Lundellhuset: Joakim and Jonna Lundell’s Exclusive Rental Opportunity

Lundellhuset: Joakim and Jonna Lundell’s Exclusive Rental Opportunity

After the tax crackdowns

Published 2024-09-16 16.38



The Lundell family leaves their luxury home.

After the disputes with the Tax Agency, Joakim and Jonna will start renting it out instead.

– I want the house to generate money, not for it to cost money, says Joakim Lundell in a YouTube video.

For several years have Joakim Lundell38, and Jonna Lundell30, renovated his luxury villa in Norrköping. The construction costs have dragged on and they have also ended up in disputes with the Swedish Tax Agency linked to the production of the TV series “Lundellhuset”.

Now, however, it is clear that the YouTube couple will rent out the house on Aribnb from October 1.

– Our idea is to hand it over to Aribnb and then buy us a new property fairly soon, tidy it up, put it on Airbnb and make Sweden’s coolest show house, says Joakim in a Youtube-video.


fullscreenJoaim Lundell. Photo: Youtube

“Wants the house to generate money”

But they won’t put as much money into the new house as they plan to buy.

– Because this is insane. But it will also be a way to get money back. Understand when this has been out for rent for three years, then it has drawn a lot back. And understand having ten villas that just lie there chewing, says Joakim.

He also chooses to answer a follower’s question who wonders if the family is not allowed to stay in the house because of the Tax Agency.

– We get to live in the house, but it then costs a market rent of approximately SEK 40,000, which I think is quite unnecessary when I still associate the house with work and I want the house to generate money, not for it to cost money.


full screen Lundellhuset. Photo: Youtube

The disputes with the Tax Agency

The disputes with the Tax Agency have been about Lundell using his luxury villa both as a residence and as a filming location for his television series, which ran for several seasons on Discovery Plus. The YouTube couple made deductions for expenses they put on the villa, which they believe were part of the costs connected to the production of the television series. Something that the Swedish Tax Agency opposed because the property was also their private residence.

For some time now, the family has not lived in the house but in an apartment, and Joakim says that they have been preparing for a year to start renting out.

– What drove the Lundell family to ⁣rent out ⁤their ​luxury home on Airbnb after the tax crackdowns?

After the Tax Crackdowns:⁣ The Lundell Family’s New Plan for Their Luxury Home

Published: September ‍16, 2024

As the dust settles on their disputes with the Swedish Tax Agency, Joakim and Jonna Lundell, the popular YouTube couple, have announced a​ new plan for their luxury home in Norrköping. The Lundells, who have been renovating their ​villa for⁣ several years, have decided to rent it out on Airbnb, starting from October 1.

A Shift in Perspective

In a recent YouTube video, Joakim Lundell explained the reasoning⁢ behind ⁣their ⁣decision, stating, “I want ‍the‌ house to generate money, not for it to cost money.” This change in perspective comes after the couple’s construction costs dragged on, and they faced disputes with the Tax Agency related to the production⁤ of their TV series “Lundellhuset.”

Renting Out ​the Luxury ‍Villa

The couple aims to hand over ​the management of their villa to Airbnb, which will allow them to generate⁤ revenue from⁣ the property. Joakim expressed their vision, saying, “Our idea ​is ‌to‌ hand it⁣ over to Airbnb and then buy us a new property⁤ fairly soon, tidy‌ it up, put it on Airbnb and make ‌Sweden’s​ coolest show house.”

A New Approach to Real Estate

Unlike ⁣their current ‍villa, the Lundells plan to invest less in their new property. Joakim revealed, ⁤”Because this is insane. But it will also be a way⁣ to ⁣get money back. Understand when this has been out for rent for​ three years, then it has drawn a‍ lot back.⁢ And understand having ten villas that just⁢ lie​ there chewing.”

Clarifying the Tax Agency Issue

In ​response to a‍ follower’s question,​ Joakim addressed the rumors surrounding their situation with the Tax Agency. He explained, “We get to ⁤live in the house, but it then ⁢costs a market rent of approximately SEK 40,000, ⁤which I think is quite unnecessary when⁣ I⁣ still associate the house with work and I want the house to generate money, not for​ it to cost money.”

