American Arrested for Alleged Involvement in Violent Plots in Venezuela

  • With this arrest, the number of citizens arrested in the country from the United States rises to four | Main photo: Pixabay

Venezuelan authorities confirmed on Tuesday, September 17, the arrest of another American allegedly linked to violent plans, according to Interior and Justice Minister Diosdado Cabello, who did not confirm the identity of the foreigner.

The detainee joined the list of three other Americans arrested in recent days, who the government of Nicolás Maduro links to alleged terrorist acts.

“Another American citizen who we had been following was captured here in Caracas. He was taking photos of electrical installations, oil installations, military units,” Cabello said during a speech in Parliament, in which he spoke about the “terrorist operation” that was revealed, for which at least seven foreigners are in prison.

Photo: Capture from YouTube

The Minister of Interior and Justice indicated that, like the other six detainees – two Spaniards, three Americans and a Czech – the one captured on Tuesday “is part of the plan against Venezuela.”

“This is not the first time he has come to Venezuela,” stressed Cabello, who reiterated his claim that the National Intelligence Centre (CNI) of Spain and the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States (CIA) are behind these plans to attack the life of Nicolás Maduro and other high-ranking officials.

“They are being held by Venezuelan authorities in a safe place,” Cabello added, without specifying the location of their detention.

Spain asked the Venezuelan government for access to detainees in Amazonas to verify their identity

Photo: EFE

Spanish Foreign Minister requests information on detained Spaniards

For his part, the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, asked the Venezuelan Foreign Minister, Yván Gil, on Tuesday, September 17, information on the two Spaniards arrested in the country.

Albares recalled that, as established by the Vienna Convention, the Venezuelan government must share detailed information on where the Spanish citizens are and under what charges they were detained.

To formalize the request, the Spanish official summoned the chargé d’affaires of the Venezuelan Embassy in Madrid as well as, through a verbal note, the Spanish Embassy in Caracas, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Venezuelan Embassy in Madrid.

Speaking to reporters in the corridors of the Spanish Senate, the Foreign Minister reiterated that the two arrested men have no ties to Spanish public bodies, “and much less” to the Spanish National Intelligence Centre (CNI), as the Venezuelan government maintains.

According to Venezuelan authorities, the detainees are Andrés Martínez Adasme and José María Basoa Valdovinos, aged 32 and 35, respectively, who are accused of alleged involvement in an alleged operation to carry out “terrorist” acts.

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#American #arrested #alleged #violent #plans #Venezuela
2024-09-18 11:38:48

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What is the



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Purpose of the


The primary purpose of​ the‍

element is ⁢to provide a way ​to ​group ⁢elements together, making⁣ it easier to apply styles, layouts, and semantics to⁤ a ⁤section of a web page. This⁤ can include:

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Enhancing the semantic meaning of a section of content,‍ such ‌as indicating a section of navigation or⁤ search​ results

Uses of ⁤the



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Creating responsive layouts‌ and grid systems

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Best Practices for Using the


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‌Use ⁤

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Use meaningful class names and IDs to identify‍ and‌ target specific ​


Avoid using

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