Reagan on Screen: Unpacking the Cultural Impact of His Cinema Era

Not yet released on screens in France, the biographical film about the 40th president of the United States is, despite negative reviews, a hit. The American press is taking advantage of this to say that Trump will never be Reagan. The public, for its part, is feeling nostalgia for those triumphant years.

The strength of a slogan is appropriation. Make America Great Again (“Make America Great Again”) that has accompanied Trump for eight years has become inseparable from his movement. Yet it is to Ronald Reagan that we owe it, whose campaign team, in 1980, used an almost similar motto « Let’s make America Great again » (“let’s give back”: an imperative rather than an infinitive… although there is also debate here, the make which could mean “Give back…”). Reagan, precisely, occupies American cinemas, with the biographical film dedicated to the conservative president who occupied the White House from 1981 to 1989. In the role of “Ronny”, Denis Quaid who caricatures the facial expressions of the head of state so stupidly that one would think he came to perform on a Patrick Sébastien show on a Saturday night. Despised by American critics who see it as a conventional work and lacking perspective on this former B-series actor who became the victor over communism, Reagan (the director, Sean McNamara, didn’t bother with the title!) should not even be released in theaters in France… However, against all expectations, it is a hit in the United States, in the middle of the election period. The press has not revised its judgment on the film, but it sees this success as a consequence of the current campaign. Reagan is not Trump and America needs an old-fashioned conservatism far from the billionaire’s provocations, New York editorialists believe they know to console themselves.

Criticized, praised by the public

Because Reagan is the Republican that today’s Democrats respect and quote at every turn… Almost a model when they hated him in the 1980s. What a godsend the release of this film that traces the poor childhood, with an alcoholic father, of a Reagan who fought to get roles in second-rate westerns! In short, Trump is not the heir, born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

The author of these lines went to see the film one Sunday in a cinema in Rust Belt in western Pennsylvania, not far from Pittsburgh… Competition was fierce between Beetlejuice et Garfield. And yet the theater was almost full. Americans are demonstrative when they go to the movies. When Reagan castigates communism, we applaud. When (and this is how the movie begins) Reagan is the victim of a gun attack, we hold our breath between two handfuls of popcorn. The movie exaggerates the Soviets to the extreme. Brezhnev? A completely stupid alcoholic. Gorbachev? A bureaucrat who lets himself be seduced by the American dream. Reagan knew how to talk to the Russians: “Tear down this wall, Mr. Gorbachev!” This is far from what the Democrats reproach Trump for: his supposed admiration for Putin.

Trump / Reagan, cross portrait

In 2016, Donald Trump cited Ronald Reagan as an example. He had just been nominated as the candidate of a Republican Party whose apparatus was still run by former Reaganite cadres: they needed to be reassured. Like Reagan, Trump was first a Democrat. Reagan was an actor, Trump a television host. Eight years later, the former governor of California is no longer mentioned in Trump’s speeches. Because the Republican Party is now a by-product of Trumpism: it no longer needs to reassure or convince an apparatus that it controls from A to Z. GOP voters themselves have changed. golden yuppies Wall Streeters no longer vote for the right, preferring the Democrats, the great protectors of free trade and globalization.

Film critics assure us that the film about Reagan actually contains a hidden message against Trumpism. Reagan was the enemy of dictatorships (this is all the more false since he admired General Pinochet, for example) while Trump courts them. Above all, they say, Reagan embodied optimism, hence his 1984 re-election slogan: « It’s morning in America » (“The sun rises on America”). While Trump keeps talking about a “nation in decline” or even « en destruction ».

Former Fox News star who moved to CNN, journalist Chris Wallace is categorical: “Today, there would be no place for Reagan in the Republican Party. Reagan was for free trade, Trump was for tariffs. Reagan would never have said anything bad about another Republican.”

Nostalgia for America

The unexpected triumph of the biopic also reflects the malaise within American society. A malaise tinged with nostalgia for a disappearing America. The Reagan years began under the same auspices as those of a hypothetical second Trump term: a crisis in the Middle East, inflation still high with fossil fuels still expensive. The 40th president had swept away the gloom of the Carter years. America was doing well. The cinema produced blockbusters like the Goonies or Back to the future. The country was envied. And above all, the United States defeated communism without firing (or almost) a single shot. The contrast with the Biden years is striking: a lamentable withdrawal from Afghanistan, the culture woke has invaded the screens and the Democratic candidate is proposing a price freeze! It is this memory of the greatness of America that the spectator undoubtedly comes to see across the Atlantic… So much so that the Republican Party itself organizes cinema sessions for its members. As if it too were nostalgic.

Why is the ⁢biographical film​ about Ronald Reagan resonating ⁢with audiences‌ despite criticism?

The Reagan Revival: Why America is Romanticizing⁣ the 40th President

Despite negative reviews from critics,⁤ the⁤ biographical film about Ronald Reagan, the 40th‍ President of‍ the United States, is surprisingly a hit in⁣ American cinemas. This⁣ unexpected success has sparked a heated debate among ⁤the American press, with ‍many arguing that⁣ Reagan’s ⁤brand of⁢ conservatism is what America needs,⁢ unlike ‌the provocative style of Donald Trump. As the public‌ flocks to see the ​film, nostalgia for the triumphant years ​of‌ Reagan’s presidency is palpable.

