Masterminds at Play: Exploring the Art and Science of Prison Breaks

Currently, the Penitentiary System (SP) has 21 detention centers under its administration in Guatemala, according to information on its website.

The SP, according to its vision, is the institution responsible for the custody and security of persons deprived of liberty, “which has professional and specialized personnel in the treatment of such persons, respecting human rights and guarantees.”

SP guards are also responsible for transporting prisoners to court hearings or when they need medical attention for an illness. In addition, some prisons are run by the National Civil Police (PNC).

However, some prisoners have taken advantage of the time outside their cells to escape.

One of these cases occurred on Tuesday, September 17, when a prisoner escaped while waiting for medical attention at the National Hospital of Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez.

This is Jesús Alcides Pol, who was in prison accused of rape and robbery. A video shows the moment in which the alleged criminal escaped while he was in the building.

Other cases

On June 7, a similar case occurred in Jalapa. The Ministry of the Interior reported the escape of Dionidas García Hernández, a prisoner considered “highly dangerous” who was held in sector 4 of the department’s prison.

García Hernández was facing a request for 50 years in prison, accused of the crime of homicide. According to the authorities, the inmate escaped during an internal transfer, within the same facility, to another area.

In another incident, on March 21, 2023, a SP guard was injured in an armed attack that occurred outside the Zacapa Regional Hospital, where they apparently tried to rescue an inmate who had been transferred to that health center.

The man was inmate José Manuel Castro León, who criminals tried to free by shooting him in Zacapa. In 2015, an armed group had already rescued him from another hospital, although he was recaptured.

On October 26, 2021, Castro León was sentenced to 50 years in prison for the crime of femicide and 15 for the crime of rape.

Flee from courts

On June 13, 2022, the PNC reported that an inmate was shot when he tried to flee during a transfer from the Court Tower to the Preventive Zone 18.

On that occasion, it was reported that a SP agent was arrested for having injured a prisoner with a firearm projectile who tried to escape in a sector of zone 1 of the capital. The alleged criminal suffered a wound in the left buttock.

Salvadoran gang member recaptured

On September 14, 2022, the PNC reported the recapture of a Salvadoran inmate who escaped from the Chimaltenango prison on August 22 of that year.

The recapture took place on the route to the La Loma farm, zone 8 of Chimaltenango, and the suspect had a criminal record in El Salvador and several arrest warrants in force for the crimes of association with terrorist organizations, forced disappearance of persons, and aggravated homicide, among others.

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Escape of prisoners from hospitals

On May 14, 2017, a prisoner accused of kidnapping escaped from Roosevelt Hospital, where he had undergone a medical procedure.

The alleged offender had been taken to the hospital to undergo appendix surgery. After the procedure, doctors were expected to release him and he would return to the Preventive Center for Men, in zone 18.

On May 27, 2019, Joseph Ryan Budna, who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for the crimes of kidnapping and abduction, escaped from the San Benito Hospital in Petén.

The prisoner attended the hospital in the region due to health problems and He took advantage of a lapse in his safety to escape.

Meanwhile, in May 2019, SP authorities reported that they were looking for a prisoner who escaped while awaiting a hearing at the Zacapa Sentencing Court. The guard who was guarding him was detained by the corresponding authorities to investigate what happened.

Read more: Who is the inmate who gave flowers and balloons to his girlfriend while being guarded by prison guards?

In November 2022, inmate Bagner Alexander Morales García and/or Jorge Mario García escaped in Zone 1 of the capital with the help of two gang members, while attending a medical appointment.

The inmate left the Pavoncito prison at around 7 a.m., heading to zone 1 to attend a medical consultation. At around 9 a.m., two alleged gang members in a vehicle intercepted the two guards who were accompanying the alleged criminal and threatened them with firearms.

He left a substitute in jail

In February 2024, the case of José Arturo Lagos Reyes, alias Phantoma gang member who escaped from Pavoncito and left a replacement in prison.

After a physical count of the prisoners who were being held in the Pavoncito prison, the staff noticed the absence of Lagos Reyes. According to official information, “the Penitentiary System’s analysis staff located Eduardo Antonio Castellanos Payes,” who was posing as Lagos Reyes.

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#count #strategies #prisoners #escape

What⁣ are the main reasons behind the frequent⁤ prison breaks in Guatemala’s penitentiary system?

Guatemala’s Penitentiary System: A ⁣History of Prison Breaks and​ Security Concerns

Guatemala’s Penitentiary System ⁤(SP) has been‍ making headlines in recent years due to a string of daring prison breaks and security concerns. With 21 detention centers under its administration, the SP is responsible for the custody and security of persons deprived of ⁤liberty. However, despite ‍its vision of respecting ⁣human rights and guarantees, the institution has ‍been⁢ plagued by escape incidents that have ⁤raised questions about its effectiveness.

Prison Breaks and Security Lapses

In ⁣September 2022, a prisoner named Jesús Alcides Pol escaped while waiting for medical attention at the National Hospital of Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez. Pol ⁤was accused of rape and robbery, and his escape was caught⁤ on video. This was not an isolated incident, as ⁢there have been several other cases of prisoners escaping from hospitals and court hearings.

