Beneath the Veil: Exploring Russia’s Strategies for Influence in Latin America

2024-09-19 01:57:00

In order to maintain the desire for “global struggle”, Russia Always deploying mechanisms Expand your influence exist latin americainclude economic union and activities false information. The authors of a recent report point this out Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD), an organization that promotes democracy and free markets.

Graduated The Kremlin Handbook on Latin America and the Caribbean, A survey by a leading European think tank examines how governments Vladimir Putin Trying to take advantage of “weakness” Latin American countries advance their regional agenda at both an institutional and economic level.

Since invading Ukraine and justifying its “military action”, Russia has become a pariah in the liberal global order. Following a series of sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union, questions — and in many cases concerns — have arisen in much of the world about the impact Russian actions could have on strategic regions.

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

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But so far, no one has translated “Russian influence in the region” into rigorous data. In this context, CDS is a study dating back 10 years by Base national democratic movement (Ned)It was an initiative of the U.S. Congress to export democratic ideas during the Cold War.

Report details on Russia and Latin America

According to the report’s authors, Latin America has become “Fertile soil” Russia has deployed strategies in Europe and Africa aimed at pursuing “division and polarization” of world opinion. Focusing on five countries (including Argentina), they detailed Moscow’s intention to “manipulate institutions” and expand its influence by: Energy, mining, finance and other strategic industriesregardless of the nature of government, democratic oh autocratic.

“A decade of research reveals how Russia develops and maintains capture networks across Europe and around the world. It shows Russia’s goals Expand your economic impact y policy Al Taking advantage of institutional weaknesses from those countries they can’t fight backMartin Vladimirov, director of the CDS Energy and Climate Program, said at a virtual meeting attended by PERFIL on Wednesday.

In 2022, it will mainly be imported from Russia.

“This is a unique opportunity to report on Russia’s global influence. No other report attempts to deepen its economic footprint across different sectors and countries,” he added.

Furthermore, Vladimirov stated that Russia hopes to “Winning the public support of people in this global struggle” Through these mechanisms, it also includes “the co-optation of local elites.” This means “Penetrate into strategic sectors where there is no agency to stop the process.

Russia and Ukraine The war in Ukraine has increased doubts about Russia’s soft power strategy.

Economic pressure and misinformation

Along these lines, the report highlights the growing influence of Russian companies in the region, such as Brazil. Latin America’s largest economy has close ties with Russia in several areas, such as fertilizer. By 2024, dependence on Moscow will reach 40% of the Brazilian market. Influencing Brazilian foreign policy”Rueda Orejarena, one of the study’s authors, noted in Germany.

The report also cited cases Panamalinked to the flow of financial assets and Russia’s strong influence in offshore centers. “One of the most opaque aspects is that they allow Russia to evade international sanctions and continue its commercial activities, especially in Oil“, the spokesperson added.

Democracy Research Center 20240918

As part of this, one aspect highlighted in the report is false informationwhich includes not only spreading fake news but also disinformation campaigns publicity Post pro-Russian remarks through social networks.

“They feed on the anti-imperialist and anti-American sentiment prevalent in the region. They seek to penetrate internal politics and shape public opinion,” Orejarena added. On the other hand, he also pointed out in detail that due to the impact of the war in Ukraine, the “positive views” of Russia in the countries surveyed fell by 15% between 2015 and 2023.

When the outlet asked about the impact of disinformation tactics, the author cited a campaign by Russian outlet Russia Today (RT) in Mexico City, where the legend of “Information Without Borders” is plastered on places and public transportation. Another case is the cancellation of the Telesur contract by the former president of Argentina Mauricio Macri 2016. Block meat imports from Argentina”they expressed this.

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Argentina case

Another section of the report notes that Russia’s “state capture” strategy is not limited to its allied authoritarian regimes in the region. But it also manifests itself in democracies like Argentina that have an economic emergency. At the same time, the strategy is to “co-opt” political and economic elites through business relationships, joint projects, and personal relationships with key figures.

The investigation shows that Russia has local investments in the oil, gas and nuclear energy sectors, establishing a dialogue with economic and political actors that the author interprets from a geopolitical perspective. Along these lines, the close ties between Kirchnerism and Putin’s government are striking, and how this relationship changed after the inauguration of liberal Javier Mire, a self-proclaimed ally of the Ukrainian president. Volodymyr Zelensky.

They said: “Diplomatic relations have declined significantly, especially since Javier Milley became president. Despite this, Russia still has ways of influencing Argentine politics and public opinion.”

Zelensky and Milley Javier Mire expressed support for Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky.

As an example of these contradictions, they cite russian friendship grouppromoted by representatives of national liberals Marcela Pagano, The organization promoted cultural and parliamentary exchanges even against the backdrop of opposition in some sectors to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Kremlin Handbook

At the same time, the “Kremlin manual” is a concept used by some countries that support the claim that Russia uses a set of tactics and strategies to modify the rules of the global order. These include economic pressure and disinformation, but also support for authoritarian regimes and the promotion of business alliances to “destabilize and advance Russia’s interests abroad.”

