Fradiavolo’s Daring Adventure: Launching 200 Pizzerias in Just 5 Years!

Milan, 17 September (askanews) – Pizza is an all-Italian tradition and one of the most important symbols of our country, but abroad many think it is a product made in the USA. It is one of the effects of the great diffusion of pizza chains outside of Italy. Challenging the US giants is the Italian chain Fradiavolo, which is rapidly expanding with its innovative business model that combines tradition and innovation. And it has an ambitious goal: “To become the first chain of Italian pizza restaurants in the world”. “In Italy, around 8 million pizzas are produced and eaten every day – says Mauro D’Errico, president of Fragesa, the company that owns the Fradiavolo brand – so I would say it is certainly famous in Italy. Unfortunately, this number is decreasing to almost zero abroad. The Americans are the ones who have brought pizza around the world. It is obviously our fault that we have not been able to make this model scalable”. Fradiavolo, born as a small pizzeria in Liguria at the end of 2018, is now a successful brand in the Italian restaurant sector, thanks to the vision of Mauro D’Errico and his partner Gianluca Lotta, who introduced an engineered production model that revolutionizes the way pizza is made. Despite the post-pandemic crisis, the two entrepreneurs have relaunched, investing in research and development. And thanks to the support of investors, they have opened 30 pizzerias in a short time, the last of which in Miami in September 2024. “We have worked – explains D’Errico – so that this model becomes scalable and therefore our goal is to go to the United States and be able to open 200 pizzerias in the United States”. In addition to the USA, Fradiavolo aims to expand in Italy, where it wants to quickly have 50-60 points of sale, in Western Europe, especially in Germany and Spain. The goal is simple and ambitious: “To become the first chain of Italian pizzerias in the world. And we want to overturn the fact that today in the world Pizza Hut, for example, has 19,000 pizzerias; the most important Italian chain has 80. So we are talking about numbers that are absolutely not comparable and this is a problem for us. We want to bring Italy outside of Italy”, says D’Errico. But what is most appreciated by Fradiavolo’s customers? “It’s an alchemy that we have managed to create – explains the founder – it goes from pizza, which is highly digestible, innovative in terms of toppings and therefore in terms of perceived quality, to the premises, which are environments with absolutely strong identities, therefore welcoming, encouraging socialization. The combination of these two aspects I could certainly say is the winning factor of Fradiavolo”. “Today we have 400 collaborators but from the beginning we have structured an office that has almost more of an Anglo-Saxon vocation in some aspects rather than an Italian one, starting from a particularly developed human resources area, an operations area, an internal marketing area. So we have a structure that is now ready to support development, which will be, as I said, Italian and European and American in particular”.

– What makes Fradiavolo⁣ stand out ‌among global ⁣pizza chains?

The Battle for ⁣Global⁢ Pizza Supremacy: Italian⁤ Chain ⁣Fradiavolo Takes on ​the⁤ World

When it ⁤comes to pizza, Italy is the undisputed birthplace⁢ of this beloved culinary staple. However, despite its rich history and cultural significance, ‍many people around the world ⁣associate pizza ⁣with American chains like Pizza Hut and ‍Domino’s. This phenomenon is attributed ‍to the widespread ​expansion of these chains beyond the United States, overshadowing the authentic Italian pizza experience. But ​one Italian chain, Fradiavolo, is on a ​mission to reclaim⁤ the international​ pizza landscape and bring true Italian pizza‍ to the world.

The‍ Ambitious Goal:⁣ Becoming the⁢ First Italian Pizza ‍Chain in the World

Founded in Liguria, Italy in 2018, Fradiavolo has rapidly expanded to become a successful brand in the Italian restaurant sector. President Mauro⁢ D’Errico and his partner Gianluca Lotta have developed an innovative business model ⁣that combines tradition and⁢ innovation, revolutionizing⁤ the way pizza is made. Their ambitious goal⁢ is to become the first chain‌ of Italian pizza restaurants in⁤ the ⁣world, challenging ​the dominance of American giants.

Disrupting the Status Quo with Engineered Production

Fradiavolo’s game-changing ⁣approach lies ‌in its ⁣engineered production model, which ⁤allows for‌ scalable and efficient pizza ⁣production while maintaining high-quality standards. This innovative ⁢strategy has enabled the chain to expand rapidly,⁣ with 30 ‌pizzerias ⁣opened in a short span, including the latest addition in⁢ Miami in September‍ 2024. Despite the post-pandemic crisis, Fradiavolo has continued to⁣ invest in research and development, ⁢backed by the support of investors.

Global Expansion⁢ Plans: Conquering the USA, Europe, and Beyond

Fradiavolo’s expansion plans ​are far-reaching, with a focus on the United States, where it‌ aims to open⁤ 200 ‌pizzerias. In Italy, the chain‌ plans to establish 50-60 points of⁣ sale, while​ also targeting Western Europe, particularly Germany⁣ and Spain. By doing so, Fradiavolo hopes to revert the current ⁣state ​of affairs, where American chains like ‌Pizza Hut boast ⁢19,000​ pizzerias worldwide,‍ while ​the largest Italian chain has a mere 80 outlets.

The Fradiavolo‍ Difference: Quality, Innovation, and‌ Tradition

So, what sets ‍Fradiavolo⁤ apart from‍ the competition? According to Mauro D’Errico, ‌it’s an alchemy of‌ factors, including highly digestible pizzas⁤ with innovative toppings, which ​contribute to a perceived higher quality. The ‌chain’s premises‍ are ⁤also designed to provide ​a unique customer experience, creating a ⁣welcoming atmosphere that complements the exceptional ⁤food. This winning formula has earned Fradiavolo a loyal customer ‌base, eager​ to‍ experience the authentic taste of Italy.

The⁢ Future of Pizza: Can Fradiavolo ​Succeed Where Others Have ‍Failed?

As‌ Fradiavolo embarks on ⁢its ambitious journey to become the first Italian pizza chain in the world, the question remains: can it⁣ succeed where others have failed? With‌ its innovative production model, commitment to quality, ⁤and ambitious​ expansion​ plans, Fradiavolo‌ is well-positioned to challenge the ⁤dominance of American⁤ chains and bring the authentic‍ Italian pizza experience to⁣ the‍ global stage.

SEO ‌Keywords: Fradiavolo, Italian ‌pizza, pizza chain, global expansion, United​ States, Europe, innovation,⁣ tradition, quality, engineered‌ production, Mauro⁣ D’Errico, Gianluca Lotta, ⁤Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Italian food, culinary, Italy, Liguria, Miami, Germany, Spain, Western Europe.

What makes Fradiavolo stand out among other global pizza chains?

The Battle for Global Pizza Supremacy: Italian Chain Fradiavolo Takes on the World

When it comes to pizza, Italy is the undisputed birthplace of this beloved culinary staple. However, despite its rich history and cultural significance, many people around the world associate pizza with American chains like Pizza Hut and Domino’s. This phenomenon is attributed to the widespread expansion of these chains beyond the United States, overshadowing the authentic Italian pizza experience. But one Italian chain, Fradiavolo, is on a mission to reclaim the international pizza landscape



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