Company Assures Public: ‘Issues Being Resolved, No Need for Concern

Officials from the International Courier and Exchange Company (EMCI), belonging to Correos de Cuba, interviewed by official media, confirmed the enormous delays in the delivery of packages in Cuba and gave their excuses. In addition, they pointed out that customer complaints were not numerous or “alarming.”

According to a report by Cubadebate, on September 16, delays in the delivery of packages are causing concern among Correos de Cuba customers, but “despite the difficulties, The level of complaints or claims from our clients is neither high nor alarming. with respect to previous periods”

A customer identified as Ernesto, according to the report, expressed his frustration on the Correos de Cuba website, saying that he has “packages checked in since August” that have not yet left Havana. “How long will I have to wait?” he asked, reflecting the discontent of many users over delays in the delivery of shipments.

This type of comment is repeated on the platform, where most customers express their concern about delays in the transportation of packages nationwide, managed by the International Courier and Exchange Company (EMCI), which belongs to the Correos de Cuba Business Group.

Delays and complaints about package shipments to Cuba

In an interview with Cubadebate, the general director of EMCI, Mirta Larrinaga Rodríguez, acknowledged that “90% of the dissatisfaction is related to the delay in the delivery of couriers.”

According to Larrinaga, The main reason for these delays is the fuel shortage. that affects the country, they said.

EMCI confirmed that they set a 30-day deadline from the nationalization of shipments until their delivery to the final recipient. However, this time is often extended, especially towards the central and eastern regions of the country, due to the aforementioned shortage.

Regarding the delays and complaints, the official warned that “some people start counting the delivery time from the moment the shipment leaves abroad, but the 30 days we have established start from the moment the product is nationalized in our offices. The delay in arriving in Cuba depends on the region where the product comes from and the means of transport used. There are shipments by air that take 72 hours, others by boat take 15 days. A boat from Spain, for example, can take between 30 and 45 days,” said an official.

They then explained that when shipments arrive in the country, they are not received directly by Correos de Cuba, but by the port, airport and customs authorities.

These must undergo a control process before being delivered to the Cuban Post Office representation at those points, and then transferred to the headquarters of the International Courier and Exchange Company.

This procedure, in itself, adds delays to the process, they said, since at this stage the 30-business-day period for delivery to the final recipient has not yet begun.

#Company #assures #complaints #alarming

What are the main reasons for delays in ‌package delivery⁣ in Cuba?

Here​ is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on‌ the topic of delays in ⁣package delivery in ​Cuba:

Delays in Package Delivery in Cuba: ⁢Officials Cite Fuel Shortage as Main⁢ Reason

Concerns are growing among customers ⁤of ⁢Correos ‍de Cuba, the state-owned‍ postal‌ service,‌ over delays ⁢in the⁤ delivery of ⁢packages in Cuba. Officials from ‍the International ‌Courier ⁣and Exchange Company (EMCI), a subsidiary of Correos de Cuba, have confirmed the delays⁢ and attributed them to the fuel shortage affecting the country.

Customer Frustration Mounts

In recent weeks, ‌customers have taken to ⁤social media and the Correos de ‌Cuba⁢ website to ⁢express their frustration over the delays in package delivery. ⁢One customer, identified as Ernesto, complained that ‍his packages had been ⁣stuck​ in Havana ​since⁢ August and ‌asked how much longer he would have to wait. His concerns are echoed by many others who​ are waiting for packages to arrive from abroad.

Officials Downplay⁣ Complaints

Despite the growing⁢ dissatisfaction among customers, ‌officials from⁤ EMCI claim that⁣ the level of ‍complaints is not “numerous or alarming.” In an interview with Cubadebate,‍ the general director of EMCI, Mirta Larrinaga Rodríguez, acknowledged that 90% of customer⁣ dissatisfaction is related to ⁢delays in package ‍delivery, ⁣but insisted that⁢ the company is doing‌ its ‌best to ⁢resolve the issue.

Fuel Shortage Cited ⁣as Main ⁢Cause ⁣of ⁢Delays

According to⁣ Larrinaga, the fuel shortage in Cuba is⁣ the main reason for the delays in package delivery. The shortage⁣ has affected the company’s ability to transport packages‌ efficiently,⁢ leading ​to extended delivery‍ times. ⁣EMCI has set ‌a 30-day deadline for package delivery from the time of nationalization, but this deadline is often exceeded, especially ‌for packages bound for the central and eastern regions ​of ‌the ⁤country.

