Nighttime Conversations: Bilawal Advocates for Constitutional Change with PM and Fazlur Rehman

Pakistan People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari reached the residence of Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the head of Jamiat Ulema Islam (F) within a few hours, Bilawal made this meeting after meeting the Prime Minister.

Bilawal Bhutto along with the delegation reached Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s residence, where he was received warmly by the JUI chief.

The purpose of constitutional amendment is only to put me in jail, Imran Khan

According to the spokesperson of JUI, Syed Khursheed Shah, Engineer Naveed Qamar, Mayor Karachi Murtaza Wahab were included in the delegation of PPP, while JUI Secretary General Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Haidari, Maulana Abdul Wasi, Maulana Asad Mehmood, Senator Kamran Murtaza, Mir Usman. Badini, Maulana Misbahuddin also attended the meeting.

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But before that, Bilawal Bhutto had an important meeting with the Prime Minister in which the chairman of the People’s Party informed the Prime Minister about the previous meeting with Maulana Fazlur Rehman.

In this regard, it was stated in the statement that in the meeting, there was a detailed discussion on the proposed constitutional amendment and widening the consultation on it.

The Prime Minister said that amendment of the constitution and legislation is the authority of the parliament, the parliament is the supreme institution, 24 crore people have given the mandate of the parliament to make legislation, the purpose of the proposed constitutional amendment is to provide justice to the people quickly and effectively, the constitutional All political parties will continue to be consulted on the amendment.

It was agreed in the meeting that Bilawal Bhutto and his party will play their role in the consultation, more consultations will be held with political parties in the coming days and efforts will be made to reach a conclusion.

Earlier, Bilawal Bhutto had reached Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s residence for consultation and support on the issue of constitutional amendment.

They are bringing a law for disciplinary action against judges who do not decide the case in one year, Azam Nazir Tarar

After the second meeting, PPP leader Khursheed Shah told the media that we have a personal relationship with Fazlur Rehman. Efforts are being made to legislate according to the law and constitution.

Khurshid Shah said that parliament has the right to legislate, no one can take away this right from us, whatever bill comes will be according to the constitution.

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An application was filed in the Supreme Court to declare the proposed constitutional amendment null and void

Naveed Qamar, the leader of the People’s Party, said on this occasion that the People’s Party is of the opinion that the amendment should be brought through consultation, today’s meeting was to take this matter forward, it is hoped that the process will be completed through the national consultation.

He said that there was an agreement in the committee yesterday that there should be a consensus on the clauses on which there is disagreement, positive things were said in today’s meeting, if they sit together, there will be a national consensus. Agreed with regard to the formation, Maulana’s disagreement is with the procedure of the Constitutional Court.

After the meeting between Bilawal Bhutto and Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Senator Kamran Murtaza spoke to the media and said that if you look at the restrictions and strictures in Article 8 and Article 199, you will know what are the safeguards, some exceptions given in these two articles have been removed. If done, see what the result will be.

Senator Kamran Murtaza said that PPP has said that they will share their draft with JUI, PPP will give us their draft on WhatsApp and then we will see. The decision will be theirs.

#Consensus #efforts #constitutional #amendments #Bilawals #latenight #meetings #Prime #Minister #Maulana #Fazlur #Rehman #Pakistan
2024-09-18 20:17:08

What were the key outcomes of the meeting between Bilawal ⁣Bhutto ​and Maulana Fazlur ⁤Rehman regarding the constitutional amendment?

Bilawal⁣ Bhutto Meets Maulana Fazlur‍ Rehman to Discuss Constitutional Amendment

In a significant development, Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari⁢ reached the residence of Jamiat Ulema Islam (F) chief⁣ Maulana Fazlur Rehman on [date] to discuss the proposed constitutional amendment. This meeting came just hours after Bilawal met ⁤with Prime Minister [Prime Minister’s name] to inform ‍him about the previous meeting with ​Maulana ‍Fazlur Rehman.

A Delegation of PPP Leaders

Bilawal Bhutto was accompanied by a⁢ delegation of PPP leaders, including‌ Syed Khursheed ‍Shah, Engineer Naveed Qamar, and Mayor ‍Karachi Murtaza‌ Wahab. The ‍JUI delegation consisted of Maulana Abdul ​Ghafoor ​Haidari, Maulana Abdul Wasi,⁤ Maulana Asad Mehmood, Senator Kamran Murtaza,⁤ and‌ Mir Usman Badini.

Purpose of the Meeting

The primary objective of the meeting was to discuss the proposed constitutional amendment,⁤ which has been a subject of controversy in recent times. Maulana Fazlur Rehman has been vocal about his concerns regarding the amendment, and the⁣ meeting aimed to address these concerns and find a mutually acceptable solution.

