Empowering Communities: The Transformative Impact of Ñangareko’s Digital Initiative on School-Based Hunger Solutions

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The digital platform “Ñangareko collaborative citizen portal” allows for active participation by the entire society in the monitoring of the distribution, delivery and quality of food intended for school meals, guaranteeing the transparency of the entire process, within the framework of the Zero Hunger Program in 2,600 educational institutions in the country.

Promoted by the Government of the Republic of Paraguay, it was enabled this Monday by the Comptroller General of the Republic, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science (MEC), during an event held at the Library of the National Congress.

The digital platform, developed with the support of the Itaipú Technology Park (PTI), is an easy-to-use tool that allows people to access from mobile devices and computers to monitor, track and control each product to be used for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner.

It will also facilitate citizen control over the provision of food in a timely manner, streamlining and facilitating direct communication with the oversight body to make complaints or suggestions aimed at the continuous improvement of the School Feeding Program.

The Comptroller General of the Republic, Camilo Benítez, said that the control will be done in real time and calls on all sectors to correct and help ensure that the government’s policy does not fail.

He said that this proposal will correct administrative violations so that the provision of the service is maintained and those companies that fail to provide the service will not escape criminal charges and exemplary sanctions.

Benítez explained that the methodology to be used is based on an analysis and verification of all the information through ICT, in order to avoid false complaints, sending all the data every week to the different administrators, such as the National School Food Fund (FONAE) and the governorates, as an alert element, in a very summary process that will include verifications in the same institutions where the irregularities noted by the citizens occur.

He stressed the importance of the involvement of civil society, social organizations, parents, principals, teachers and students, because it is unlikely that all educational centers can be monitored in real time every day during the school year.

Most emblematic transparency and citizen participation project

He said that they believe that the platform will work and that it is the most emblematic project of transparency and citizen participation in the history of the Republic, because it not only enables citizens to participate, but also proposes and obliges them to do so, he concluded.

In turn, the executive director of the Itaipú Technological Park, Carlos Mercado, said that this platform was created to take care of the most precious thing we have, which are our children, so that quality food in good condition reaches schools.

He added that this tool will allow the Comptroller’s Office to monitor and supervise the program so that it is implemented throughout Paraguay.

It is worth noting that the “Zero Hunger in our schools and educational system” Program, based on Law 7,264/24, which creates FONAE, seeks to universalize school meals in Paraguay, covering students in Early Childhood Education, Basic Education and Secondary Education in public and private subsidized institutions throughout the country.

Its implementation began on August 5 in 90 districts in a first stage, with the aim of benefiting some 450,000 students from more than 2,600 schools.

The event was attended by the Minister of Education and Science, Luis Fernando Ramírez; the Comptroller General of the Republic, Camilo Benítez; the executive director of the Itaipú Technological Park, Carlos Mercado, as well as governors from different parts of the country.

#Ñangareko #digital #platform #enables #citizen #control #Hunger #Program #schools
2024-09-18 15:36:02

How does the Ñangareko portal enhance transparency in monitoring school meals in Paraguay?

Here is​ a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the⁣ digital platform “Ñangareko collaborative citizen portal”⁢ for monitoring school⁤ meals⁤ in ⁤Paraguay:

Title: ‌ Revolutionizing Transparency:⁤ Ñangareko‌ Portal Ensures Quality⁢ School Meals ​in Paraguay

Meta Description: ⁣Learn how ⁤the Ñangareko collaborative citizen portal⁤ is ‌promoting transparency and citizen participation in ‌the monitoring of ​school meals‍ in⁣ Paraguay, ensuring quality food for students.

Keywords: ‌Ñangareko ⁢portal, school meals, transparency, citizen participation,⁤ Paraguay, Zero Hunger Program, digital platform, educational institutions.


In‍ a bid⁤ to promote transparency and citizen participation, the Government of Paraguay has launched the Ñangareko collaborative citizen ‍portal, ​a​ digital platform designed to monitor the distribution,⁢ delivery, and quality of food intended⁣ for school meals in over 2,600 educational institutions across the country. This innovative⁤ platform is a ⁣key component of the Zero Hunger Program, ⁢aimed at ensuring that every student has access to nutritious meals.

The Ñangareko ‍Portal: A Game-Changer in ⁣Transparency

Developed with the support of the Itaipú Technology Park (PTI), the‍ Ñangareko ⁣portal is an easy-to-use tool that allows citizens‍ to access‍ and⁤ monitor the entire process of school meal distribution,​ from ‍the procurement ​of food products to the delivery and quality of meals ⁤served in schools. ⁣This platform enables real-time monitoring, tracking, and‍ control of each product, ensuring ⁣that every student receives a ​nutritious meal.

