Stormy Skies and Raindrops: What Lies Ahead in Your Weather Outlook

Rainy in general terms will be the weather setting for tomorrow, Thursday, September 19.

More specifically, the weather will be cloudy with local rains tomorrow in the mainland, the Sporades, Evia and Crete where sporadic storms will occur at times.

Winds will blow in the Ionian from the south and in the Aegean from the north, locally up to 5 Beaufort.

The temperature will not change appreciably. In the north it will reach 24 to 26 degrees and in the rest of the country 27 to 29 degrees Celsius.

The weather in Attica and Thessaloniki

Weather: A few clouds temporarily increasing in the midday and afternoon hours, when local rains or showers will occur.
Winds: North northeast 3 to 4 and in the morning hours in the east up to 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 19 to 27 to 28 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Clouds at times increased with local rains or showers mainly in the midday and afternoon hours.
Winds: Variable 2 to 3 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 17 to 24 degrees Celsius.

The weather in the rest of Greece

Weather: A few clouds in places increased with local rains in western and central Macedonia where from midday there will also be sporadic storms.
Winds: Variable 2 to 4 Beaufort and in Thrace north-easterly up to 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 15 to 24 to 26 degrees and in western Macedonia up to 19 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Temporarily increased clouds with local rains and sporadic storms, initially in the Ionian and from noon in the rest of the regions. Temporary weakening of the phenomena in the evening.
Winds: Variable 2 to 4 Beaufort and in the Ionian from southerly directions with the same intensity.
Temperature: From 18 to 25 to 27 degrees Celsius. In the interior of Epirus from 15 to 22 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Temporarily increased clouds with local rains and isolated storms initially in Evia and from noon in the rest of the regions. Weakening of the phenomena in the evening hours.
Winds: North northeast 3 to 4 and in the morning hours locally up to 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 17 to 27 to 29 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Sparse clouds in places, denser mainly in Crete, where there will be local rains until the afternoon.
Winds: Northerly 3 to 5 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 20 to 27 to 28 degrees Celsius.

Weather: Sparse clouds at times.
Winds: From north directions 4 to 5 and from the afternoon in the Dodecanese locally up to 6 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 19 to 27 to 29 degrees Celsius.


Weather: Temporarily increased clouds with local rains and isolated storms initially in the Sporades and from noon in the rest of the regions. Weakening of the phenomena in the evening hours.
Winds: East northeast 3 to 4 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 16 to 24 to 26 degrees Celsius.

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What will ​the weather be like in Thessaloniki on Thursday,​ September‍ 19?

Rainy Weather Forecast for ⁢Greece on ⁢Thursday, September 19

Are ⁢you planning to venture out in Greece on Thursday, September 19? If ⁢so, make ⁣sure to pack your ⁤umbrella and raincoat as the weather forecast predicts a rainy day‌ across ‍the country.

National Weather Forecast

According to the latest forecast, Thursday will be marked by cloudy skies with local rains and sporadic storms in the mainland, Sporades, Evia, and ‌Crete. The winds will blow from ​the south in the Ionian and from the ‍north in the Aegean, reaching speeds of up to 5 Beaufort. The temperature will remain relatively stable, ranging from ‌24 to 26 degrees Celsius in the north and 27 ⁣to 29 degrees ‌Celsius in the rest of the​ country.

Regional Weather ​Forecast

Attica and⁣ Thessaloniki

In Attica, a few clouds will temporarily⁢ increase in the midday and afternoon ⁣hours, bringing local rains or ​showers. The winds will blow from the⁢ north northeast ⁤at 3 to 4 Beaufort, with gusts of up to 5 Beaufort in the morning hours.​ The temperature will range from 19 to 27 to ⁣28 ⁢degrees Celsius.

In Thessaloniki, clouds will gather at times, leading to local ​rains or showers mainly ⁤in the midday and afternoon‍ hours. The winds will ⁣be⁤ variable, blowing at 2 to 3 Beaufort. The temperature will range from⁤ 17 to 24 degrees⁣ Celsius.

The Rest of Greece

Macedonia and⁣ Thrace

In Macedonia and Thrace,‌ a⁤ few clouds will gather in places, leading to local rains in western and central Macedonia. Sporadic storms are expected from ‌midday. The winds will​ blow from variable directions⁣ at 2 to 4 Beaufort,‍ with⁤ gusts of ⁤up to 5 Beaufort in Thrace. The temperature will range from ⁣15 to 24 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Ionian ⁢Islands, Epirus, ‍West Sterea, West Peloponnisos

In⁤ this region, temporarily increased clouds will bring local rains and sporadic storms, initially in⁢ the Ionian and from noon in the rest of the regions. The winds will blow from variable directions⁣ at 2 to ‌4 Beaufort, ⁢with⁢ gusts from southerly directions in the Ionian. The temperature ‍will range from 18 to 25 to 27 degrees ⁢Celsius.