The Slogan that Sparked a Movement

The phrase “Make America Great Again” has become⁢ synonymous with Trump’s presidency, but few‌ know that it‌ was inspired‍ by Reagan’s 1980 campaign slogan, “Let’s make America great again.” This eerie similarity has led ‍many ​to draw comparisons between ⁣the two Republican leaders, with some arguing that ‌Reagan’s legacy is being tarnished by Trump’s divisive rhetoric.

Criticized but‌ Praised by the Public

Despite being panned by critics, the biographical film⁣ about Reagan has found an unexpected audience ​in America’s ⁤heartland. In a Rust Belt cinema in western Pennsylvania, the theater‌ was almost full, with audience members applauding and cheering at Reagan’s anti-communist rhetoric. The film’s portrayal of Reagan as a strong leader who⁣ triumphed over communism has struck ⁤a chord with Americans looking for inspiration.

Trump vs. Reagan: A Tale of⁢ Two Conserves

While Trump has often cited Reagan as ​an ‌inspiration, ‍their approaches to politics couldn’t be more different. Reagan, a former Democrat and actor, embodied optimism and a commitment ⁣to free trade, whereas Trump’s ⁢populism and ‍protectionism​ have alienated many traditional ‍Republicans. Journalist Chris Wallace notes, “Today, there would be no place ⁣for Reagan in the Republican Party. ⁢Reagan​ was for free trade, Trump was for tariffs. Reagan would never have said anything bad about another⁣ Republican.”

Nostalgia for America’s Golden⁢ Age

The unexpected success of the Reagan biopic reflects a ⁣deeper malaise within American society, ‌with many yearning for‌ a bygone era of American greatness. The Reagan years, marked by economic ⁣growth and a strong stance against communism, have become a nostalgic touchstone for many Americans. As the country⁤ faces a new era of uncertainty,⁤ the film‍ serves ⁣as a ‍reminder of a time when America was seen as a beacon of hope and freedom.

the ⁣Reagan biopic’s ​surprise success is more ‌than⁢ just a fleeting phenomenon. ⁣It speaks to⁣ a deeper desire among Americans for a return to a time of optimism and leadership, when ‍the country felt‍ confident and strong on the⁢ world stage. As the 2024 presidential election looms, ‌it remains to ⁣be seen whether Trump’s ‍brand ‍of populism or Reagan’s style of conservatism will reign supreme.

Keywords: ‍ Ronald Reagan, Donald Trump, ⁣biographical film,⁤ conservatism, nostalgia,​ American politics, Republican‌ Party, Make America Great Again.

United States despite critical reviews, exploring themes of nostalgia, conservatism, and American values.

The Unlikely Success of the Ronald Reagan Biopic: A Nostalgic Trip for America

Despite harsh criticism from American film critics, the biographical film about the 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, has become a surprise hit in the United States. The movie, which has not yet been released in France, has sparked a mix of nostalgia and political debate in the midst of the election period.

Criticized, Praised by the Public

The American press has been quick to pan the film, labeling it as a conventional and lackluster portrayal of Reagan’s life. However, audiences have disagreed, flocking to theaters to see the film despite its negative reviews. This paradox has led many to wonder why the biopic is resonating with audiences despite criticism.

Trump / Reagan, Cross Portrait

One reason for the film’s success may be the stark contrast between Reagan’s conservative values and those of current President Donald Trump. While Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” was inspired by Reagan’s 1980 campaign motto “Let’s make America Great again,” the two presidents’ styles and ideologies couldn’t be more different. Reagan, a former Democrat turned Republican, was known for his folksy charm and ability to connect with world leaders, including Soviet Union leaders Mikhail Gorbachev and Leonid Brezhnev. Trump, on the other hand, has been criticized for his divisive rhetoric and unpredictability on the world stage.

Nostalgia for America

The film’s success may also be attributed to a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era of American politics. Reagan’s presidency, marked by his tough stance on communism and his role in ending the Cold War, is seen by many as a golden age of American greatness. The film’s portrayal of Reagan’s humble beginnings, from his childhood with an alcoholic father to his early days as a struggling actor, has resonated with audiences looking for a more authentic leadership figure.

Why is the Biographical Film about Ronald Reagan Resonating with Audiences Despite Criticism?

The answer lies in Reagan’s enduring appeal as a symbol of American Conservatism. Despite being reviled by Democrats in the 1980s, Reagan is now widely respected across the political spectrum for his leadership and vision. The film’s portrayal of Reagan as a champion of American values, from his anti-communist stance to his support for the American Dream, has struck a chord with audiences looking for a more optimistic and inclusive vision of America.

the success of the Ronald Reagan biopic is a testament to the power of nostalgia and the enduring appeal of American Conservatism. While critics may have panned the film, audiences have responded to its portrayal of a bygone era of American politics and the values of its 40th President. As the United States navigates a tumultuous election period, the film serves as a timely reminder of the importance of leadership, vision, and American values.

Optimized Keywords:

Ronald Reagan

Biographical film

American politics

Donald Trump


American values


Election period




Discover why the biographical film about Ronald Reagan has become a surprise hit in the



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