Miriam Kornblith, senior director for Latin America and the Caribbean at the NED Foundation, said at the launch of the report: “Public opinion is not sufficiently aware of this very malign influence that Russia is exerting in the region. Or alert.

Finally, event participants discussed strategies to counteract this impact, emphasizing the need to strengthen democratic institutions in the region.


#Economic #pressure #misinformation #report #reveals #Russias #strategy #expand #influence #Latin #America

– What are the strategies used⁤ by Russia to expand ​its influence ‍in Latin America?

Russia’s Global Struggle: How Moscow is Expanding its Influence in ‌Latin ⁤America

In ‍its relentless ‌pursuit of global influence, Russia has set its sights on Latin America, leveraging economic unions, misinformation campaigns, and strategic investments ⁤to expand its reach in the region. ⁣A recent report ‍by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD), a ‌leading European think tank, has shed light on Russia’s tactics to manipulate institutions, exert economic pressure, ⁤and spread⁢ false information in Latin America.

A Decade of Research Reveals Russia’s Ambitions

The CSD report, “The Kremlin Handbook on⁣ Latin America and the ⁤Caribbean,” analyze Russia’s influence in ‌the ⁣region, detailing ⁤its ⁤strategies to exploit institutional weaknesses, manipulate public opinion, and gain economic footholds⁣ in key sectors such as energy, mining, and finance. The‌ study, which ⁣spanned over 10 years, highlights Russia’s intent to create​ “capture ‍networks” across the region,⁣ capitalizing on the ⁤vulnerabilities⁢ of Latin ‌American countries.

Russia’s Tactics: ​Economic Pressure ‌and Misinformation

Russia’s approach​ in‌ Latin America involves a combination of⁣ economic⁢ pressure and misinformation campaigns. ‌The country has invested⁤ heavily in strategic sectors,⁢ including energy and mining,⁤ aiming to exert control over key industries and ⁢gain leverage over local governments. Additionally, Russia has employed disinformation tactics, spreading ⁤false information to sway public opinion‍ and⁢ undermine democratic institutions.

Latin America: Fertile Ground ⁣for‍ Russian Influence

Latin America has become​ a focal point for Russia’s global ambitions, with⁣ the region’s institutional weaknesses‍ and economic vulnerabilities making it an‌ attractive ‌target for Moscow’s influence. According to the CSD report, Russia has specifically⁢ targeted ‍five countries in the region, including Argentina, where it has​ sought to expand ⁤its economic footprint and sway‌ public ‍opinion.

Russia’s Goals: Expanding Economic​ Impact and ‍Policy Influence

The CSD report ⁤reveals that Russia’s ultimate goal‍ in⁤ Latin America is to expand its economic impact and policy influence, regardless⁢ of the nature of the government⁢ in power. By⁢ exploiting​ institutional weaknesses and co-opting local elites, ⁣Russia⁤ aims to gain a strategic advantage in the region, ultimately strengthening its position⁣ in the global arena.

Winning Public Support through⁢ Misinformation

Russia’s tactics in Latin ⁢America also ​involve‌ winning public support through disinformation campaigns and manipulation of ⁣local media outlets. By spreading false information and fuelling conspiracy theories, Russia ⁣seeks to create a perception of itself as a champion of sovereignty and ⁢national independence, thereby gaining public acceptance and legitimacy ‍for its actions.

A Threat to ‌Democracy ‍and Free Markets

The CSD report highlights the dangers ⁢posed by Russia’s influence in Latin America, warning that its actions undermine democracy and free markets in the region. The spread of misinformation, manipulation​ of institutions, and exploitation of​ economic⁢ vulnerabilities all contribute to a destabilizing effect on the ⁣region’s political ​and economic landscape.

Conclusion: Vigilance is Key

As Russia continues ⁤to expand its ‍influence in Latin America, it is essential for democratic governments and civil society organizations to remain vigilant​ and⁢ proactive ⁣in countering its tactics. By promoting ‍transparency, accountability, and‍ media literacy, the region can ⁤mitigate‍ the‍ risks posed by Russia’s global struggle for influence and ensure that democracy and free markets prevail.

Keyword‍ Tags: Russia, Latin America, Center for the Study of Democracy, global influence, ⁣economic pressure, misinformation,‍ disinformation, democracy, free ⁢markets, Vladimir Putin, institutional weaknesses, public opinion, energy, mining, finance,⁢ strategic sectors, capture networks.

How is Russia’s influence in Latin America impacting democratic institutions in the region?

Russia’s Influence in Latin America: A Threat to Democracy and Free Markets

In recent years, Russia has been actively expanding its influence in Latin America, using a range of mechanisms to exert its power over the region



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