Poland Implements Urgent Actions to Combat Catastrophic Flooding

It is reported New Poland.

Restrictions on people’s rights and freedoms are possible during the period of the state of emergency:

  • Obligation to vacate or secure housing or other premises;
  • An order to evacuate at a specified time from specified places, areas and objects;
  • Order or prohibition to stay in specified places and objects and on specified territories;
  • Order or prohibition of a certain mode of movement.

In addition, as noted in the publication, the dam in Pachkiv burst, a new flood wave is approaching.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said during a press conference that 1 billion zlotys have been allocated to help flood victims, reports PAP.

The government program provides compensation for all those who suffered losses. Victims will receive 10,000 zlotys in non-refundable aid, as well as up to 100,000 zlotys for apartment repairs and up to 200,000 zlotys for house reconstruction.

“I appealed to the Minister of Finance, and at this time we have secured one billion zlotys in reserve for the needs of settlements and people affected by the flood,” Tusk said.

Commentary of the editor-in-chief of the Polish-Ukrainian portal PolUkr.Net

Dariusz Materniak, editor-in-chief of the Polish-Ukrainian portal PolUkr.net, said on Espresso that the situation in Poland is currently stable.

According to him, the amount of precipitation in the south-west of the country, where the situation was the most difficult, has significantly decreased.

“Now we expect what will happen next, whether all these installations have been built, which should primarily provide for large cities such as Opole or Wrocław. How well they will work, how well they will be able to stop the flow of so much water so that there is no greater flood in first of all in big cities, where the situation could be the most difficult,” he said.

Maternyak added that two victims of the flood are currently known, expressing hope “that this number will not increase.”

“How many people will be evacuated is difficult to say, in fact, most people are simply evacuating on their own. That is, most of the people from the cities that were already flooded were able to leave even before the flood started there. We know that yesterday, on Sunday, military helicopters evacuated one thousand and one hundred people for the whole day. That is, one way or another, this is a rather large number of people who could not leave on their own, and it was necessary to help them in this way,” he concluded.

  • As a result of torrential rains caused by storm “Boris”, a firefighter died during rescue operations in Austria, 1 person drowned in Poland, 4 dead and 2 missing in Romania. In the Czech Republic, water began to destroy the first houses.

– What emergency measures has the Polish government implemented in response ‌to the flood crisis?

New‌ Poland:⁢ Emergency Measures Implemented Amidst ⁣Flood‍ Crisis

The‍ recent devastating floods in Poland have ‍led ⁣to a state of emergency, prompting the government to introduce restrictive measures to ensure‌ public safety and mitigate the effects⁤ of the ‍disaster. According to reports, the dam in Pachkiv burst, and a new⁤ flood wave is approaching, exacerbating⁣ the crisis.

Restrictions on People’s Rights and‌ Freedoms

During the state of emergency, the Polish government has imposed certain restrictions on people’s rights and freedoms to ensure their safety ‌and facilitate the⁢ evacuation ⁢process. These measures include:

Obligation ​to⁤ vacate‍ or secure housing or other premises

Order to evacuate⁢ at a specified time⁢ from specified places, areas,‌ and objects

Order or prohibition to stay in specified places and objects ​and on specified territories

‌Order or prohibition of a certain ⁢mode of movement

These measures aim to minimize the risk of ‍casualties and prevent further damage to properties.

Government Response and Aid Package

In response to the crisis, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced a comprehensive aid package to support flood victims. The​ government has ‍allocated 1 ⁤billion zlotys (approximately €220 million) to provide financial assistance to those affected by the disaster.

Under the government program, victims will receive:

10,000 zlotys ‌in non-refundable ⁢aid

Up to 100,000 zlotys for ‍apartment​ repairs

* Up to 200,000 zlotys for house reconstruction

The Prime Minister emphasized that the government is committed to providing support to those⁢ who have suffered‍ losses, stating, “I appealed ⁣to the Minister of Finance, and at this time we have secured one ‌billion zlotys in reserve for the needs of‍ settlements and​ people affected by the flood.”

