Dismiss the Gossip and Prioritize Your Productivity

Philip Caleri

September 18, 2024

“My truth about Boccia? It’s simple. I don’t know her. And now enough theorems. We can’t block the country on gossip. It’s time for important choices for the country’s prestige like the G7 Agriculture that will be held in Syracuse from September 26 to 28.” The Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Francesco Lollobrigida, gets things off his chest and explains to the value of the Sicilian event.
So let’s get this out of the way right away. Your truth about Boccia?
«I’ll clarify right away about the video where I’m in Parliament with you. I was invited by my parliamentary colleagues who were part of the Mediterranean diet group. I was in that conference for ten minutes, making the initial greeting, and then I left the session. That was the only contact with you. Then I saw that there is also a photo of a dinner in Pompeii during the dinner for the promotion of Italian cuisine organized with my colleague Sangiuliano. There is nothing else. It is difficult for me to comment on a person I do not know. You yourself said that you do not know me. And I emphasize: you do not know me. I reject the principle according to which first they construct a theorem and then you have to spend entire days instead of working having to respond to chatter. Now is the time for serious things. Like the G7 of Agriculture».
What will be the main theme of the event?
“We reaffirm Italy’s role as a point of reference for the culture of quality. Which for us means Made in Italy and for others a solution to the problems of our time.”
What is the primary emergency at the center of the work?
“Food security is intrinsically linked to food sovereignty. For us, this theme means respecting tradition while accepting innovation for the African people, who are special guests of the summit, the same concept is expressed with self-sufficiency.”
Why is Africa so important?
“We must become their partners on an equal footing. African countries have 63% of the arable land, they have the wealth of a very young population. With our technology and by protecting the brands of origin they can increase the penetration of their products and can become outlet markets for ours.”
An important aspect is technology. What more can it give to the sector?
“We have arrived at Agriculture.5 with the introduction of artificial intelligence in crops. This is what is being discussed in Syracuse. The great challenge is to guarantee food safety, to preserve what is good by taking up the challenge of the future. Above all, without shortcuts such as replacing natural food with that produced in the laboratory”.
What’s new in Sicily?
“We will not only talk about agriculture but also about fishing. It is the first time and it concerns especially those who do aquaculture, who are assimilated to the farmers of the sea. There will be a session dedicated to this topic. There will also be a G7 youth with students who will report their work to the G7 ministers. This is in the name of a change of perspective. The assembly was considered a closed place”.
“We imagined it as an open event. It will last nine days because the three officials will be combined with an Expo that will see the presence of hundreds of entrepreneurs from the quality sector, we will have universities, law enforcement and sports.”
Who will participate?
“In addition to the 7 ministers of the invited countries, we will have eleven ministerial presences from Africa, the presidents of the major Italian institutions, 18 regions out of 20. And also the Consultation of the Ministers of Agriculture with all the heads of the ministry of republican history. It will be a moment of high-level discussion”.
There will also be the topic of migrations that are linked to the search for food. What’s cooking?
“I start from the principle that immigration is physiological and necessary. But it must be legal and must respond to the need for security also for those arriving. We have created a system of dialogue with other nations and the number of legal flows has been expanded. Our government is demonstrating that illegal immigration must be blocked and regular immigration supported. The first rule is that laws must be respected.”
What do you think about the Open Arms case?
“The solidarity with Salvini is complete. The story shows the attempt of those who, for ideological reasons, are trying to make our nation a landing place for illegal immigrants.”
Let’s move on to Europe. Fitto elected vice president. What do you think?
“A victory. I have always thought that up to the Brenner Pass, everyone wears the jersey of their own team, after the border there is only one jersey. It is a principle that we have always respected. I give the example of Maurizio Martina, he is the first Italian deputy director of the FAO for whom I have expressed my full support. In short, the line is always the same: national interests first, then those of the party”.
Let’s talk about the Common Agricultural Policy. What will change?
“Italy has a stronger role. It needs to be rewritten in a version that puts the farmer at the center. Today we can do it.”
Let’s get back to government matters? What do you think of the Sangiuliano-Boccia case and its influence on another G7, that of Culture?
“I have great respect for Sangiuliano and his successor Giuli. I am convinced that the attempt to create controversy when events of international importance are held, and not to create a serene climate, is a defeat for everyone. In these cases, the idea of ​​a united country that protects its economic system and its excellence should be given. In my case, two fellow ministers, Giuli who was just installed and Urso, initially, due to institutional commitments, had said that they would not be in Syracuse. They called me to assure me that they will be there. It is a sign of unity.”
Is the government a bit bogged down on this story?
“The government has moved forward anyway. There is nothing more to comment on. Out of a sense of responsibility, my hope is that we return to talking not only about gossip but also about positive things that objectively emerge from economic data such as employment and agri-food exports. They speak for themselves.”
Do you feel politically isolated today?
“To those who tell me that I am isolated, I say to come to the G7 agriculture in Sicily. Eleven African countries and all the ministers of the G7 prove that at an international level Italy is not isolated. Then they can touch with their hands the companies that with their money will come to exhibit their jewels that will participate in the Expo are associations of all kinds and with different sensibilities. From Legacoop to Confagricoltura to Coldiretti. This is the positive side. The rest is the attempt of some to tell a different Italy from what it actually is”.

