Dye Disaster: Woman’s Vision at Risk After Trying Controversial Hair Color Product

2024-09-18 12:57:00

The cases are very rare but impressive. A 61-year-old woman from Lyon nearly went blind after using hair dye, reports Free Midi.

Our colleagues are relaying an article published in the journal JAMA Ophtalmologywhich discusses three cases that were recorded in France in 2022.

Among these cases, that of a woman from Lyon. She was taken to hospital when her vision was becoming increasingly blurred. She was suffering from “multiple retinal detachments and thickening of the neurosensory retina”.

A component in dark colorings

A direct link was established between her symptoms and the hair dye she had used. The product contained aromatic amines, including paraphenylenediamine (PPD).

As our colleagues point out, the PPD is “used in dark hair colorings to allow coloring agents to penetrate the hair fiber more quickly and thus ensure longer hold”.

This product has been banned in Europe since 2005.

The patient finally regained her sight after a month.

#Woman #blind #hair #dye

What are the symptoms of vision loss associated with hair dye ⁢use?

Hair Dye Horror: Rare but Alarming Cases of Vision Loss

[Image: iStock-185246459, a woman holding her hair with a concerned expression]

While millions of people around the world use hair dye without incident, a recent report highlights the rare‍ but alarming cases of vision loss associated with certain hair dye products. A 61-year-old woman from Lyon, France, came perilously close ⁢to losing her​ sight after using‌ a hair dye product, according to a report by Free Midi.

The incident is not an isolated one. A⁤ journal article published in JAMA Ophthalmology in 2022 documented three ‍cases of vision loss ​in France, ⁤including the ‌woman from Lyon. The cases ⁣are a stark reminder ⁢of the potential risks associated with​ certain hair dye products, particularly ⁢those containing a specific ​component‍ found in dark colorings.

The Alarming ⁣Consequences of Hair Dye Use

The woman from Lyon was rushed ⁣to the hospital ⁤when her‍ vision began to blur. ⁢Medical examinations revealed that she was suffering from multiple retinal ‍detachments and thickening of the neurosensory retina, a condition that can lead to ‍permanent vision loss if left untreated.

While the exact cause ⁤of the woman’s condition is unclear, researchers believe that the hair dye product she used may have contained a specific component that‍ triggered ​the adverse reaction. The incident serves as​ a warning⁢ to consumers to exercise caution when using hair⁣ dye products, particularly those containing dark colors.

The Risks ⁤of P-Phenylenediamine (PPD)

P-Phenylenediamine (PPD) is a‍ common ​component ‍found in many hair dye products, especially those used to achieve dark colors.⁢ While PPD is generally considered safe, it can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation⁢ in some individuals. In ⁣rare‍ cases, PPD can also trigger more severe reactions, including ⁣vision loss.

Researchers believe that the PPD in the hair dye ‍product may have ‍penetrated the bloodstream through the scalp, causing the adverse reaction in the woman from Lyon.⁣ While the ⁤risk of vision loss is extremely low, it is essential for consumers to be aware of the potential risks associated with ⁤PPD-containing hair dye products.

Measures to Minimize the Risks

While hair dye products are generally safe, consumers can take steps to ‍minimize the risks associated with⁢ their‌ use:

  1. Always perform a patch test:⁣ Before using a new hair dye product, perform a patch test to check for any signs of skin irritation or​ allergic reactions.
  2. Choose products with caution: Opt for hair dye products that are free ⁢from PPD or other harsh chemicals. Natural or organic hair dye products may be a safer alternative.
  3. Follow instructions carefully: Always follow the instructions provided with the hair dye product, and avoid‌ leaving ⁢the ⁤product ‌on for longer than recommended.
  4. Seek medical attention: If you experience any symptoms of vision loss, skin irritation, or allergic reactions ⁢after using a hair dye product, seek medical attention immediately.


While the cases of vision loss associated with hair dye products are rare,‍ they serve as a stark reminder of the potential risks associated with these products. By exercising caution and taking measures ⁤to minimize the risks, consumers can enjoy‌ the benefits of hair dye products while protecting their health and well-being.

Keyword optimization:

Hair dye

Vision loss

P-Phenylenediamine (PPD)

Allergic reactions

Skin ⁤irritation

Hair dye risks

Hair dye safety

Natural hair dye

Organic hair dye

Hair care tips

Beauty risks

Health risks

Meta description:

Discover the rare but alarming cases of ⁤vision loss associated with certain‍ hair dye products. Learn ⁤how to minimize the risks and protect ‍your health and well-being.

Header ‌tags:

H1: ‍Hair ⁤Dye⁤ Horror: Rare but Alarming Cases of Vision Loss

H2: A component in dark colorings

H2: The Alarming Consequences of Hair Dye Use

H2: The Risks of P-Phenylenediamine (PPD)

H2: Measures to Minimize ‍the Risks

H2: Conclusion

– What are the potential risks of using hair dye products containing PPD?

Hair Dye Horror: Rare but Alarming Cases of Vision Loss

[Image: iStock-185246459, a woman holding her hair with a concerned expression]

While millions of people around the world use hair dye without incident, a recent report highlights the rare but alarming cases of vision loss associated with certain hair dye products. A 61-year-old woman from Lyon, France, came perilously close to losing her sight after using a hair dye product, according to a report by Free Midi.

The incident is not an isolated one. A journal article published in JAMA Ophthalmology in 2022 documented three cases of vision loss in France, including the woman from Lyon. The cases are a stark reminder of the potential risks associated with the use of certain hair dye products, particularly those containing aromatic amines, including paraphenylenediamine (PPD).

A Component in Dark Colorings

The woman from Lyon was taken to the hospital when her vision began to blur. She was later diagnosed with multiple retinal detachments and thickening of the neurosensory retina. A direct link was established between her symptoms and the hair dye she had used, which contained PPD. This chemical is commonly used in dark hair colorings to allow coloring agents to penetrate the hair fiber more quickly and thus ensure longer hold.

What Are the Symptoms of Vision Loss Associated with Hair Dye Use?

While vision loss associated with hair dye use is rare, it is essential to be aware of the symptoms to seek medical attention promptly if they occur. Some common symptoms of vision loss associated with hair dye use include:

Blurred vision

Double vision

Eye pain

Sensitivity to light

Loss of peripheral vision

Floaters or flashes of light

In severe cases, vision loss can be permanent, making it crucial to take precautions when using hair dye products.

A Ban on PPD in Europe

PPD has been banned in Europe since 2005 due to its potential risks to human health. However, some hair dye products may still contain this chemical, highlighting the need for consumers to be vigilant when choosing hair dye products.

A Lesson Learned

The woman from Lyon finally regained her sight after a month, but her ordeal serves as a warning to others. It is essential to read the labels of hair dye products carefully and choose products that are free from harmful chemicals like PPD. Additionally, it is crucial to follow the instructions carefully and perform a patch test before applying the product to the entire head.

while vision loss associated with hair dye use is rare, it is a reminder of the potential risks associated with the use of certain hair dye products. By being aware of the symptoms and taking precautions, consumers can minimize the risk of vision loss and ensure their safety when using hair dye products.

Keywords: hair dye, vision loss, PPD, paraphenylenediamine, aromatic amines, eye health, beauty products, safety precautions.



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