Current Situation and ⁣Outlook

According to Dariusz Materniak, editor-in-chief of the ‍Polish-Ukrainian portal PolUkr.net, the situation in Poland‍ is currently stable, with precipitation levels decreasing‌ in the south-west of the ‌country, where ⁢the situation⁢ was the ​most critical.

However, concerns remain⁤ about the effectiveness ⁤of flood protection measures in large cities like Opole and Wrocław. Materniak ​expressed hope that the installations built to prevent flooding will function properly, preventing a‌ greater disaster in urban areas.

Human Toll and Evacuation Efforts

Unfortunately, two fatalities have been reported ‌so⁤ far, and many people have been⁢ evacuated from affected ⁤areas. Materniak noted that most evacuees are leaving on their own initiative, highlighting​ the need for continued vigilance and cooperation from the public.

As the situation continues to evolve, the Polish⁢ government and emergency services remain committed to mitigating the impact of the floods and supporting those affected.

Stay Informed and Safe

In the face of this crisis, it is essential to stay ‌informed about the latest ‍developments and follow official instructions to ensure safety. We will continue to provide updates on the situation in New Poland as more information becomes ‍available.

Keywords: New Poland, state of emergency, flood crisis, restrictions, government response, aid package, ‌flood victims, Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Polish-Ukrainian portal PolUkr.net, Dariusz Materniak, flood protection measures, evacuation efforts, human toll.

What types of restrictions on rights and freedoms have been enacted during the state of emergency in Poland?

New Poland: Government Takes Emergency Measures Amid Flood Crisis

As reported by various sources, including New Poland, the Polish government has implemented emergency measures to respond to the catastrophic flood crisis that has affected the country. The situation has led to restrictions on people’s rights and freedoms, with the declaration of a state of emergency.

Restrictions on Rights and Freedoms

During the state of emergency, the government has introduced certain restrictions to ensure public safety and mitigate the impact of the flood. These restrictions include:

Obligation to vacate or secure housing or other premises

Orders to evacuate at a specified time from specified places, areas, and objects

Orders or prohibitions to stay in specified places and objects and on specified territories

Orders or prohibitions of a certain mode of movement

These measures aim to prevent further loss of life and property, as well as to facilitate rescue and relief operations.

Dam Break and New Flood Wave

According to reports, the dam in Pachkiv has burst, and a new flood wave is approaching. This development has added to the already dire situation, putting more lives at risk and causing further damage to infrastructure and property.

Government Response and Aid

In response to the crisis, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has announced that 1 billion zlotys have been allocated to help flood victims. As reported by PAP, the government program provides compensation for all those who have suffered losses. Victims will receive 10,000 zlotys in non-refundable aid, as well as up to 100,000 zlotys for apartment repairs and up to 200,000 zlotys for house reconstruction.

Commentary of the Editor-in-Chief of PolUkr.Net

Dariusz Materniak, editor-in-chief of the Polish-Ukrainian portal PolUkr.net, has commented on the situation, stating that the situation in Poland is currently stable. According to him, the amount of precipitation in the south-west of the country, where the situation was the most difficult, has significantly decreased.

Materniak expressed hope that the flood protection installations will be able to stop the flow of water and prevent greater flood damage in big cities like Opole or Wrocław. He also mentioned that two victims of the flood are currently known, and expressed hope that the number will not increase.

Emergency Measures and Evacuations

According to Materniak, people are evacuating on their own, with many leaving cities that were already flooded before the flood started. He mentioned that military helicopters evacuated 1,100 people on Sunday alone.

As the situation unfolds, the Polish government and emergency services are working tirelessly to respond to the crisis and provide aid to those affected. The international community is also providing support and assistance to Poland during this difficult time.

What Emergency Measures has the Polish Government Implemented in Response to the Flood Crisis?

In response to the flood crisis, the Polish government has implemented a range of emergency measures to mitigate the impact of the disaster. These measures include:

Declaration of a state of emergency

Restrictions on people’s rights and freedoms

Evacuation orders and prohibitions

Allocation of 1 billion zlotys for flood victim aid

Compensation for losses, including non-refundable aid, apartment repairs, and house reconstruction

Deployment of military personnel and equipment for rescue and relief operations

These measures aim to ensure public safety, prevent further loss of life and property, and provide aid to those affected by the flood.



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