Eastern Sterea, Evia, Eastern Peloponnisos

In this region, temporarily increased clouds will bring local ⁤rains and isolated storms, initially in Evia and from ‍noon in the ​rest of the‌ regions. The winds will blow from the⁤ north ​northeast at 3 ⁤to 4 Beaufort, ⁢with gusts of up⁢ to⁤ 5 Beaufort in the morning hours. The temperature will range from 17‍ to 27 to 29 degrees Celsius.

Cyclades and Crete

In the Cyclades and​ Crete, sparse clouds will gather in places, denser mainly in⁣ Crete, where local rains are expected until the afternoon. The winds⁤ will blow from the north at 3 to 5 Beaufort. The temperature will ‌range ​from 20 to 27‍ to 28 degrees Celsius.

East ⁢Aegean Islands and Dodecanese

In the East⁣ Aegean Islands and Dodecanese,⁣ sparse clouds will gather ‌at‍ times. The ‍winds will ⁤blow from north directions at 4 to 5⁤ Beaufort, with gusts of up to 6 Beaufort ‍in the Dodecanese from the afternoon. The temperature will range from 19 to 27⁤ to 29 degrees​ Celsius.


In Thessaly, ⁢temporarily increased ‍clouds will bring local rains and isolated storms, initially in the Sporades and from noon in the rest of the regions. The winds will blow from variable directions at 2 ‍to 4 Beaufort.

Stay dry and plan your day accordingly!

– What should I pack for a rainy day in Greece on September 19?

Rainy Weather Forecast for Greece on Thursday, September 19

Are you planning to head out in Greece on Thursday, September 19? Make sure to pack your umbrella and waterproof gear, as the weather forecast predicts a rainy day across the country.

National Weather Forecast

According to the latest weather reports, Greece can expect a cloudy day with local rains and sporadic storms in some areas. The mainland, Sporades, Evia, and Crete will experience the most intense weather conditions, with storms occurring at times.

Wind Conditions

Winds will blow from the south in the Ionian region and from the north in the Aegean, reaching speeds of up to 5 Beaufort locally.

Temperature Forecast

The temperature will remain relatively stable, with temperatures ranging from 24 to 26 degrees Celsius in the north and 27 to 29 degrees Celsius in the rest of the country.

Regional Weather Forecasts

Attica and Thessaloniki

In Attica, expect a few clouds to increase in the midday and afternoon hours, with local rains or showers. Winds will blow from the north northeast at 3 to 4 Beaufort, and temperatures will range from 19 to 27 to 28 degrees Celsius.

In Thessaloniki, clouds will increase at times, bringing local rains or showers mainly in the midday and afternoon hours. Winds will be variable at 2 to 3 Beaufort, and temperatures will range from 17 to 24 degrees Celsius.

Rest of Greece

Macedonia and Thrace

In Macedonia and Thrace, expect a few clouds to increase in western and central Macedonia, with local rains and sporadic storms from midday. Winds will be variable at 2 to 4 Beaufort, and temperatures will range from 15 to 24 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Ionian Islands, Epirus, West Sterea, and West Peloponnisos

In these regions, expect temporarily increased clouds with local rains and sporadic storms, initially in the Ionian and from noon in the rest of the regions. Winds will be variable at 2 to 4 Beaufort, and temperatures will range from 18 to 25 to 27 degrees Celsius.

Eastern Sterea, Evia, and Eastern Peloponnisos

In these regions, expect temporarily increased clouds with local rains and isolated storms, initially in Evia and from noon in the rest of the regions. Winds will blow from the north northeast at 3 to 4 Beaufort, and temperatures will range from 17 to 27 to 29 degrees Celsius.

Cyclades and Crete

In the Cyclades and Crete, expect sparse clouds in places, denser mainly in Crete, where local rains will occur until the afternoon. Winds will blow from the north at 3 to 5 Beaufort, and temperatures will range from 20 to 27 to 28 degrees Celsius.

East Aegean Islands and Dodecanise

In the East Aegean Islands and Dodecanise, expect sparse clouds at times, with winds blowing from the north directions at 4 to 5 Beaufort and locally up to 6 Beaufort in the Dodecanise. Temperatures will range from 19 to 27 to 29 degrees Celsius.


In Thessaly, expect temporarily increased clouds with local rains and isolated storms, initially in the Sporades and from noon in the rest of the regions. Winds will blow from the north northeast at 3 to 4 Beaufort, and temperatures will range from 18 to 25 to 27 degrees Celsius.

Stay prepared and plan your day accordingly to make the most of your time in Greece. Don’t forget to check the weather forecast regularly for any updates and changes in the weather conditions.



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