint for financial crimes”, to provide information or to report illegal and fraudulent actions or activities against the sector of the economy, public property, as well as social and insurance welfare and rights.

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#shocking #dialogues #circle #exposed #EOPYY



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