The Rise and Resilience of a Star Quarterback: Tagovailoa’s Odyssey

Thirteen more or less serious injuries between 2018 and 2024 to the shoulder, ribs, hand, pelvis, knee, thigh and both ankles. But the most worrying ones are the three concussions from 2022 to today, to which we must add a fourth, not detected by doctors and yet probable. When we talk about “injury prone”, players subject to systematic injuries, the first name that comes to mind is precisely that of Tua Tagovailoa. Since Miami chose him as the number five overall in the 2020 draft, the quarterback of Samoan origins has suffered seven injuries (the others, including the devastating one to the pelvis, during his NCAA career with the Alabama Crimson Tide), due to which he has had to miss 10 games. A number, however, destined to rise and by a lot after the latest knockout, the one that has been making the entire NFL world talk since Thursday night and that risks keeping the 26-year-old on the bench for well over a month. Tagovailoa, in fact, was the victim of yet another concussion, which forced him to leave early in the Miami-Buffalo game (which was also dominated by the Bills), when he faced a tackle with his head at the end of the third quarter in an attempt to gain a first down. Ironically, the one who stood like a wall between the 26-year-old Hawaiian and the Buffalo endzone was safety Damar Hamlin, the same one who suffered cardiac arrest on the field in Cincinnati in 2022 and was saved in extremis by the intervention of paramedics and doctors. Hamlin’s tackle, to be honest, was nothing special, which says a lot about the fragility of the Dolphins’ number 1. Among other things, three injuries (two concussions and a broken rib) were caused by Buffalo’s defense, demonstrating how Miami suffers, mentally and physically, when faced with their division rivals, winners of 12 of their last 13 direct games.

In 2022, after two (maybe three) concussions in a few months, Tua had considered the possibility of an early retirement from the NFL, exactly what many of his colleagues and former colleagues are advising him these days. This week, Tua will have a consultation with a team of neurologists to try to understand what his professional future could be, however, from the latest rumors it seems he has already ruled out the idea of ​​hanging up his helmet. And this, despite the fact that over 15 years ago Dr. Bennet Omalu scientifically established the correlation between blows to the head and the onset of CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) and senile dementia.

The decision (if confirmed) to continue his career is clearly also tied to contractual and economic implications. Tua and Miami signed a new contract in August for $212.4 million over the next four years, $167,171 of which are guaranteed. At these levels, contracts resemble volumes of the Divine Comedy, full of clauses, footnotes, exceptions of various types and a thousand figures, so much so that for a layman to understand something is a titanic undertaking. However, the difference between a voluntary retirement and an induced retirement is clear. If the doctors were no longer to give the green light for a return to the field, Tua would pocket the guaranteed $167 million (about forty of which have already been paid for 2024); on the other hand, if the doctors deemed him fit for work and he decided to hang up his helmet anyway, he would have to give up a large part of the $124 million still up for grabs. And it’s a bad blow for Miami too, because due to salary cap games, the Florida franchise risks seeing its financial availability drastically limited in the coming years, not to mention that in the spring of 2025 it will have to draft the one it hopes will be its quarterback of the future. And those who are truly capable of influencing the fate of a franchise are rarer than a pearl in an oyster.

Is New Orleans serious?

Fortunately, coming to football played, the second day also said something else. For example, that New Orleans continues to surprise and if the large victory in week 1 (47-10) seemed to be the result of the opponent’s weakness (Carolina), the 44-19 with which they thrashed Dallas away (4 touchdowns by Alvin Kamara and a punishing defense like in the good old days) represents a clarion call that calls attention. Ninety-one points in two days is really a lot. If three clues prove it, on Sunday when Philadelphia arrives in the Big Easy, we will understand if these Saints deserve real attention.