In June 2022, Dionidas ⁢García ‌Hernández, a prisoner considered “highly dangerous”, escaped from sector 4 ​of the Jalapa ⁣prison. ⁤García Hernández was facing a request for 50 ⁤years in prison ⁢for the crime of homicide. On March 21, 2023, a SP guard was injured in‍ an armed attack outside the​ Zacapa Regional Hospital, where they apparently tried ‍to ​rescue an​ inmate who had ⁣been⁢ transferred‍ to that health center.

Fleeing from Courts

Prisoners have also tried to ⁢escape while being transported to court ‍hearings. On June 13,‌ 2022, a prisoner was shot when he tried to flee during a transfer from the Court Tower to the Preventive Zone 18. On that ⁢occasion, a SP agent‍ was arrested for having injured a prisoner with a firearm projectile who tried‍ to escape in a sector of zone 1 of the ‍capital.

Recapturing Escaped Inmates

While some prisoners have managed to escape, others have been recaptured. On September 14, 2022,‍ the PNC reported the recapture of a Salvadoran ‍inmate who escaped from the ​Chimaltenango prison on August⁣ 22 of⁣ that⁣ year. The inmate had a criminal record in El Salvador‌ and several arrest warrants in ‍force⁢ for various crimes.

Escape of Prisoners from Hospitals

Hospitals have proven to ⁣be vulnerable targets for ​prisoners looking ⁢to escape. On ⁤May 14, 2017, a‌ prisoner⁣ accused of kidnapping escaped from Roosevelt ⁤Hospital, ‌where he⁢ had undergone a⁤ medical⁤ procedure. On May​ 27, 2019, Joseph ​Ryan Budna, who was sentenced to 30 years in prison for the crimes of kidnapping and abduction, escaped ⁣from the San Benito Hospital⁢ in Petén.

Security Concerns

The frequent prison breaks and security lapses have raised concerns about the effectiveness of the‌ Penitentiary‌ System in Guatemala. The fact that prisoners have been ⁣able to ⁣escape ⁣from hospitals and court hearings, and that guards have been injured or ⁣arrested in connection with these incidents, has⁤ sparked calls for greater accountability and reform.


The Penitentiary System in Guatemala has been plagued​ by security concerns and prison breaks in recent years. While some prisoners have managed ⁢to escape,‍ others have been recaptured. The institution needs to take a hard look at its security protocols and address the vulnerabilities​ that have led to these incidents. Only by doing​ so can it regain the trust of the public⁢ and ensure the safety of its staff and inmates.

Keywords: Guatemala, Penitentiary System, prison breaks, security concerns, escape incidents, hospital escapes, court escapes, prisoner recapture, ⁣accountability, reform.

Years for murder, escaped from a hospital in Guatemala City while receiving treatment for a medical condition.

Frequent Prison Breaks in Guatemala’s Penitentiary System: A Growing Concern

Guatemala’s Penitentiary System (SP) is currently facing a pressing issue: frequent prison breaks. With 21 detention centers under its administration, the SP is responsible for the custody and security of persons deprived of liberty. However, despite its vision to treat prisoners with respect for human rights and guarantees, the institution is struggling to prevent escapes.

Cases of Prison Breaks

One recent case occurred on September 17, when a prisoner, Jesús Alcides Pol, escaped while waiting for medical attention at the National Hospital of Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez. Pol was accused of rape and robbery, and a video captured the moment he escaped from the hospital. This is not an isolated incident, as there have been several other cases of prisoners fleeing from hospitals and courts.

In another incident, on June 7, Dionidas García Hernández, a prisoner considered “highly dangerous,” escaped from a prison in Jalapa. García Hernández was facing a request for 50 years in prison, accused of homicide. On March 21, 2023, a SP guard was injured in an armed attack outside the Zacapa Regional Hospital, where an inmate was being transferred.

Fleeing from Courts

Prisoners have also been fleeing from courts, putting the lives of others at risk. On June 13, 2022, an inmate was shot while trying to escape during a transfer from the Court Tower to the Preventive Zone 18. On the same day, a SP agent was arrested for injuring a prisoner with a firearm projectile who tried to escape in a sector of zone 1 of the capital.

Recapture of Salvadoran Gang Member

On September 14, 2022, the PNC reported the recapture of a Salvadoran inmate who escaped from the Chimaltenango prison on August 22 of that year. The recaptured suspect had a criminal record in El Salvador and several arrest warrants in force for crimes such as association with terrorist organizations, forced disappearance of persons, and aggravated homicide, among others.

Escapes from Hospitals

Prisoners have also been escaping from hospitals, where they are taken for medical procedures. On May 14, 2017, a prisoner accused of kidnapping escaped from Roosevelt Hospital, where he had undergone appendix surgery. On May 27, 2019, Joseph Ryan Budna, who was sentenced to 30



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