Haris Doukas: PASOK Must Remain Vigilant as October Signals a Period of Renewal

“We have no right to appear inferior to the circumstances. The Presidential election on October 6 has national characteristics. It is a historical social and political landmark. Because the participation of the citizens, as well as the result, will determine whether the democratic faction will once again become a protagonist. Whether we will win hope again. So that PASOK can guarantee again that no one will be left behind”, said Haris Doukas, in his speech at the KPE of PASOK-Movement for Change.

He criticized New Democracy and K. Mitsotakis for trying to create a society of low expectations and that “even if big interests support them, the cycle of their deterioration has begun. The river does not turn back. Society abandons Mr. Mitsotakis every day.”

Mr. Doukas added that this is not enough “because at critical moments we did not have a clear political stance”.

He cited Nikos Androulakis and his pre-election slogan “Third place in the elections will be a political defeat” to claim that PASOK cannot be complacent, seeing in the opinion polls its percentage increase by 1 or 2 points, when ND loses 10 and SYRIZA 8 points, compared to the last national elections.

The PASOK-KINAL leadership candidate emphasized how now is the time to stand up and the need for a new beginning. ” Where social democracy, reconciled with conservative policies of austerity and subordinated to the markets, it FAILED.

Wherever he raised his stature, wherever he fronted, wherever he stood against those who spin the public property, he swept. And that’s what we have to do too.

We want and must serve this social democracy unwaveringly”, he underlined.

Mr. Doukas noted that the country must change direction and that “this requires us to decide who we will go with and who we will leave. With everyone together, it is not possible, period!”.

Doukas: We want a PASOK that creates social fronts against injustice and exploitation
He launched a direct attack on the government and the Maximos Palace for the attacks it receives, declaring that PASOK will make the third and largest wave of decentralization a reality.

“Let all my co-candidates, and Anna, know that the battle I am now fighting for PASOK is also a battle for the autonomy and independence of the Self-Government”, he continued.

“Now is the time to open a new, virtuous circle of transcendence all together. With PASOK rising in stature. With PASOK once again becoming the majority in society, ready to rule the country.

I envision a large, open PASOK, with people with new ideas and perceptions, and not a small shop of petty interests, with half-hearted, outdated proposals and awkward moments of silence in the face of problems.

To pave the way for the governance of the country with the citizens, with a new contract of trust.

We want a PASOK, which creates social fronts against injustice and exploitation”, underlined Mr. Doukas, making it clear that PASOK must not forget for a single moment, its main ideological and political opponent is the Right.

“To those who ask in bad faith with whom the right will fall, I give a clear answer as far as I am concerned: No, we will not become Siloam’s pool, to wash away the political sins of those who hurt and slandered PASOK for a chair”, he said and called “to a Conference , all progressives and democrats who worthily believe in democracy and justice, beyond generations, and want to come forward here soldiers, those who wish to participate equally and submit their proposal for the great Democratic Party of Victory and Change” .

“This October will be the starting point of the new Change. All together! We join forces. All together, all generations”, concluded Mr. Doukas.

Giannakopoulou: PASOK can become the movement that Greek society loved

Anna Diamantopoulou: We are growing PASOK – We are strengthening society and the country

Katrinis: I do not intend to assimilate or join decadent options that want a small and controlled PASOK

Stefanos Kasselakis: The luxurious residences, the pool… the cesspool, the murky “where are you from”, the two marriages with Tyler and the partner stabbing by Polakis

Geroulanos: If I am elected and we lose the primary in 2027, the same night I will appeal to the base

Androulakis: “PASOK is back – The message is clear”

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#Haris #Doukas #PASOK #allowed #comfortable #October #starting #point #Change



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