Green Bay Rewrites History

Historic victory achieved by Green Bay against Indianapolis. At Lambeau Field, the yellow-greens won 16-10 (without starting quarterback Jordan Love, injured), but the exceptionality of the success does not lie in the result, but in the fact that this victory is the 800th (against 599 losses and 38 ties) for a franchise that has been active for 104 years, that is, since the birth of the NFL. A milestone that no other team has reached: the current Chicago Bears (a century ago they were called Decatur Staleys) are stuck at 794 victories, 634 losses and 42 ties.

We’ve written it more than once: the NFL is beautiful because from one year to the next there are no predictable games. And 2024 doesn’t seem to want to deviate from tradition. The inaugural defeat in Kansas City is fine, but who would have said that Baltimore would fall at home against Las Vegas (the Ravens have never reached the playoffs starting from 0-2)? Or that Tampa Bay would go to Detroit to defeat the Lions (despite the three sacks in a single quarter of the “ticinese” Aidan Hutchinson)? Or that Cincinnati, after the defeat by the skin of its teeth in Kansas City, would find itself without victories? Or that San Francisco, after the showdown with the Jets, would fall against Minnesota, in which the performances of quarterback Sam Darnold stand out, a starter following the injury of rookie JJ McCarthy and suddenly capable of showing his value after years of anonymity? The season has just begun, but the surprises are already raining down. A godsend for the show.

– What impact ⁤do Tua Tagovailoa’s injuries have on his career in the NFL?

Here is⁣ a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article⁣ on the topic of Tua‌ Tagovailoa’s injuries and the NFL:

Tua‌ Tagovailoa’s Injury Woes: A⁤ Career on the Brink?

The NFL world was left stunned on Thursday night as Miami Dolphins⁤ quarterback Tua Tagovailoa suffered yet another concussion, his third in less than two years. The ​26-year-old Samoan-born quarterback⁣ has been plagued by injuries throughout his career, with thirteen reported injuries between 2018 and​ 2024 affecting his shoulder, ribs, hand, pelvis, knee, thigh, and both⁤ ankles. But it’s the ⁤three concussions from ⁤2022 to today that have⁢ raised serious concerns about his‌ long-term health and career prospects.

Tagovailoa’s latest concussion, which forced him to leave the Miami-Buffalo game early, has sparked warnings from medical professionals and former players alike. In 2022, after two (possibly three) concussions in a few months, Tua considered early ⁢retirement‍ from the NFL. ‍Although he has since ruled out the idea of hanging up his helmet, many are advising him to do so to protect his long-term health.

The decision to continue ‍his career is also tied to contractual ‍and economic implications. Tagovailoa and Miami signed ​a new contract in August for $212.4 million over the next four years, with $167,171 guaranteed. If ​he were to​ retire voluntarily, he would⁤ have to give up ‌a large part of the remaining ⁣$124 million. On⁣ the other hand, ‌if doctors deemed him unfit to play, he would pocket ‍the guaranteed $167 million.

Is ‌New Orleans a ​Serious Contender?

While Tagovailoa’s injury woes dominate⁢ the headlines, the ⁣NFL world is also abuzz with ​excitement about the‌ New Orleans Saints’ impressive start to the season. Following their 47-10 thrashing of Carolina in week 1, the Saints have continued their winning​ ways with a 44-19 victory over ⁤Dallas. With 91 points in two games, the Saints are ⁢making a strong case for being a serious contender this season.

Green ⁤Bay Rewrites History

In‍ other news, the Green Bay Packers ⁢have⁢ achieved a historic milestone, notching up their 800th victory against Indianapolis ⁢at Lambeau Field. This achievement marks a significant⁢ milestone for the 104-year-old franchise, which​ has been active since the birth of the NFL. The Packers’ victory is all the more remarkable given⁢ that‌ they played‍ without⁣ starting quarterback Jordan Love, who‌ was injured.

As the NFL season continues to unfold, one thing is clear: the ⁣league is as unpredictable ⁣as ever. From injuries to surprise upsets, every week brings new ⁤drama and excitement. Will⁢ Tua⁣ Tagovailoa overcome his injury woes to lead the Dolphins ⁤to success? Can the⁣ Saints​ maintain⁤ their winning streak? And what other surprises does the 2024 NFL season have in store?

