EOPYY Fraud Scandal Unveiled: Arrest of “Michel” as Investigation Reveals Misuse of Insured Individuals and AMKA

EOPYY Fraud Scandal Unveiled: Arrest of “Michel” as Investigation Reveals Misuse of Insured Individuals and AMKA

One of the 7 defendants, who pleaded guilty today for their involvement in the fraud ring at the expense of EOPYY, was sentenced to pre-trial detention.

The so-called “Michelle” who allegedly trafficked the illegal prescription drugs to drug dealers. He also allegedly had the role of finding the AMKA of the insured.

Three women were released, including a doctor. The two were ordered to pay a bail of 10,000 euros and appear at the AT of their area. The doctor provided evidence that she was legally prescribing drugs.

Tomorrow the remaining 9 defendants, including doctors and pharmacists, will be excused.

The mode of action

Using AMKA mainly of immigrants who had returned to their countries, or of prisoners and guests in structures, the arrested doctors even prescribed preparations containing narcotic substances.

Indicative dialogue

Obstetrician: They called him to go and testify
Pharmacy Clerk: Really?
Obstetrician: Yes. So we are careful

“Most of the AMKAs were foreigners to whom they declared false addresses of residence, they mainly used the AMKAs of uninsured citizens, because they have zero participation, which in many cases were locked up in detention centers or accommodated in accommodation structures for foreigners” the administrator noted while speaking on the First Program of EOPYY, Theano Karpodini.

At the same time, they took care of certain preparations to “disappear”, which is also revealed by the dialogues that came to light:

Pharmacy Owner: Put them in a black bag
Pharmacy Clerk: Yes? And do I throw them away from the pharmacy or here near us?
Pharmacy Owner: No. Far, of course. As far as possible.

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#Fraud #EOPYY #Michel #custody #role #insured #and.. #AMKA

What are the main allegations against the defendants in the Greek healthcare fraud case?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article‌ on the topic:

Greek Healthcare Fraud Ring‍ Unravels: 7 Defendants Face Trial for EOPYY Scandal

A massive healthcare fraud ring has been busted in Greece, with‍ seven defendants facing trial for their involvement in the scam that defrauded ‌the​ Greek National Organization for Healthcare Provision (EOPYY). One of‌ the defendants,‌ known⁢ as “Michelle,” who allegedly trafficked illegal prescription​ drugs to drug dealers and obtained the social security numbers (AMKA) of insured individuals, has been sentenced‍ to ​pre-trial detention.

The Fraud Ring’s Modus Operandi

The fraud ring operated by⁣ using the AMKA numbers of immigrants⁣ who had returned to their countries, prisoners, and guests in structures to illegally prescribe controlled substances.⁢ Doctors and pharmacists allegedly​ used these fake identities to prescribe ⁢drugs, which were​ then sold ⁢on the black market.

Diversion of Drugs

In a revealing ⁢conversation, an obstetrician and a pharmacy clerk discussed the ‌need to be cautious to avoid detection. The​ obstetrician mentioned being called to testify, prompting the pharmacy clerk to ⁣ask if ‌they should be careful. ⁢The conversation suggests that the fraudsters took measures to cover ⁢their tracks and ⁤avoid getting caught.

Disappearing Act

Further evidence of the fraud ring’s illegal activities came to ‌light through another conversation between​ a ‌pharmacy owner and a clerk. ‍The owner instructed the clerk to dispose of certain drugs by putting ​them in a black bag and throwing them away. This conversation implies that the fraudsters took steps to conceal their illegal activities and destroy evidence.

Release of Three Defendants

Three women, including a doctor, were ​released after providing evidence that they had legally prescribed drugs. Two of the defendants ‌were ordered to pay a bail of 10,000 euros and appear at the AT of their area.

Trial of⁣ Remaining Defendants

The remaining nine defendants, including doctors and pharmacists, are scheduled to stand trial tomorrow. The trial is expected to shed more⁢ light on the extent of the fraud ring’s illegal activities and the individuals involved.

