Revolutionizing Public Health: The Groundbreaking Albane Survey

2024-09-15 22:00:00

Albane (Food, Biomonitoring, Health, Nutrition and Environment) is a unique national survey that aims to assess the health of the population living in France, their exposure to chemical substances, their eating habits, physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. Jointly led by Santé publique France and Anses, Albane is funded by the ministries responsible for the Ecological Transition, Health, Agriculture and Labor. The first phase of the survey begins on September 16, 2024 in Ile-de-France and Nouvelle-Aquitaine, with 200 adults and 200 children, before a national deployment from May 2025. The results, once analyzed, will inform the public authorities on the measures to be implemented to improve the health of populations.

What will the Albane investigation be used for?

The Albane survey covers different health themes and will provide better understanding of:

the frequency of certain diseases such as diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, overweight and obesity or high blood pressure, which are sometimes underdiagnosed; the level of presence in our body of chemical substances from the environment, for example pesticides, bisphenols, plasticizers (phthalates) or perfluorinated compounds (PFAS); the eating habits and the level of physical activity of the population, which play a determining role in the onset or prevention of certain chronic diseases.

The knowledge thus collected is essential to support public policies and regulations aimed at reducing exposures and preventing and improving the management of chronic diseases.

This global health survey will follow on from the studies INCA (National individual study of food consumption) from ANSES, ENNS (National nutrition and health study) and ESTEBAN (Study on the environment, biomonitoring, physical activity and nutrition) from Public Health France.

How will the first phase of the investigation take place?

In practice, from September 16, 2024 and for 3 months, 200 adults aged 18 to 79 and 200 children over 2 years old spread across the two pilot regions will be included in the survey. Participants will be drawn at random from an INSEE database. Children under 2 years old living with participating adults may also be included in the survey. During the survey, participants will be invited to answer questionnaires, complete a health examination and take biological samples. The results of the first phase will be used to test the survey protocol in real conditions and adjust it if necessary with a view to launching the survey at the national level in spring 2025.

Albane, an ambitious health survey

The Albane survey is designed to be repeated in two-year cycles, carried out on samples of more than 3,000 people aged 0 to 79 and representative of the population living in France. The inclusion of overseas departments and regions will be examined in the future. Comparisons from one cycle to another will make it possible to monitor changes in the health of the French population and help measure the achievement of the objectives set in the context of public health policies in connection with the themes addressed by the survey. France will thus have a continuous system for observing the health of the population, which few countries have.

This ambitious and long-term survey meets the objectives of national policies on food and nutrition. This is both in terms of monitoring nutritional status and food consumption habits, physical activity and sedentary lifestyles, as well as studying associated factors and directing preventive actions. It is also part of the actions listed by the National biomonitoring strategy initiated in early 2024, which aims to monitor the exposure of the French population to chemical substances, to identify associated pathologies as well as the determinants of these exposures. It also contributes to the implementation of the WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2013-2020, extended until 2030.

At the regional level, repeating the survey over different cycles will ultimately provide usable results by region, and thus support the definition, management and evaluation of public health policies implemented at the territorial level.

On an international scale, the Albane system will allow comparisons with the health situations of countries deploying similar surveys, for example Germany, Canada and the United States.

Press release

State of health of the population: Public Health France and Anses launch the first phase of the Albane survey in Ile-de-France and in …Learn more
#Population #health #1st #phase #Albane #survey

What are the main objectives of the Albane national survey⁤ in‍ France?

Albane: A Comprehensive ⁣National⁣ Survey to Assess the Health of the French Population

France ⁣is set to launch a groundbreaking ⁣national survey, Albane, on September 16,‍ 2024, aimed at assessing the health of its population, their exposure to chemical substances, eating habits, physical⁣ activity, and sedentary lifestyle. This ambitious project, jointly led by Santé publique France and Anses, is funded by the​ ministries responsible for Ecological Transition, Health, Agriculture, and Labor.⁤ The survey will provide valuable insights ‌to inform public authorities on the​ measures to⁣ be implemented‍ to‌ improve the health of populations.

What​ will the Albane Investigation be ⁣Used ‌For?

The Albane survey covers a range of health themes, including:

  1. Frequency of Certain Diseases:⁣ Understanding the prevalence ⁢of diseases such as diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, overweight‍ and obesity, and high blood pressure, which are sometimes underdiagnosed.
  2. Exposure to Chemical Substances: Assessing the‌ level of presence in the human​ body of chemical substances from the environment, including pesticides, bisphenols, plasticizers (phthalates), and perfluorinated compounds ⁤(PFAS).
  3. Eating Habits and‌ Physical ⁣Activity: ⁤Analyzing the eating habits and physical activity levels of the population, which play a crucial role in the onset or prevention of⁢ certain chronic ⁢diseases.