Prime Minister’s Assurances

Earlier in the day, Bilawal Bhutto had a meeting with the Prime Minister, where ⁢he was assured that the parliament is the supreme ⁢institution and has the authority to make legislation. The Prime Minister‍ emphasized that the purpose of the proposed constitutional amendment ​is to provide justice‍ to the people quickly and effectively. The Prime Minister also assured that all political parties ‌will ⁤continue to be consulted on the amendment.

Agreement on Consultation

The meeting between Bilawal Bhutto ⁣and Maulana Fazlur Rehman resulted in​ an ‌agreement that the PPP will play its role in the consultation process. It was decided that more consultations ‍will be held with political parties⁤ in the coming days‍ to ​reach a conclusion.

Key Takeaways

‍ Bilawal ​Bhutto and Maulana Fazlur ⁢Rehman agreed to continue consultations on the proposed constitutional amendment.

The PPP will play its role in‌ the consultation process to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

*⁣ The Prime Minister assured that the parliament has the authority ⁣to make ‌legislation and that all political parties will be consulted on the ​amendment.

Reactions‌ from PPP Leaders

After the meeting, PPP leader Khursheed Shah told ​the media that the party has a personal relationship with Fazlur Rehman and that efforts are being‍ made to legislate according to the law and constitution. Shah emphasized that‍ parliament has the right to‌ legislate and that no one can ⁣take away this‌ right.

Naveed Qamar, another PPP leader, stated that ‍the party is of the opinion that the amendment should be brought through consultation. He expressed hope that the process will be ⁤completed through national consultation.

Implications‌ of​ the Meeting

The ‍meeting between Bilawal‌ Bhutto ⁤and Maulana ⁣Fazlur Rehman is significant as it indicates ​a willingness to engage in dialogue and‍ find a mutually acceptable⁢ solution to the proposed​ constitutional amendment. The agreement to ⁤continue consultations is ⁤a positive step towards building consensus on this critical ⁢issue.

However, the success of these efforts will depend on the‌ ability of ‍the parties involved to reach a compromise and find a solution that addresses the concerns of all stakeholders. The coming days​ will be crucial in determining ‍the outcome‍ of these consultations⁣ and⁣ the fate⁣ of the proposed constitutional amendment.

SEO⁤ Keywords: Bilawal Bhutto,⁤ Maulana Fazlur‌ Rehman, Pakistan‌ People’s Party,​ Jamiat Ulema Islam, Constitutional Amendment, Prime‍ Minister, Parliament, Legislation, ‌Consultation, National Consensus.

– What are the key points discussed during Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s meeting with Maulana Fazlur Rehman regarding the constitutional amendment?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Pakistan People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s meeting with Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the head of Jamiat Ulema Islam (F):

Title: Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Meets Maulana Fazlur Rehman: A Step Towards Constitutional Amendment

Meta Description: Pakistan People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari holds crucial meetings with Prime Minister and Maulana Fazlur Rehman to discuss proposed constitutional amendment. Read more about the latest developments on this significant political issue.

Keywords: Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Pakistan People’s Party, Jamiat Ulema Islam, Constitutional Amendment, Political Consultation

Pakistan People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has been actively engaging with various political leaders to build consensus on the proposed constitutional amendment. In a recent development, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari met with Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the head of Jamiat Ulema Islam (F), at his residence to discuss the amendment and its implications.

Prior to meeting Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari had an important meeting with the Prime Minister, where he informed the Prime Minister about his previous meeting with Maulana Fazlur Rehman. The meeting focused on the proposed constitutional amendment and the need for widening consultation on the issue.

Constitutional Amendment: A Step Towards Justice and Legislation

The Prime Minister emphasized that the amendment of the constitution and legislation is the authority of the parliament, which is the supreme institution. He stated that the purpose of the proposed constitutional amendment is to provide justice to the people quickly and effectively, and that all political parties will continue to be consulted on the amendment.

PPP’s Stance on Constitutional Amendment

PPP leader Khursheed Shah reiterated that the party has a personal relationship with Maulana Fazlur Rehman and that efforts are being made to legislate according to the law and constitution. Shah emphasized that parliament has the right to legislate, and no one can take away this right from the lawmakers.

Consultation and Consensus-Building

Naveed Qamar, the leader of the People’s Party, stated that the party is of the opinion that the amendment should be brought through consultation. He expressed hope that the process will be completed through national consultation, and that there is an agreement in the committee that there should be a consensus on the clauses on which there is disagreement.

Challenges Ahead

Despite the efforts to build consensus, the proposed constitutional amendment faces opposition from various quarters. An application has been filed in the Supreme Court to declare the proposed constitutional amendment null and void.


The meeting between Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Maulana Fazlur Rehman marks an important step towards building consensus on the proposed constitutional amendment. As Pakistan navigates the complexities of political consultation and legislation, it is essential to prioritize national interest and the welfare of the people. Only through inclusive dialogue and cooperation can the country move forward towards a more just and equitable society.

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