EOPYY Administrator Speaks Out

Theano Karpodini, the administrator of EOPYY, spoke on the First Program about the ‌fraud ring’s modus operandi. She explained that most of the AMKAs used were those of uninsured citizens, mostly foreigners who had⁤ returned to their countries or were detained in detention centers or accommodation structures.

Keywords: EOPYY, Greek National Organization for Healthcare Provision, healthcare fraud, fraud ring, prescription drugs, AMKA, social security numbers, illegal prescription, drug dealers, pre-trial detention, doctors, pharmacists, illegal activities, fraud scheme, black market.

Meta Description: ⁣A massive healthcare fraud ring has ⁤been busted in Greece, with seven defendants facing trial for defrauding EOPYY. One defendant has been sentenced to pre-trial detention, while three ⁣others were released on bail.

Optimized Images:

Image: EOPYY logo

Alt Text: EOPYY logo

Description: The ‌Greek National ⁣Organization for Healthcare​ Provision (EOPYY) logo

Image: Prescription ⁢drugs

Alt Text: Prescription drugs

‌ Description: Prescription drugs allegedly illegally sold on the black market

Image: Doctors and⁤ pharmacists

Alt Text: Doctors and pharmacists

* ‌Description: Doctors and pharmacists​ allegedly ⁤involved in the fraud ​ring

– What were the main tactics used by the defendants in the Greek healthcare fraud case?

Greek Healthcare Fraud Case: Unraveling the Web of Deceit

In a shocking turn of events, one of the seven defendants accused of masterminding a massive fraud ring targeting Greece’s healthcare system, EOPYY, has been sentenced to pre-trial detention. The elaborate scheme, which allegedly involved the illegal trafficking of prescription drugs, has left the Greek authorities reeling. In this article, we will delve into the intricate details of the case, exploring the key allegations against the defendants and the modes of operation that allowed them to perpetuate this fraud.

The Mastermind Behind the Fraud: “Michelle”

One of the central figures in the case is a individual known only as “Michelle,” who allegedly played a crucial role in trafficking illegal prescription drugs to drug dealers. Moreover, Michelle was responsible for finding the AMKA (Social Security Number) of the insured individuals, which was then used to facilitate the illegal transactions.

The Involvement of Medical Professionals

The case has also implicated several medical professionals, including doctors and pharmacists, who allegedly collaborated with Michelle and other fraudsters. Three women, including a doctor, were released on bail, with two of them ordered to pay a bail of €10,000 and appear at their local police station. The doctor in question provided evidence that they had legally prescribed the drugs in question.

The Mode of Action

The fraudsters employed a sophisticated approach to carry out their illegal activities. They primarily used the AMKAs of immigrants who had returned to their countries of origin, as well as prisoners and guests in structures, to prescribe preparations containing narcotic substances. The administrators of EOPYY have revealed that most of the AMKAs used were those of uninsured citizens, whose participation was minimal or non-existent.

Indicative Dialogue

A series of revealing dialogues between the accused have come to light, providing a glimpse into the inner workings of the fraud ring. One such exchange involved an obstetrician and a pharmacy clerk, where the obstetrician cautioned the clerk to be careful, hinting at the illegal nature of their activities.

In another telling conversation, a pharmacy owner instructed a clerk to dispose of certain preparations in a black bag, far from the pharmacy, to avoid detection. These dialogues underscore the criminal intent andlevel of sophistication exhibited by the fraudsters.

What are the Main Allegations Against the Defendants in the Greek Healthcare Fraud Case?

The defendants in this case face a range of allegations, including:

Illegal trafficking of prescription drugs

Fraudulent use of AMKAs to facilitate illegal transactions

Collaboration between medical professionals and fraudsters

Misuse of EOPYY’s healthcare system for personal gain

The Greek healthcare system has been left reeling by this scandal, with the authorities working tirelessly to unravel the complexities of the case. As the investigation unfolds, it is likely that more shocking revelations will come to light, highlighting the need for strengthened measures to prevent such fraud in the future.

Stay Informed

For more updates on this developing story, as well as other breaking news and articles, be sure to follow our website.

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