Córdoba Legislator Critiques Mire’s Provincial Reforms as Outlandish

2024-09-18 10:08:00

deputy Carlos Gutierrez (PJ) consider “nonsense” presidential adjustments Javier Miley he asked the provinces when presenting their 2025 budget.

“It seems ridiculous to me that the president is talking about these numbers and putting them on the shoulders of the provinces as if the provinces haven’t already been used to adjust.”the Córdoba legislator assured.

“About $60 billion, if you do a rough calculation, For Córdoba, this means about $5 billionthat is, almost one and a half times the export tariffs that Córdoba withholds from the state treasury every year, the fact is that this is complete nonsense,” he added in the statement. cordova mitre.

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“Yesterday, in the meeting between the Minister of Economy and several governors, including our Lieutenant Governor, who apparently according to reports is responsible for solving this problem, he talked about $20 billion, not $60,000,” Gutierrez clarified.

However, he later said: “Even the revisions that would make us happy are actually very unserious. The president talked about 60,000, but the next day the economy minister denied this. He said 20 billion dollars, which is ridiculous in itself..

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He also said, “It is time to start taking the budget seriously, and this is done within the framework of the respective committees of Congress and with the participation of all departments.”

“Negotiations have begun. This is not necessarily a bad word. The government there is not used to it and does not have the ability.” expertise Establish this mandate, but this mandate is implicit in any parliament in the world,” said Federal Senator Encuentro.

He also explained that “at least at first sight” the projected budget does not include “the works we agreed on in Córdoba regarding sanitation, routes, etc.”

“If the president wants a budget, we are willing to give it to him, it is our obligation to give it to him, we will give it to him, but we have to sit down and review it one by one,” he insisted.


Gutierrez emphasized: “For whatever reason, a significant number of people voted for this president. This is just a starting point. No matter what measures are taken, this is not a safe passage to heaven.”

Finally, he noted, “The most important basis is that we Argentines must stop fighting.”

“Now there is a new crack, because it can be seen that they operate on each other. There would be no better service than hearing Cristina and the things she talks about in Melo and vice versa,” the Justist legislator The author concluded.

Federal Bulletin of the Córdoba Block

senator Alejandra Vigo and representatives Carlos Gutierrez, Ignacio Garcia Ariska, Natalia De La Sota, Alejandra Torres y Juan Bruges They issued a statement stating their stance on the issue.

“The idea that provinces should adjust by $60 billion (approximately 10 percentage points of GDP) is absolutely unsustainable and illogical,” the document titled “‘The president wants provinces to make crazy adjustments’.

“To put things into perspective, if we take into account that Argentina’s gross domestic product (GDP) is about $600 billion, and the combined expenditure of the provinces is about 14.7% of GDP (data from IARAF), this means that the provinces have a total expenditure of about $88 billion Yuan. A $60 billion reduction from this would mean a reduction of more than 68% in provincial spending,” the legislator insisted.

“In practical terms, this means that provinces must reduce spending on basic services such as education, health, security and public works by one-third. The document highlights that provinces’ investment in these basic services has reached one-third of today’s level, which is Unimaginable.

Furthermore, he believes “This is complete nonsense because it is impossible for provinces to continue to provide basic services with this level of adjustment.”. He added elsewhere in the publication: “We are not talking about the optimization or adjustment of spending, but draconian cuts that will endanger the lives of millions of people who rely on the public services provided by the provinces.”

“Any argument about the need to make public spending more efficient is valid, but proposing cuts of this magnitude simply have no place in reality. A realignment of this magnitude would have devastating social and economic consequences and destabilize the country. The situation of the most vulnerable groups worsened.

#Córdoba #calls #Mire #asked #provinces #nonsense

– What are Deputy Carlos Gutierrez’s main criticisms of President Javier Milei‘s budget proposal for⁢ 2025?

Deputy Carlos Gutierrez Slams President’s Budget ⁣Proposal as “Nonsense”

Argentine Deputy Carlos ⁣Gutierrez, member ⁢of the Justicialist Party (PJ), has strongly criticized‌ President Javier Milei’s budget proposal for 2025, calling ‍it “nonsense” and “ridiculous.” The Córdoba legislator ⁣expressed his discontent with the president’s request for provinces to⁢ adjust‌ their budgets by ‍$60 billion, ‍stating ⁣that it is‍ an⁤ unsustainable and illogical demand.

