Latina Women: The Leading Influence in Spain’s Migrant Sex Work Sector

  • According to a study by the Spanish government, 4.86% of foreign women who appear to offer their sexual services on websites are Venezuelan | Photo: Reference

At least 114,576 women are in a situation of prostitution in spainof which 51% describe themselves as “Latina” in website advertisements, including Venezuelans, 16% as European and 29% do not mention their origin, according to a study conducted by the Spanish government.

According to the Macro study on trafficking, sexual exploitation and prostitution of women: a quantitative approachfocused exclusively on analyzing prostitution advertisements on websites offering face-to-face services, 80% of these women could be at risk of trafficking for sexual exploitation or sexual exploitation (92,496) and 8.5% at high risk (9,764).


The Macro-study analysed more than 654 thousand advertisements published on the Internet and concluded that 0.56% of women over 18 years of age in Spain are involved in prostitution.

This percentage is much higher among migrant women, especially Latin American ones, since they make up more than half of the total.

Percentage by nationality

By nationality, the majority of women who appear on websites offering sexual services in Spain are Colombian (28.3%), followed by Spanish (13.5%), Brazilian (4.98%) and Venezuelan (4.86%).

As for age, 28% of women in prostitution are between 18 and 24 years old; 32% are between 25 and 36 years old; 7% are between 37 and 45 years old; 1.6% are between 46 and 55 years old; and 0.26% are over 56 years old.

In the case of migrant women, the association specialising in the fight against human trafficking, In Género, has a study based on more than 4,000 questionnaires which indicates that 63.2% of those surveyed came to Spain with an objective other than prostitution, while 36.8% did know that they would do so.

Most migrants in prostitution have family responsibilities

Another relevant fact from the In Género study is that more than 95% of migrants in prostitution contexts have family responsibilities.

In this regard, 56.8% of the people assisted had to support between 3 and 5 family members; 32.4% had to support 1 or 2; 6.9% had to support 6 to 10 relatives and 0.4% had to support more than 10.

They also revealed that having migrated and not having documentation that allows them to work legally is a risk factor that makes migrant women especially vulnerable to sexual exploitation networks.

Pretending to hide prostitution: the drama of Venezuelan women in Cúcuta

Photo: Reference/ EFE

In a study by the non-governmental organization (NGO) In Gender It also indicates that around a third of the women assisted by this NGO, 95% of whom were migrants, have resorted to Spanish public social services at some point to ask for some kind of help, while 47.8% do not even know them.

As for educational level, of the more than 6,000 people assisted, 4.7% had no education; 33.1% had primary education; 58.5% had secondary education or vocational training; and 3.7% had higher education.

Furthermore, 40% have been in prostitution for less than a year, 21.5% for between one and three years, 13.3% for between five and 10 years and 12% for more than a decade.

With information from EFE

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#migrants #prostitution #Spain #Latinas
2024-09-19 07:43:26

– What impact does the Venezuelan migration crisis have on the rise of prostitution in Spain?

Prostitution in Spain: A Growing Concern ⁤Amidst the Venezuelan Migration Crisis

Prostitution remains‍ a significant‌ social issue in Spain, with a⁤ recent study by the Spanish government shedding light on the alarming statistics. The study, titled “Macro-study on trafficking, sexual exploitation and prostitution of women: a quantitative approach,” analyzed over 654,000⁣ online advertisements offering sexual services⁤ and revealed a disturbing ⁤trend. ‍At⁢ least 114,576 women ⁣are involved in ⁣prostitution in Spain,⁣ with⁢ a staggering 51%⁣ identifying ⁣as “Latina,” including Venezuelans, Colombians, and other nationalities.

Venezuelan Women in ‍Prostitution: A⁤ Growing Concern

According to the study, 4.86% of foreign women engaged in prostitution in Spain are Venezuelan. This⁣ percentage is ⁣particularly concerning, given the ongoing Venezuelan migration crisis. Many Venezuelan women have fled their‌ country due to economic instability, political turmoil,⁢ and humanitarian crises, ‍making them more vulnerable to human trafficking and ‌exploitation.

Nationality Breakdown: Colombia,⁣ Spain, and Brazil Lead the Way

The study provides a breakdown of the nationalities of women‌ involved in prostitution in Spain. ⁣The top five nationalities represented are:

  1. Colombian​ (28.3%)
  2. Spanish (13.5%)
  3. Brazilian (4.98%)
  4. Venezuelan (4.86%)
  5. Other nationalities (47.21%)

Age Distribution: Young Women Most Affected

The⁣ study also analyzed the age distribution of women involved in prostitution in Spain. The results show that:

  1. 28% of women are between 18 and 24 years old
  2. 32% are between 25 and 36 years old
  3. 7% ⁢are between 37 and 45 years old
  4. 1.6% ‌are between 46 and 55 years old
  5. 0.26% ​are over 56 years old

Human Trafficking Risks: A Significant Concern

The study highlights the ​significant risk of‌ human trafficking among women involved in prostitution in Spain. A staggering‌ 80% of women in ⁤prostitution could be at ⁣risk of trafficking for sexual exploitation, with 8.5% at high risk.

Migrant Women: ​Vulnerable to Exploitation

Migrant women, particularly those from Latin America, are more vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking. In Género, a specialized association fighting against human trafficking, conducted a study based on over 4,000 questionnaires, which revealed⁢ the alarming extent of migrant women’s ⁤vulnerability.


The study’s findings paint a dire picture of prostitution in Spain, with a significant proportion of women involved being migrant women, including Venezuelans, Colombians, and Brazilians. The risks of human trafficking and exploitation are substantial, and it is essential for authorities, NGOs, and civil society to work together to combat this issue.


  1. Strengthen anti-trafficking laws and enforcement mechanisms to protect‌ vulnerable women.
  2. Increase awareness ‌campaigns to educate the public about the risks‌ of human ⁢trafficking and prostitution.
  3. Provide support services and protection for migrant women who are victims⁤ of trafficking and exploitation.
  4. Collaborate with international organizations to share best practices and combat human trafficking.

By addressing ‌this complex issue, we can‌ work towards a safer, more equitable society for⁤ all women, regardless of their nationality or migration status.

Keywords: Prostitution in Spain, Venezuelan migration crisis, human trafficking, sex workers, migrant women, exploitation, anti-trafficking laws, awareness campaigns.

Meta Description: Discover the alarming statistics of prostitution in Spain, including the growing concern of Venezuelan women involved, and the risks of human trafficking and​ exploitation. Learn more about the recommendations to combat this issue.

Image Alt Text: Sex workers: ⁤how ‍do they ⁣practice this profession in⁤ countries where it​ is legal? (iStock)



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