Kabila Passes on Tshisekedi’s Call for Unity in Shaping the DRC’s Future

After announcing his refusal to participate in dialogue with the government in place to get the country out of the crisis it has been experiencing for several years, Joseph Kabila once again reaffirmed on September 18 his desire to stay away from the current Head of State, whom he considers not to be a man of his word.

In a statement relayed on social networks by journalists close to the former President of the Republic, Joseph Kabila said: “Has never respected and does not respect any agreement or commitment that he makes (Geneva, Nairobi, FCC-CACH, Luanda, etc.). There is therefore no guarantee that one day he will respect an agreement, even if it comes from any dialogue.”

“Worse, he daily violates the constitution and the laws of the Republic, thus perjuring the oath he took before the nation and the world to respect these texts, a true republican pact and the foundation of national cohesion,” Félix Tshisekedi is accused of. For the FCC, Tshisekedi is torpedoing the rules to his advantage. “He is distinguished by a systematic and unprecedented violation of human rights, as demonstrated by the FCC press releases of August 29 and September 5, 2024.”

In conclusion, Joseph Kabila and the FCC say they do not see in Félix Tshisekedi the will to organize a real dialogue. “Has never expressed of his own accord the desire for a dialogue with the opposition, clear proof of a lack of political will and which would therefore only eventually resolve to it in response to external pressure and as a means of legitimizing and strengthening his power, which is increasingly criticized by the disillusioned people.”


2024-09-18 13:59:58
#Politics #Joseph #Kabila #refuses #join #Félix #Tshisekedi #save #DRC

– What are the main reasons behind Joseph Kabila’s refusal to engage in ⁢dialogue with Félix Tshisekedi?

Joseph Kabila Refuses Dialogue with Félix Tshisekedi: A ⁣Crisis of Trust in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been grappling with a deepening crisis for several years, characterized by political ⁢instability, human rights violations, and a breakdown in dialogue⁣ between key stakeholders. ⁢At the heart of this impasse⁤ is the refusal of former President Joseph Kabila ⁢to ⁣engage in dialogue ⁢with ⁣the current Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, whom ⁣he ‍accuses of being‍ unreliable and inconsistent.

A ⁤History of Broken Promises

According to a statement released on social media by journalists⁣ close to Kabila, the former President has lost faith in Tshisekedi’s ability to ‍respect agreements and commitments. Kabila cited several ⁣instances ‌where Tshisekedi has reneged on his promises, including the Geneva, Nairobi, FCC-CACH, and Luanda agreements.​ This lack of trust stems from Tshisekedi’s​ perceived ​disregard for the constitution and‍ laws of the Republic, which Kabila believes has led to a ‌violation of ‍the republican pact and national ​cohesion.

Violation of Human Rights

The FCC (Front Commun pour le Congo), a⁤ political platform⁢ loyal to Kabila, has repeatedly accused Tshisekedi of violating human rights and perpetuating⁤ a culture of impunity. In press releases dated August 29 and September 5, 2024, the FCC documented numerous instances ​of ⁣human rights abuse, further eroding trust in the current administration.

No Will to Dialogue

In light⁢ of these​ grievances, Kabila and ⁢the‍ FCC have concluded that Tshisekedi lacks the willingness ⁢to engage in genuine dialogue and find a ‍lasting solution to the country’s‍ crisis. This stance is rooted in the belief that ‌Tshisekedi’s actions are driven by self-interest, rather than a commitment⁣ to the well-being of the Congolese people.

Implications for the DRC

The refusal of Kabila and the FCC to participate in dialogue⁣ with Tshisekedi has significant implications for the DRC. The country’s crisis is likely ⁤to deepen, with potential consequences for regional stability and security. The international community, which has invested heavily in promoting peace and stability in the region, will be closely watching developments in the DRC.

A⁤ Way Forward

To break the‍ current impasse, it is essential to establish a credible and inclusive dialogue process that addresses ‌the concerns of all stakeholders. This ‍will require a willingness to compromise and a commitment to transparency and‌ accountability. The international community can play a key role in facilitating⁤ such‍ a ⁢process, by‍ providing technical‍ and financial support to mediate negotiations and ‌ensure the implementation of agreements.


The ​crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo ⁢is a complex and⁢ deeply entrenched issue, driven by a lack of trust and a culture of impunity. The ⁢refusal of Joseph ⁤Kabila and‌ the FCC to engage in dialogue⁢ with Félix ⁤Tshisekedi is a symptom of a⁤ deeper problem, which requires a comprehensive and inclusive approach to ‍resolve. The international⁢ community must remain vigilant​ and proactive in supporting efforts to promote​ peace, stability, and human rights‌ in the DRC.

Keywords: Joseph Kabila, Félix Tshisekedi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Crisis, Dialogue, Human⁣ Rights, Impunity, FCC, Republican Pact, National Cohesion.

Meta Description: Joseph Kabila refuses dialogue with Félix Tshisekedi, citing broken promises and⁢ human rights violations. What are the implications for the Democratic Republic of ‌Congo, and how can the crisis be resolved?

Header Tags:

The Crisis in the DRC: A ‍Lack of Trust

A ‍History ​of Broken Promises

⁢Violation of⁤ Human⁣ Rights

No Will to ​Dialogue

⁢ Implications ​for the DRC

⁤A ‍Way Forward

* Conclusion

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Joseph Kabila’s refusal to engage in dialogue with Félix Tshisekedi:

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Joseph Kabila’s refusal to engage in dialogue with Félix Tshisekedi:

Joseph Kabila Refuses Dialogue with Félix Tshisekedi: A Crisis of Trust in the Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been grappling with a deepening crisis for several years, characterized by political instability, human rights violations, and a breakdown in dialogue between key stakeholders. At the heart of this impasse is the refusal of former President Joseph Kabila to engage in dialogue with the current Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, whom he accuses of being unreliable and inconsistent.

A History of Broken Promises

According to a statement released on social media by journalists close to Kabila, the former President has lost faith in Tshisekedi’s ability to respect agreements and commitments. Kabila cited several instances where Tshisekedi has reneged on his promises, including the Geneva, Nairobi, FCC-CACH, and Luanda agreements. This lack of trust stems from Tsh



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