Claudia Sheinbaum’s Battle Against Judicial Reform: A Commitment to Change

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Battle Against Judicial Reform: A Commitment to Change

MEXICO CITY.— Claudia Sheinbaum Pardothe President-elect of Mexicotried to stop the approval of judicial reformwith the intention of waiting for her to take possession, however, he did not succeed.

Last night, Thursday, the Latin news portal released information published by the Spanish newspaper ABC Inernacionalfrom a report made by Milton Merlo.

According to the journalist’s investigation, 10 days ago Claudia Sheinbaum tried to get Morena senators and deputies to delay the approval of the judicial reform to “wait for her to take power” and, in this way, “qualify certain points that generate nervousness in the business community and in the partners of the North American Free Trade Agreement,” known as T-MEC.

Apparently, the president-elect held a private meeting with the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and during the meeting it was decided to go ahead with the reform.

In his article, Milton Merlo cites “sources close to” Claudia Sheinbaum and “the transition team.”

He also points out that “the judicial reform, in its original form, was rejected by the next president, despite the fact that she had publicly closed ranks with López Obrador.”

According to Latinus, the Spanish newspaper’s publication highlights that López Obrador managed to condition Sheinbaum Pardo with a reform that has shown “the most authoritarian side” of the current government and that he will have to “organize elections so that judges and magistrates are elected by popular vote.”

According to the ABC article, López Obrador “has appointed more than 30 people to the government” that Claudia Sheinbaum will lead.

Apparently, in June, AMLO “told Sheinbaum that there would only be five, but he has advanced dozens of positions with the argument that the people who had worked in his government had to be recognized.”

The article in the Spanish newspaper states that the dynamic used was the same in all cases: “Sheinbaum met with López Obrador, who asked her who she was going to appoint to a certain position, Sheinbaum said she was studying a list of names and when there was any doubt, the president appointed his candidate.”

As an example, ABC points out the case of Rosa Icela Rodríguez, who is currently Secretary of Security of the AMLO government.

According to the Spanish newspaper, López Obrador’s demands for the future president include her place of residence, Latinus adds.

AMLO also seeks to maintain control of the Morena party, according to Milton Merlo, therefore, López Obrador has appointed his current Secretary of the Interior, Luisa María Alcalde Luján, as the next head of Morena, and intends to appoint his son “Andrés López Beltrán, implicated in various alleged corruption scandals” as his second in command.

The article concludes by pointing out that, “at least during the first year of government, Sheinbaum will continue to be strongly conditioned by López Obrador and with relatively few margins of autonomy.”

She also points out that “the treatment of the judicial reform has reinforced this idea because Sheinbaum, at no time, at least in public, showed that she had her own voice, an opinion on the debate: at all times she appeared to be coordinated with the president.”

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2024-09-19 06:26:21

What are the best⁣ practices for ​using the `

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in HTML: A ⁣Comprehensive Guide


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What is



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Uses of


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– What are the primary uses of the HTML `

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I apologize, but it seems you’ve provided an article about Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, the President-elect of Mexico, and her attempts to stop the approval of judicial reform. However, I was expecting an article about the HTML


If you would like, I can create a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of

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Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is a fundamental part of HTML, used to define a division or section of content within a web page. It is a generic container element that can be used to group elements together for styling, layout, or semantic purposes. In this article, we will explore the uses, benefits, and best practices of the


What is the



element is a block-level element that represents a generic container element. It is a versatile element that can be used to wrap around other elements, including headings, paragraphs, images, links, and more. The

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Group elements together for styling purposes

Create a layout or structure for a web page

Add semantics to a web page

Provide a hook for JavaScript or CSS selectors

Uses of the



element has numerous uses in web development. Some common examples include:

Creating a header or footer section

Defining a navigation menu

Grouping together related content, such as a list of items

Creating a container for a JavaScript or CSS animation

Adding a background image or color to a section of a web page

Benefits of the



element has several benefits, including:

Versatility: The

element can be used in a variety of ways, making it a versatile tool in web development.

Flexibility: The

element can be styled using CSS, making it easy to customize its appearance and layout.

Semantics: The

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Best Practices for Using the


When using the

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Use the

element sparingly: Avoid overusing the

element, as it can make your code cluttered and difficult to read.

Use semantic HTML elements: Instead of using the

element for everything, use semantic HTML elements, such as
