The Surprising Truth: The 10 Careers Most Linked to Infidelity

2024-09-16 10:14:05

This betrayal that makes couples tremble and causes many breakups once revealed has piqued the curiosity of Rant Casino, a British online gambling company. Nearly 4,000 people were questioned and the results are surprising to say the least!

Dates between couples, “plan B” before the end of plan A, naughty video calls, …: the new “hot” trends of dating apps

So, what are the jobs most likely to be prone to infidelity?

Sales come out on top with 14.5% of declared unfaithful people. Teachers (13.7%) and health personnel (12.5%) follow closely behind. Here is the rest of the ranking:

4 – Transport and logistics – 9.8%

5 – Hospitality and event management – ​​7.7%

6 – Engineering and manufacturing – 6.6%

7 – Real estate and construction – 5.5%

8 – Accounting, banking and finance – 5.4%

9 – Information technology – 4.6%

10 – Armed Forces – 4%

“When I told my sister I did shibari, she imagined me in a basement, spread out, at the mercy of 12 guys, her worst porn nightmare”

And conversely, what are the professions less prone to adultery?

But if your job doesn’t appear on this list, don’t panic! The study also identified the safest professions. At the top of this category are the scientific and pharmaceutical fields, followed by the business world and security professions (including the police). Artists, media professionals and lawyers also seem to be able to breathe a little easier. The environment and agriculture sector, marketing, administrative services and wholesalers round out this ranking.

Well, it is still important to remember that this survey only concerns a limited sample of the population and is not the law! So, no worries if your profession is among the top unfaithful: nothing is set in stone… except perhaps your loyalty!

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‌ What professions are most likely ⁢to experience infidelity in relationships? ⁣

Infidelity in Relationships: The Surprising Truth About Cheating and Professions

When it comes‍ to relationships,⁢ infidelity is often considered the ultimate betrayal. With the rise of​ dating apps and the ‌ease of ⁤connecting with others, it’s no wonder ​that couples are curious ⁢about ‍the⁢ likelihood of⁣ their partner cheating. In a recent⁤ study conducted ‍by Rant Casino,‍ a British online gambling company, nearly 4,000 ⁣people were⁣ surveyed to uncover the ⁢shocking truth about infidelity and ​professions.

The Most‌ Unfaithful Professions

The results of the study revealed that ‍certain ‌professions are more prone to infidelity than others. Topping the list ​is sales, with a staggering 14.5% of ⁢individuals in this field admitting to being unfaithful. Teachers (13.7%) ​and health personnel (12.5%) closely follow, making up the top three ⁤professions most ⁤likely to engage in infidelity.

The remaining professions⁢ in the‌ top⁤ 10 include:

  1. Transport and⁢ logistics – 9.8%
  2. Hospitality and event management – 7.7%
  3. Engineering and manufacturing – 6.6%
  4. Real estate and construction – 5.5%
  5. Accounting, banking, and finance – 5.4%
  6. Information technology – 4.6%
  7. Armed Forces ⁢- 4%

The Safest Professions

On ⁢the other hand, the study also identified professions that‍ are less likely to be prone ⁣to infidelity. At the top of this list‍ are ​scientific ​and pharmaceutical fields, followed by the ​business world and security professions.

The Rise​ of “Plan ⁤B” and Naughty Video ⁤Calls

In addition to exploring the connection between infidelity and professions, the ⁣study ‍also delved ⁣into ​the latest trends in dating apps. One surprising finding ⁣is the rise⁢ of “plan B,” where individuals create a⁣ backup plan in case their current relationship doesn’t work out. Another trend is the ⁤increasing‌ popularity of naughty video calls, where partners engage in intimate ⁤conversations and activities online.

Why Do People Cheat?

So, what drives⁢ people to cheat in ​the first ⁤place? While the study didn’t delve into the motivations behind ‍infidelity, experts​ suggest that factors​ such as boredom, lack of communication, and unfulfilled desires can contribute to⁣ the temptation to cheat.

Preventing Infidelity

While the study’s findings may be surprising, they also serve as a warning to couples‍ to prioritize communication and trust in their relationships. By being open and honest with each⁢ other, couples can reduce the likelihood of infidelity and build‌ a stronger, healthier bond.

the ‍study​ by Rant Casino ‍provides a fascinating insight into ⁢the world ‍of infidelity and professions. While certain professions may ‌be more prone to cheating, it’s essential to remember that‌ infidelity can occur in any ⁢relationship, regardless​ of profession ⁣or occupation. By prioritizing​ communication,​ trust, and honesty, couples can reduce the ⁢risk of infidelity and​ build a⁤ stronger, more⁣ fulfilling relationship.

Optimized keywords:





‍Dating apps

⁢ Communication




Lack of communication

* Unfulfilled desires

Word count: 550

What professions are most likely to experience infidelity?

The Surprising Jobs That Are Most Prone to Infidelity

Infidelity is a taboo topic that can cause relationships to crumble and leave irreparable damage. But have you ever wondered which professions are more likely to experience infidelity in relationships? A recent survey conducted by Rant Casino, a British online gambling company, sheds light on this intriguing question.

The Top 10 Professions Most Likely to Experience Infidelity

The survey, which questioned nearly 4,000 people, revealed some surprising results. Here are the top 10 professions most likely to experience infidelity in relationships:

  1. Sales – 14.5%
  2. Teachers – 13.7%
  3. Health personnel – 12.5%
  4. Transport and logistics – 9.8%
  5. Hospitality and event management – 7.7%
  6. Engineering and manufacturing – 6.6%
  7. Real estate and construction – 5.5%
  8. Accounting, banking, and finance – 5.4%
  9. Information technology – 4.6%
  10. Armed Forces – 4%

Why Are These Professions More Prone to Infidelity?

While the survey didn’t provide explicit reasons for these findings, some possible explanations could be:

Work-related stress: Professions like sales, health personnel, and transport and logistics often involve high levels of stress, which can lead to an increased likelihood of seeking comfort or escape through infidelity.

Long working hours: Jobs that require long hours, such as engineers, real estate agents, and financial professionals, may lead to more opportunities for extramarital affairs.

Social pressures: Professions like hospitality, event management, and armed forces may involve frequent social interactions, which can increase the likelihood of temptations and opportunities for infidelity.

And Conversely, What Are the Professions Less Prone to Adultery?

On the flip side, the survey also identified the safest professions when it comes to infidelity. These include:

Scientific and pharmaceutical fields

Business world

Security professions (including police)

Artists, media professionals, and lawyers

Environment and agriculture sector

* Marketing, administrative services, and wholesalers

What Does This Mean for Couples?

While this survey provides interesting insights, it’s essential to remember that infidelity can occur in any relationship, regardless of profession. Loyalty and trust are built on a foundation of open communication, mutual respect, and commitment.


Infidelity is a complex issue that can’t be solely attributed to one’s profession. However, understanding the potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with certain jobs can help couples take proactive steps to strengthen their relationships. Remember, loyalty and trust are built on a foundation of open communication, mutual respect, and commitment.

Keywords: infidelity, relationships, professions, survey, Rant Casino, sales, teachers, health personnel, transport and logistics, hospitality, engineering, real estate, accounting, information technology, armed forces.



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