Keywords: Tua Tagovailoa, Miami Dolphins, NFL, concussions, injuries, New Orleans Saints, Green Bay Packers, historic milestone, NFL season.

Meta⁢ Description: Tua Tagovailoa’s latest concussion has raised concerns about his‍ long-term health and career prospects. Meanwhile, the New⁤ Orleans Saints are making a strong case for being a ⁤serious contender, and the Green Bay Packers have ​achieved a historic milestone. Get the latest updates on the NFL season.

Header Tags:

H1: Tua Tagovailoa’s Injury Woes: A Career on the Brink?

H2: Is New Orleans ‌a Serious Contender?

* H2: Green Bay Rewrites History

The past few weeks, the Green Bay Packers have made headlines with their unexpected performance, prompting discussions about their potential playoff chances.

The Fragile Career of Tua Tagovailoa: A Series of Injuries Putting His NFL Future at Risk

Tua Tagovailoa, the Miami Dolphins’ quarterback, has been plagued by a series of injuries throughout his career, raising concerns about his long-term health and sustainability in the NFL. The 26-year-old quarterback has suffered thirteen injuries between 2018 and 2024, including three concussions, which have become a major source of worry for his team and fans alike.

A History of Injuries

Tagovailoa’s injury-prone nature dates back to his college days at the University of Alabama, where he suffered seven injuries, including a devastating pelvic injury. Since being drafted by the Miami Dolphins in 2020, he has missed ten games due to injuries, including concussions, shoulder, rib, hand, pelvis, knee, thigh, and ankle injuries.

The latest concussion, which occurred during the Miami-Buffalo game, has sparked concerns about Tagovailoa’s ability to continue playing in the NFL. The tackle, inflicted by safety Damar Hamlin, was not particularly brutal, highlighting Tagovailoa’s fragility.

Concussions and Their Consequences

The three concussions Tagovailoa has suffered since 2022 have raised red flags about his long-term health. In 2022, he considered early retirement due to the risk of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and senile dementia. Despite this, Tagovailoa has decided to continue playing, citing contractual and economic factors.

The decision to continue playing has sparked debate about the NFL’s handling of concussions and player safety. Dr. Bennet Omalu’s research on the correlation between head blows and CTE has raised awareness about the risks of playing with concussions.

Contractual Implications

Tagovailoa’s decision to continue playing is also influenced by his contract with the Miami Dolphins. He signed a four-year contract extension worth $212.4 million, with $167 million guaranteed. If he were to retire due to injury, he would pocket the guaranteed amount. However, if he were to hang up his helmet voluntarily, he would have to forgo a significant portion of the remaining contract.

Impact on the NFL

Tagovailoa’s injuries have significant implications for the NFL and the Miami Dolphins. The team’s financial flexibility is at risk due to Tagovailoa’s contract, and the franchise may struggle to attract top talent in the future. The NFL’s handling of concussions and player safety will also come under scrutiny, as Tagovailoa’s situation highlights the need for better protocols to protect players’ long-term health.

Other NFL News

While Tagovailoa’s injuries dominate the headlines, other NFL teams are making waves. The New Orleans Saints have surprised many with their impressive start to the season, including a 44-19 thrashing of the Dallas Cowboys. The Saints’ offense, led by Alvin Kamara, is firing on all cylinders, and their defense is reminiscent of their former glory days.

What’s Next for Tagovailoa?

This week, Tagovailoa will consult with a team of neurologists to determine his professional future. While he has ruled out retirement, the latest concussion has raised concerns about his ability to continue playing in the NFL. As the situation unfolds, the NFL world will be watching closely to see how the league and the Miami Dolphins handle Tagovailoa’s injuries and long-term health.

Is New Orleans Serious?

The New Orleans Saints’ impressive start to the season has left many wondering if they are serious contenders for the playoffs.

Green Bay Rewrites History




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