Guardians of Panama’s Green Horizon: Hilary Heron and Olga Sinclair


Through this initiative, the Ministry hopes to generate a movement for change that will inspire all citizens to actively participate in protecting the environment.

Panama City, September 18, 2024In an effort to address the climate crisis and promote awareness across all sectors of society, the Ministry of Environment launched the “Climate Ambassadors” initiative. This initiative brings together prominent public figures, including renowned artist Olga Sinclair and talented athlete Hilary Heron, who, from their respective areas of work, art and sports, will seek to contribute to raising awareness and action on climate change.

The purpose of “Climate Ambassadors” is to inspire all citizens to become agents of change in the face of the climate emergency. The initiative calls on influential personalities from the aforementioned sectors to learn and promote sustainable practices together with their audience.

For the National Director of Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment, Juan Carlos Monterrey, “it is evident that the traditional format is not yielding the expected results. We want to change the paradigm, permeate all sectors and act jointly to ensure a sustainable future for future generations.”

He added that Panama is not immune to the impacts of climate change, and the urgency to act is increasingly evident. “That is the importance of this initiative, which seeks to mobilize the population towards concrete actions that mitigate these effects and promote adaptation to the already inevitable changes,” he said.

Olga Sinclair will use her influence in the art world to raise awareness about the effects of climate change on cultural and artistic heritage, inspiring others to adopt sustainable practices. The artist said that art creates solutions that raise awareness and provide a way to free herself from the anguish she feels when seeing rivers full of garbage. She also recalls how, 17 years ago, she decided not to give private workshops for children, but to paint with 5,000 children in a park, an initiative she managed to achieve together with the then mayor and current Minister of the Environment, Juan Carlos Navarro.

Heron, as a representative of the sports sector, highlights how climate change affects outdoor sports and will promote the adoption of sustainable practices among her fans and the sports community. The Olympic gymnast said that “If there is no healthy ecosystem, the future as humans is not going to be very good”which reinforces the need to take care of the planet. He explains that some sports, such as cycling and athletics, are already being directly affected by extreme weather events, such as heavy rains and heat waves, situations that put the health of athletes at risk.

MiAMBIENTE will provide ongoing guidance and support to the ambassadors throughout the duration of the initiative. Through specialized workshops, briefings and technical advice, professionals from the Climate Change Directorate will work to ensure that these representatives acquire the necessary knowledge to convey key messages on sustainability and climate action.

In addition, the entity will work closely with them to develop effective strategies that generate a significant impact in their respective areas of influence, thus ensuring that the initiative meets its objectives effectively and sustainably.

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– What is the “Climate Ambassadors” initiative ‌launched by Panama’s Ministry of Environment?

Panama Launches “Climate Ambassadors” Initiative to Combat Climate Crisis

Date: September​ 18, 2024

Image: [Image description: A group of prominent public figures, including Olga Sinclair and Hilary Heron, gathered together as part of the “Climate Ambassadors” initiative, launched by the Ministry of Environment in Panama.]

In a bold move to address the climate crisis and promote environmental awareness across all sectors of society, the Ministry ⁤of ⁢Environment in Panama has launched ⁣the “Climate ‌Ambassadors” initiative. This innovative​ program brings together influential public figures from various fields, including art and sports, to inspire citizens to take action ⁢against climate change.

Inspiring a Movement for Change

The “Climate Ambassadors” initiative ⁣aims to generate a movement for ⁢change that encourages all ⁢citizens to actively ‌participate in protecting the environment. By collaborating with​ renowned artists,⁣ athletes, and‌ other prominent personalities, ⁢the Ministry of Environment hopes to reach a wider audience and promote sustainable practices in ​all aspects of life.

Renowned​ Artist and Athlete Join the‌ Cause

Two prominent public⁣ figures have already joined the initiative: ⁤Olga Sinclair, a celebrated artist, and Hilary Heron, a ‌talented athlete. From their respective⁢ areas of work, art and sports, they will contribute to raising ​awareness and promoting action on climate change.

Olga Sinclair, a renowned artist, will use her influence to raise awareness about the effects‍ of climate change⁢ on cultural and artistic heritage. She believes that art ⁤can create ‌solutions‌ that raise‍ awareness and‌ provide a way to address the anguish caused ​by environmental degradation.

Hilary Heron,‍ an Olympic gymnast,⁢ highlights how climate change ‌affects ‍outdoor sports and will⁣ promote the adoption of sustainable practices among her fans and ⁣the sports community. She ‍emphasizes the importance of taking ‌care of​ the planet, stating that “if there is no healthy ecosystem, the future as humans is not going to be very⁢ good.”

Urgent Need for ​Action

According to Juan Carlos Monterrey, National Director of‍ Climate⁤ Change‌ of the Ministry of Environment, Panama is not‍ immune to the impacts⁢ of climate change, and the ‍urgency to act is increasingly evident. “We want to‌ change⁣ the paradigm, ​permeate all sectors, ​and act jointly to ensure a sustainable future for future generations,” he emphasized.

