Renault CEO Sounds Alarm Over €15 Billion Penalty Threats for European Car Manufacturers

Luca de Meo called for “some flexibility” to be introduced, as electric car sales slow on the continent. He told France Inter radio that to comply with the average CO2 emissions standards for all cars sold, companies would have to reduce their production by “more than 2.5 million vehicles” to avoid being penalised.

“One electric car could replace four petrol cars,” said De Meo, who is also president of the European Manufacturers Association. “We are preparing for 2025 now because we are receiving orders for the cars we will deliver, and according to our calculations, if electric car production remains at the current level, the European industry could have to pay 15 billion euros in fines or give up production of more than 2.5 million” units.
“We need to show some flexibility about us,” De Meo continued, warning that “just setting deadlines and fines without the possibility of making them flexible is very dangerous.”

In August, electric cars represented just 12.5% ​​of the European car market, with sales down 10.8% year-on-year.
The head of French Renault also stressed the importance of the electric car market for European battery manufacturing projects, noting that “if electric cars are not sold, these projects will face difficulties.”

The crisis that the European car industry is experiencing in light of Chinese competition is reflected in the announcement by the leading company Volkswagen that it is preparing an unprecedented austerity plan that may lead to the closure of its factories even in Germany.

Source: Agencies

#Renault #CEO #European #car #companies #face #billion #fines
2024-09-19 03:09:09

Certainly! Here is a list of⁣ People Also Ask ⁣(PAA) ‌questions related to the HTML `

` element:

I apologize, but the provided​ text does not seem to ⁣be related to the HTML

element. The text appears to be ⁤a news ⁤article about electric car⁤ sales in Europe and the comments ⁢of Luca de‍ Meo, the president of the European Manufacturers Association.

If you’d like, I can help you create a comprehensive ⁢and SEO-optimized article on the topic of

HTML element. Here’s a sample article:

What is the

Element in HTML?


element ‍is a fundamental part ‌of HTML (Hypertext ‍Markup ⁤Language) used to define a division or⁤ a section of an HTML document. It is a generic container element that allows developers to group elements together and apply styles, ‌layout, and other attributes to them.

Purpose of


The main purpose of the

element is to provide a way to structure an HTML⁣ document into logical sections, making it easier to apply styles, layout, and JavaScript⁤ behavior to specific parts of the page. The

element ​is a block-level element, meaning it takes up the ⁤full⁣ width‍ of its parent ⁤container and starts on a new line.

Attributes of



element can have several attributes, including:

id: specifies a unique identifier for the element

class: ⁤specifies one or more class names‌ for the ​element

style: specifies inline styles for‍ the element

title: specifies a tooltip ⁣or a title for the element

data-: ‍specifies custom data attributes‌ for the element

Examples of ​Using


Here are some examples of using the


Grouping elements together:

This is⁢ a paragraph

⁢Creating a ⁣container for a layout:⁢


Applying⁤ styles to ‌a section:


Creating a ‍responsive design:


Common Use Cases for



element is⁤ commonly used in the following scenarios:

Creating a page layout or structure

Grouping⁢ elements together for styling or layout purposes

Creating a responsive‍ design

Applying JavaScript behavior to a section ​of the page

Creating a‌ container for a widget or a module

Best Practices ⁤for Using


Here are some best practices for using the

⁣ element:


elements sparingly and only when‍ necessary

Use meaningful class names or⁢ IDs ⁢to identify‍ the ⁤element

Avoid using inline ⁤styles and‍ instead use ⁤external stylesheets

Use the

element⁣ to group elements together, but avoid nesting too many


Use HTML5 semantic elements instead of⁣

whenever possible



element is a powerful and versatile element in HTML‍ that​ allows developers⁤ to structure and style their web‍ pages with ease. By understanding the purpose, attributes, and best practices of using the

element, ⁢developers can create more efficient, flexible, and maintainable web pages.

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title provided:

Thank you for the clarification. Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the HTML


What is the

Element in HTML?


element is a fundamental part of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) used to define a division or a section of an HTML document. It is a generic container element that allows developers to group elements together and apply styles, layout, and other attributes to them.

Purpose of


The main purpose of the

element is to provide a way to structure an HTML document into logical sections, making it easier to apply styles, layout, and JavaScript behavior to specific parts of the page. The

element is a block-level element, meaning it takes up the full width of its parent container and starts on a new line.

Attributes of



element can have several attributes, including:

id: specifies a unique identifier for the element




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