Citizen Participation: The Key to Success

The Ñangareko portal is designed to facilitate citizen control over ⁢the provision of food in a timely manner, streamlining direct communication with the oversight body to report⁣ any irregularities‌ or make suggestions for improvement. This collaborative approach encourages active participation from civil society, social organizations, parents, principals, teachers, and students, ensuring that every educational ⁤institution is monitored effectively.

Real-Time Monitoring and Verification

The Comptroller General of the Republic,⁤ Camilo Benítez, emphasized that the control ‍will be done in real-time,​ using ICT-based analysis and verification to detect any irregularities. The platform sends weekly reports to administrators, including the National School Food Fund (FONAE) and governorates, to ensure prompt action is‍ taken.

The Importance⁢ of ‌Transparency ‍and Citizen Participation

Benítez stressed that the ‌involvement ‌of civil society, social organizations, and educational stakeholders is crucial to the success of⁢ the program.⁢ By encouraging active participation, the government aims to ensure‍ that ⁤every educational center is monitored effectively, guaranteeing quality meals for students.

A⁣ Model for Transparency and Citizen Participation

The Ñangareko portal⁣ is⁢ hailed as the ⁤most emblematic project of transparency and citizen participation in Paraguay’s⁣ history, enabling citizens to participate actively in‍ the monitoring process. This innovative approach sets a ‍new standard for public service delivery, promoting accountability and transparency in governance.


The​ Ñangareko​ collaborative citizen portal is a ‍groundbreaking initiative that promotes transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the monitoring of school meals in Paraguay. ‍By leveraging digital technology,⁣ the government has created a powerful‍ tool that ensures quality meals ‌for students, promotes transparency, and fosters ⁣a culture of accountability. As a model for good governance, the Ñangareko portal has the potential to inspire similar initiatives globally, improving the lives of millions of students worldwide.

What features does the Ñangareko collaborative citizen portal offer for monitoring school meals?

Zero Hunger Program: Paraguay Launches Digital Platform for Transparency in School Meals

In a significant step towards ensuring transparency and accountability in the implementation of the Zero Hunger Program, the Government of Paraguay has launched a digital platform called “Ñangareko collaborative citizen portal”. This innovative tool allows citizens to actively participate in the monitoring of school meal distribution, delivery, and quality, guaranteeing the transparency of the entire process.

What is Ñangareko collaborative citizen portal?

Ñangareko is an easy-to-use digital platform developed with the support of the Itaipú Technology Park (PTI). It enables citizens to access information on school meals from mobile devices and computers, allowing them to track and control each product used for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. The platform facilitates citizen control over the provision of food in a timely manner, streamlining communication with the oversight body to make complaints or suggestions aimed at improving the School Feeding Program.

Real-time Monitoring and Control

The Comptroller General of the Republic, Camilo Benítez, emphasized that the control will be done in real-time, calling on all sectors to correct and help ensure that the government’s policy does not fail. The platform uses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to analyze and verify all information, avoiding false complaints. Every week, data will be sent to administrators, such as the National School Food Fund (FONAE) and governorates, as an alert element, in a summary process that includes verifications in the same institutions where irregularities are noted.

Importance of Citizen Participation

Benítez stressed the importance of involving civil society, social organizations, parents, principals, teachers, and students in the monitoring process. With over 2,600 educational institutions in the country, it is unlikely that all can be monitored in real-time every day during the school year. Citizen participation is crucial in ensuring the success of the program and preventing administrative violations.

Most Emblematic Transparency and Citizen Participation Project

The Comptroller General of the Republic believes that the platform will work and is the most emblematic project of transparency and citizen participation in the history of the Republic. It not only enables citizens to participate but also proposes and obliges them to do so.

Quality Food for Children

The executive director of the Itaipú Technological Park, Carlos Mercado, emphasized that this platform was created to take care of the most precious thing we have, which are our children, so that quality food in good condition reaches schools.

Impact and Benefits

The launch of Ñangareko collaborative citizen portal is a significant step towards achieving the goals of the Zero Hunger Program. The platform will:

Ensure transparency and accountability in school meal distribution

Facilitate citizen control and participation in the monitoring process

Streamline communication between citizens and the oversight body

Prevent administrative violations and ensure quality food for children

* Empower citizens to participate in the development of their communities

the Ñangareko collaborative citizen portal is a groundbreaking initiative that leverages technology to ensure transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in the Zero Hunger Program. By empowering citizens to monitor and control school meal distribution, this platform has the potential to make a significant impact on the lives of thousands of children in Paraguay.



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