A Call to Action

The “Climate Ambassadors” initiative is a call to action for all citizens⁣ to become agents of change in the face of the climate emergency. By working together and adopting sustainable practices,⁣ Panama can mitigate the effects of‌ climate⁣ change and promote a sustainable future.

Ongoing Guidance and Support

The Ministry of Environment will provide ongoing guidance and support ⁤to the “Climate Ambassadors” to ensure the ⁤success of the ‌initiative. Through this program, Panama is taking a crucial step towards combating the climate​ crisis and inspiring a movement for change that will benefit future generations.

Keywords: Climate Ambassadors, Panama, Ministry of ⁤Environment, Climate Crisis, Environmental Awareness, Sustainability, Art, Sports, Olga Sinclair, Hilary Heron, ‍Juan Carlos Monterrey.

Meta Description: Learn about the “Climate Ambassadors” initiative launched by the Ministry of Environment in Panama to combat the climate crisis ‍and promote environmental awareness.

Article Tags: Climate Change, Environmental Protection, Sustainability, Panama, Ministry of Environment, Climate Ambassadors, Olga Sinclair, Hilary ‍Heron,⁢ Juan Carlos Monterrey.

– What is the goal of Panama’s “Climate Ambassadors” initiative?

Panama Launches “Climate Ambassadors” Initiative to Inspire Action and Promote Sustainability

Published on September 18, 2024

In a bid to address the escalating climate crisis and promote awareness across all sectors of society, the Ministry of Environment in Panama has launched the innovative “Climate Ambassadors” initiative. This pioneering program brings together prominent public figures from the world of art, sports, and beyond, who will leverage their influence to raise awareness and inspire action on climate change.

A Call to Action for Climate Change

The “Climate Ambassadors” initiative is designed to inspire all citizens to become agents of change in the face of the climate emergency. By partnering with influential personalities from various sectors, the Ministry of Environment aims to promote sustainable practices and encourage collective action to mitigate the effects of climate change.

National Director of Climate Change, Juan Carlos Monterrey, emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating, “It is evident that the traditional format is not yielding the expected results. We want to change the paradigm, permeate all sectors, and act jointly to ensure a sustainable future for future generations.”

Prominent Ambassadors Join the Cause

Renowned artist Olga Sinclair and talented athlete Hilary Heron are among the first cohort of Climate Ambassadors. These respected figures will utilize their platforms to raise awareness about the devastating impacts of climate change on cultural and artistic heritage, as well as outdoor sports.

Olga Sinclair will use her influence in the art world to inspire others to adopt sustainable practices, highlighting the importance of protecting cultural and artistic heritage from the effects of climate change. The artist recalled her decision 17 years ago to organize a massive painting event with 5,000 children in a park, an initiative that showcased the power of collective action.

Hilary Heron, as a representative of the sports sector, will promote the adoption of sustainable practices among her fans and the sports community. The Olympic gymnast emphasized the importance of protecting the environment, stating, “If there is no healthy ecosystem, the future as humans is not going to be very good.”

Support and Guidance for Climate Ambassadors

Throughout the initiative, MiAMBIENTE will provide ongoing guidance and support to the ambassadors. Through specialized workshops, briefings, and technical advice, professionals from the Climate Change Directorate will ensure that these representatives acquire the necessary knowledge to convey key messages on sustainability and climate action.

A Joint Effort for a Sustainable Future

The Ministry of Environment will work closely with the ambassadors to develop and implement targeted campaigns, events, and activities that promote sustainable practices and raise awareness about climate change. By collaborating with influencers from diverse backgrounds, the initiative aims to create a broad and inclusive movement for change.

In a world grappling with the devastating consequences of climate change, the “Climate Ambassadors” initiative is a beacon of hope. By inspiring individual action and collective responsibility, Panama is taking a crucial step towards a more sustainable future. Join the movement and become a part of the solution today!

Key Takeaways:

The “Climate Ambassadors” initiative is a pioneering program launched by the Ministry of Environment in Panama to promote awareness and action on climate change.

The initiative brings together prominent public figures from various sectors to inspire collective action and promote sustainable practices.

Renowned artist Olga Sinclair and talented athlete Hilary Heron are among the first cohort of Climate Ambassadors.

MiAMBIENTE will provide ongoing guidance and support to the ambassadors throughout the initiative.

* The initiative aims to create a broad and inclusive movement for change, encouraging individual action and collective responsibility to address the climate crisis.

Optimized Keywords: Climate Ambassadors, Ministry of Environment, Panama, Climate Change, Sustainability, Environmental Awareness, Art, Sports, Olga Sinclair, Hilary Heron, Collective Action, Sustainable Practices.



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