The Disputes with the Tax Agency

The Lundells’⁤ disputes with the Tax ⁢Agency‍ have centered around ⁣Joakim’s use of his luxury villa as a business​ expense. The exact details of the disputes remain unclear, but it ⁢is evident that the couple has been struggling to find a resolution.

What’s Next for the Lundells?

As the Lundells embark on this new chapter, their fans are⁣ left wondering what’s⁣ in store for the couple. Will they find success with ⁤their Airbnb venture, or will they face new challenges? One thing is certain – the Lundells will continue to share their journey with their loyal audience, providing a unique glimpse into​ their lives as ‌social media personalities and entrepreneurs.

Keywords: Joakim Lundell, Jonna⁣ Lundell, Lundellhuset, Luxury Home, Airbnb, Swedish Tax Agency, YouTube, Social Media, Entrepreneurs.

Optimized for ⁢SEO ⁢with relevant keywords, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the Lundell family’s situation, including their decision to rent out their luxury home on Airbnb, their ‌disputes with the Tax Agency, ‌and​ their future plans.

Villa in Norrköping on Airbnb to generate passive income.

After the Tax Crackdowns: The Lundell Family’s Surprising Decision

Published: September 16, 2024

The Lundell family, well-known for their YouTube presence, has made a surprising decision after a series of disputes with the Swedish Tax Agency. Joakim and Jonna Lundell, both in their 30s, have decided to rent out their luxury villa in Norrköping on Airbnb, citing the need to generate income from the property.

“Wants the House to Generate Money”

In a recent YouTube video, Joakim Lundell expressed his desire to turn their luxury villa into a profitable venture. “I want the house to generate money, not cost money,” he said. The couple has invested heavily in renovating the property over the years, but the ongoing disputes with the Tax Agency have led them to rethink their strategy.

The Disputes with the Tax Agency

The Lundell family’s troubles with the Tax Agency began when they started producing their TV series, “Lundellhuset.” The agency has questioned the family’s tax deductions related to the show, leading to a series of disputes. The exact nature of the disputes is not publicly disclosed, but it’s clear that the experience has been challenging for the family.

What Drove the Lundell Family to Rent Out Their Luxury Home on Airbnb

So, what drove the Lundell family to make this surprising decision? According to Joakim, the goal is to generate passive income from the property. “Our idea is to hand it over to Airbnb and then buy a new property fairly soon, tidy it up, put it on Airbnb, and make Sweden’s coolest show house,” he explained in his YouTube video.

The family plans to use the rental income to offset the costs of maintaining the property and eventually invest in more properties. Joakim hopes to create a portfolio of villas that can generate income without requiring significant investments.

A New Chapter for the Lundell Family

The decision to rent out their luxury villa marks a new chapter for the Lundell family. By leveraging the popularity of Airbnb, they hope to turn their financial fortunes around and create a sustainable income stream. As Joakim said, “It will also be a way to get money back. Understand when this has been out for rent for three years, then it has drawn a lot back.”

The Lundell family’s story serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, innovative thinking and a willingness to adapt can lead to new opportunities. As they embark on this new chapter, their fans will undoubtedly be watching with interest.

About the Lundell Family

The Lundell family, consisting of Joakim and Jonna, is a popular YouTube personality known for their lifestyle and home renovation videos. They have been documenting their journey on social media, sharing their experiences with their fans.

Key Takeaways

The Lundell family has decided to rent out their luxury villa in Norrköping on Airbnb.

The decision is motivated by a desire to generate passive income from the property.

The family has been involved in disputes with the Swedish Tax Agency related to their TV series, “Lundellhuset.”

They plan to use the rental income to offset costs and invest in more properties.

Optimized Keywords:

Lundell family

Tax crackdowns


Luxury villa

Renting out

Passive income

Swedish Tax Agency


Home renovation

YouTube personality

Meta Description:

After a series of tax crackdowns, the Lundell family has made a surprising decision – to rent out their luxury



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