The knowledge gathered⁢ from this survey will be essential in supporting public policies and regulations aimed at reducing exposures‌ and preventing and ⁢improving ‌the management of chronic diseases. The survey ‍will build upon existing⁢ studies, such ‌as INCA (National individual study ⁢of food consumption), ENNS (National nutrition and health study), ⁣and ESTEBAN (Study on the environment, ⁢biomonitoring, physical activity, ​and nutrition).

How ⁤will⁣ the First Phase of the Investigation Take Place?

The ‌first phase of the survey will‍ take place⁢ from September 16, 2024, to​ December 15, 2024, in two‍ pilot regions, Ile-de-France and Nouvelle-Aquitaine. A​ total⁢ of 200 adults aged ‍18 ‌to 79 and 200 children⁤ over 2 years old will​ be randomly selected to participate in the survey. Participants will be invited to:

⁢Answer questionnaires

Undergo a health examination

* Provide biological samples

The results of ​the first phase will be used to test‌ the survey protocol in⁢ real conditions and ⁣make⁣ necessary adjustments before​ launching the ⁤survey at the national level⁢ in ⁣spring 2025.

Albane: An Ambitious Health Survey

The Albane⁢ survey⁣ is ⁤designed to be repeated in two-year cycles, with ⁤a sample size of over 3,000 people aged 0 ‍to 79, ‌representative⁢ of ‍the French population.‍ The survey will also ‌consider including overseas departments ​and regions in the future. Comparisons from one cycle to another will enable the monitoring of changes in the⁤ health‌ of the ‌French population and help measure the achievement of public health policy objectives.

This ‌comprehensive‌ and long-term survey⁣ meets​ the objectives of national policies on⁢ food and nutrition, including monitoring nutritional status, food consumption habits, physical activity,‍ and sedentary lifestyles. It is also part of the⁤ National biomonitoring strategy, which aims to monitor the exposure⁤ of the French population⁤ to​ chemical ‌substances, identify associated pathologies, and⁢ determine the determinants‌ of these⁢ exposures.


The Albane survey is ​a groundbreaking initiative that ⁢will provide⁢ valuable insights into‌ the health of ‌the French population. By understanding the prevalence​ of certain diseases, ⁤exposure to chemical substances, eating habits, and physical activity levels,‍ the survey will inform⁤ public authorities ‌on the measures‌ to be ‌implemented to improve the health⁢ of ‌populations. This‌ ambitious project will contribute to the implementation of national and international policies, such as the WHO Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 2013-2020, extended until 2030.

Keywords: Albane survey,⁣ health of French population, exposure to chemical substances,‌ eating habits, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, national⁢ biomonitoring strategy, public health policies, chronic diseases, diabetes,⁤ chronic respiratory‌ diseases, overweight and⁣ obesity, high blood pressure.

National initiative aimed at assessing and improving the health of France’s population through comprehensive data collection on health, exposure to chemicals, eating habits, and physical activity.

Albane: A Comprehensive National Survey to Assess the Health of France’s Population

In an effort to improve the health of the French population, a unique national survey known as Albane has been launched. This ambitious project aims to assess the health of the population, their exposure to chemical substances, eating habits, physical activity, and sedentary lifestyle. Jointly led by Santé publique France and Anses, the survey is funded by the ministries responsible for the Ecological Transition, Health, Agriculture, and Labor.

What will the Albane investigation be used for?

The Albane survey will provide valuable insights into the health of the French population, enabling policymakers to implement measures to improve public health. The survey will cover various health themes, including the frequency of certain diseases, exposure to chemical substances, eating habits, and physical activity. This knowledge will be essential in supporting public policies and regulations aimed at reducing exposures and preventing and improving the management of chronic diseases.

How will the first phase of the investigation take place?

The first phase of the survey will begin on September 16, 2024, in Ile-de-France and Nouvelle-Aquitaine, involving 200 adults and 200 children. Participants will be randomly selected from an INSEE database and will be invited to answer questionnaires, complete a health examination, and provide biological samples. The results of the first phase will be used to test the survey protocol and make any necessary adjustments before launching the survey nationwide in spring 2025.

Albane, an ambitious health survey

The Albane survey is designed to be repeated in two-year cycles, with samples of over 3,000 people aged 0 to 79 and representative of the French population. The inclusion of overseas departments and regions will be examined in the future. This ambitious and long-term survey meets the objectives of national policies on food and nutrition, monitoring nutritional status and food consumption habits, physical activity, and sedentary lifestyles.

What are the main objectives of the Albane national survey in France?

The main objectives of the Albane survey are to:

Assess the health of the French population and their exposure to chemical substances

Study eating habits and physical activity and their impact on health

Provide insights into the frequency of certain diseases and their prevention

Inform policymakers on measures to improve public health

* Support public policies and regulations aimed at reducing exposures and preventing and improving the management of chronic diseases

By launching the Albane survey, France is taking a significant step towards improving the health of its population and setting an example for other countries to follow. The survey’s results will be essential in shaping public health policies and ensuring a healthier future for the French population.

Keywords: Albane survey, health survey, France, population health, chemical substances, eating habits, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, public health policies.

Meta Description: Learn about the Albane survey, a



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