Delivery Times Vary

Larrinaga⁢ explained that the delivery time for packages⁤ depends on the region they come from and the mode of ⁤transport used. Shipments by air ⁣can⁤ take as little as 72 ⁣hours, while those by boat can take⁤ up to ​15 days. In⁢ some cases, such as shipments​ from Spain, delivery times can take between 30 and‌ 45 days.

What’s Next for Correos ‌de ‍Cuba Customers?

As‍ the fuel shortage⁣ continues to affect‍ the country, customers of Correos de Cuba can ​expect ‍delays in package delivery ⁢to continue. However,​ EMCI officials have promised to do their best to minimize the delays⁢ and ensure that packages are delivered ⁣as quickly as possible.

Key Takeaways

Delays‌ in package delivery in Cuba​ are caused by the fuel shortage affecting the country.

EMCI ​officials attribute 90% of customer dissatisfaction to delays in package delivery.

​The ​company has ⁤set a 30-day deadline for package delivery ⁣from the time of nationalization, but this deadline is‌ often ​exceeded.

Delivery times vary depending⁣ on the region and mode⁤ of transport used.

Optimized Keywords:

‍Delays in package‌ delivery in Cuba

Correos de Cuba

⁣ International Courier ⁣and Exchange Company (EMCI)

Fuel shortage in Cuba

Package delivery ⁤times in Cuba

Customer complaints about Correos de ‌Cuba

Meta Description:

Delays in package ⁢delivery in Cuba​ are causing frustration among customers.⁣ Officials⁢ cite the ​fuel shortage as the main ⁣reason for the delays. Read ​more about‌ the causes and consequences of ‌delayed package delivery in Cuba.

– What are the main reasons for package delivery delays in Cuba according to EMCI officials?

Delays in Package Delivery in Cuba: Officials Explain Reasons Behind Disruptions

The International Courier and Exchange Company (EMCI), a subsidiary of Correos de Cuba, has finally addressed the concerns of customers regarding the significant delays in package delivery in Cuba. In an interview with official media, EMCI officials acknowledged the delays, citing the fuel shortage as the main culprit behind the disruptions.

Delays in Package Delivery: A Concern for Many

For months, customers have been expressing their frustration on the Correos de Cuba website, sharing their experiences of delayed package deliveries. One customer, identified as Ernesto, shared his ordeal, stating that his packages had been stuck in Havana since August, leaving him wondering how much longer he would have to wait. This sentiment is echoed by many others who have taken to the platform to express their discontent.

EMCI Officials Explain Reasons for Delays

In an attempt to allay concerns, EMCI’s general director, Mirta Larrinaga Rodríguez, explained that 90% of customer dissatisfaction stems from delayed courier deliveries. According to Larrinaga, the primary reason for these delays is the country’s fuel shortage, which affects the transportation of packages nationwide.

Understanding the Delivery Process

EMCI officials clarified that the 30-day deadline for package delivery starts from the moment the shipment is nationalized in their offices, not from the time it leaves abroad. The delay in arrival depends on the region where the product originates and the mode of transport used. Shipments by air can take as little as 72 hours, while those by sea can take up to 15 days. The officials stressed that when shipments arrive in Cuba, they are not received directly by Correos de Cuba but by the port, airport, and customs authorities, which undergo a control process before being delivered to the Cuban Post Office representation.

Procedure Adds Delays

This control process, in itself, contributes to the delay, as the 30-business-day period for delivery to the final recipient has not yet begun. EMCI officials emphasized that this stage is often overlooked by customers when calculating the delivery time.

Complaints Not Alarming, Says EMCI

Despite the concerns expressed by customers, EMCI officials claim that the level of complaints or claims is neither high nor alarming compared to previous periods. This statement may come as a surprise to many who have been waiting for their packages for months.


The delays in package delivery in Cuba are a concern for many, and it is essential for EMCI to take concrete steps to address these issues. While the fuel shortage is a significant contributor to the delays, EMCI must work to optimize their delivery process to minimize disruptions. By understanding the root causes of the delays and the complexities of the delivery process, customers can better appreciate the challenges faced by EMCI and work together to find solutions.

Keyword: Package delivery in Cuba, Correos de Cuba, EMCI, fuel shortage, delays in courier deliveries, customer complaints.



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