#Stop #Gossip #Work #Tempo
2024-09-19 06:44:10

-⁢ What are Minister Lollobrigida’s main priorities for the G7 Agriculture summit?

Minister Lollobrigida Sets ​the Record Straight on ⁣Boccia and G7 Agriculture

In a candid interview, Italy’s Minister of Agriculture,⁣ Food Sovereignty, and Forestry, Francesco Lollobrigida, addressed the⁢ recent controversy surrounding his alleged connections to‍ Boccia, stressing that he doesn’t know⁤ her and rejecting the notion that he needs to spend time responding to gossip. ‍Instead,⁣ he emphasized ‍the importance of‌ focusing on critical issues affecting the country’s prestige, such as the upcoming G7 Agriculture summit in​ Syracuse.

The Significance ⁤of the G7 Agriculture ‍Summit

The Minister highlighted the significance of the G7 Agriculture summit, which will take place from September 26 to 28 in Syracuse. ⁤The⁤ event will reaffirm Italy’s role as a point of reference ⁢for the culture of quality, emphasizing Made in Italy ​and seeking solutions

Country’s prestige.

Italy’s Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida Speaks Out on Boccia and the Importance of G7 Agriculture Summit

In a recent interview, Italy’s Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, and Forestry, Francesco Lollobrigida, addressed the controversy surrounding his alleged relationship with Boccia, stating that he doesn’t know her and that it’s time to focus on important issues for the country’s prestige. The minister emphasized that he’s not interested in engaging in gossip and instead wants to focus on the upcoming G7 Agriculture Summit, which will take place in Syracuse from September 26 to 28.

Setting the Record Straight on Boccia

When asked about his relationship with Boccia, Lollobrigida clarified that he was invited to a conference on the Mediterranean diet, where they had a brief encounter. He also mentioned that they had dinner together in Pompeii during a promotion event for Italian cuisine. However, he emphasized that he doesn’t know her beyond those encounters and that it’s difficult for him to comment on someone he doesn’t know. The minister expressed his frustration with the idea that he needs to spend time responding to rumors and gossip instead of focusing on his work.

The Significance of the G7 Agriculture Summit

Lollobrigida highlighted the importance of the G7 Agriculture Summit, which will reaffirm Italy’s role as a point of reference for quality culture. The event will focus on “Made in Italy” and finding solutions to the problems of our time. The minister emphasized that food security is intrinsically linked to food sovereignty, and that respecting tradition while embracing innovation is essential for African countries, which will be special guests at the summit.

Africa’s Key Role in the Summit

Lollobrigida stressed the importance of partnering with African countries on an equal footing. He noted that African countries have 63% of the arable land and a young population, making them an ideal partner for increasing food production and trade. By protecting brands of origin and leveraging technology, African countries can increase the penetration of their products and become outlet markets for Italian goods.

The Role of Technology in Agriculture

The minister highlighted the potential of technology in agriculture, particularly with the introduction of artificial intelligence in crops. He emphasized the need to guarantee food safety and preserve what is good while taking up the challenge of the future. Lollobrigida also cautioned against shortcuts, such as replacing natural food with laboratory-produced alternatives.

What to Expect from the Summit

The G7 Agriculture Summit will be a comprehensive event that will also cover fishing and aquaculture. There will be a session dedicated to these topics, as well as a G7 youth event where students will present their work to the G7 ministers. The summit will also feature an Expo with hundreds of entrepreneurs from the quality sector, universities, law enforcement, and sports.

International Participation

The event will see the participation of seven ministers from invited countries, as well as eleven ministerial presences from African countries. Lollobrigida emphasized that the summit will be an open event, unlike traditional assemblies, which will allow for a change of perspective and foster collaboration.

Minister Lollobrigida’s interview provided valuable insights into the G7 Agriculture Summit and its significance for Italy and the world. By focusing on quality culture, food sovereignty, and technology, the summit aims to address the pressing issues of our time and promote sustainable agriculture practices.

Keywords: Francesco Lollobrigida, G7 Agriculture Summit, Italy, Agriculture, Food Sovereignty, Technology, Africa, Made in Italy, Food Security.

Meta Description: Italy’s Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, discusses the upcoming G7 Agriculture Summit and its significance for Italy and the world. He also addresses the controversy surrounding Boccia and emphasizes the importance of focusing on important issues for the



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