Let’s Get to Know the Definition of Transportation and Its Types

Transportation has several main functions. Transportation can be divided into three types. Here are the details. (Antara)

TRANSPORTATION plays an important role in everyday life. Transportation helps the mobility of people and goods from one place to another.

The following is an explanation of the meaning, function, and types of transportation.

Definition of Transportation

In general, transportation is the process of moving people, animals, or goods from one location to another using tools powered by humans or machines. According to the book Introduction & Theory of Transportation Geography by Dr. Dahri Hi. Halek, M.Pd (2023:5), transportation involves the use of tools to move various objects from their place of origin to their destination with the help of living things or machines.

Here are some definitions of transportation according to experts:

  • Steenbrink: Transportation is the movement of people or goods using tools or vehicles between geographically separated locations.
  • Morlok: Transportation is the activity of moving something from one place to another.
  • Miro: Transportation is the effort to move or divert objects to locations that provide certain benefits or purposes.
  • Hasim Purba: Transportation is the process of moving people and goods by land, water, or air using certain means of transportation.
  • Soegijatna Tjakranegara: Transportation involves moving goods and passengers from one place to another, providing transportation services to the public.

Transportation Function

Transportation plays an important role as a primary human need. Some of the main functions of transportation include:

  • Facilitating the daily activities of humans and other living creatures.
  • Improve the smooth flow of goods and passengers.
  • Supporting regional development.
  • Encourage the development of transportation services.

Types of Transportation

Reporting from the Tulugagung Transportation Agency, transportation is divided into several types based on the media used, as follows:

1. Land Transportation

  • a. Personal Vehicles

  • Car: A four-wheeled vehicle for personal or family travel, available in various models and sizes.
  • Motorcycle: A two-wheeled vehicle that is efficient in heavy traffic and economical in fuel consumption.
  • Bicycle: An environmentally friendly human-powered vehicle, ideal for short trips and recreation.

b. Public Transportation

  • Bus: A large vehicle for many passengers with a fixed route.
  • Train: An efficient mode of rail transport for long distances.
  • Taxi: A passenger vehicle that is rented at a certain rate, providing flexible service.
  • Public Transportation: Various vehicles such as microlets and public transportation that operate within certain areas.

c. Goods Vehicles

  • Trucks: Used to transport heavy and large goods.
  • Container: Special trucks for transporting containers in international shipping.
  • Pickup: A vehicle with an open back for transporting small quantities of goods.

2. Sea Transportation

a. Passenger Ship

  • Ferries: Transport passengers and vehicles across water.
  • Cruise Ship: Provides luxury facilities for sea tourism.

b. Transport Vessel

  • Cargo Ship: To transport large quantities of goods.
  • Tanker: Transports liquids such as oil or gas.
  • Container Ships: Transport international cargo containers.

c. Fishing Boats:

  • Used to catch fish in coastal waters or rivers.

3. Air Transportation

a. Passenger Aircraft

  • Commercial Aircraft: Carrying large numbers of passengers for domestic and international flights.
  • Private Jet: For personal or business travel with smaller capacity.

b. Cargo Aircraft

  • Transport large quantities of goods quickly.

c. Helicopter

  • Used for emergency missions, military operations, or rescue in hard-to-reach areas.

With various types of transportation available, we can choose the mode that best suits our needs and situations. Efficient transportation not only makes everyday life easier, but also supports economic development and social welfare. (Z-3)

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