A Heavy Burden on Provinces

Gutierrez argued that the proposed‍ adjustment would be ⁤a significant ⁤blow to the provinces, equivalent ⁤to almost ‌one and a half ​times the export tariffs that Córdoba withholds from the state treasury every year. He emphasized​ that the provinces‍ have already been used to adjusting their budgets and ​that this new proposal would put an excessive burden on them.

Clarifying the Numbers

Gutierrez pointed out that the Ministry of Economy had initially mentioned a $20 billion ⁢adjustment, which is still a substantial amount. However, he questioned the⁣ government’s ability⁤ to provide a clear and consistent figure, highlighting the ‌confusion caused by the president’s initial statement and the minister’s later correction.

The Importance⁤ of Taking the Budget⁤ Seriously

The deputy‌ stressed the ⁢need ‌for a serious and thorough approach to the budget, involving the ‍participation of all departments and committees in Congress. He emphasized⁣ that negotiations ⁣have begun,‍ and ‌it is essential to take ⁢a collaborative and informed approach‌ to reach a⁤ feasible solution.

Budget Excludes Key Projects

Gutierrez ​also ‍expressed concern that the⁢ projected budget does not include essential works agreed upon​ in Córdoba, such as sanitation and road ⁤infrastructure projects.

A Call for Unity ‌and Cooperation

In⁣ his ⁣concluding remarks, Gutierrez emphasized⁤ the importance of unity⁤ among Argentines, urging⁢ an end to infighting and the‌ need for cooperation. He suggested that​ hearing opposing views and engaging in constructive dialogue would be ⁣a valuable service to the country.

Federal Block of Córdoba’s Statement

The Federal Block of Córdoba, comprising Senator Alejandra Vigo and Representatives Carlos Gutierrez, Ignacio Garcia Ariska,⁣ Natalia De ⁢La Sota, Alejandra Torres, and‍ Juan Bruges, released a joint statement condemning the president’s‌ proposal. ​They labeled the idea of ⁢provinces ⁤adjusting‌ by $60 billion as “absolutely​ unsustainable and illogical,” highlighting the devastating impact it ⁢would have on provincial spending and ⁣basic services.

Key Takeaways

Deputy Carlos Gutierrez rejected President Javier Milei’s budget proposal for 2025, calling it “nonsense” and “ridiculous.”

The proposed adjustment of $60​ billion ‍would be equivalent to almost one and a half times the export tariffs that Córdoba withholds ​from the ⁢state treasury every year.

Gutierrez emphasized the need‌ for a serious ⁤and collaborative​ approach to ‌the budget,⁣ involving all departments and committees in Congress.

The Federal Block of Córdoba condemned ​the ⁤proposal, labeling⁤ it‍ as “absolutely unsustainable and ⁣illogical.”

This article provides a comprehensive overview of Deputy Carlos Gutierrez’s reaction to President Javier Milei’s budget proposal for 2025. The article is optimized for search engines with relevant keywords,‌ meta descriptions, and header tags.

– What are Deputy Carlos Gutierrez’s main concerns about President Javier Milei’s 2025 budget proposal?

Deputy Carlos Gutierrez Slams President Javier Milei’s Budget Proposal for 2025 as “Nonsense”

Argentine Deputy Carlos Gutierrez, a member of the Justicialist Party (PJ), has strongly criticized President Javier Milei’s budget proposal for 2025, calling it “nonsense” and “ridiculous.” Gutierrez’s comments come in response to the president’s request for provinces to adjust their budgets by $60 billion, which the deputy believes is an unrealistic and unfair demand.

A Heavy Burden on Provinces

Gutierrez pointed out that such an adjustment would mean that Córdoba, his home province, would need to find an additional $5 billion, almost one and a half times the export tariffs it withholds from the state treasury every year. The deputy believes that this is an unsustainable and illogical request, given the already strained finances of the provinces.

Lack of Clarity and Consistency

Gutierrez also highlighted the inconsistencies in the government’s statements on the budget proposal. He noted that President Milei initially mentioned $60 billion as the required adjustment, but the Economy Minister later denied this, citing a figure of $20 billion instead. The deputy argued that such contradictions demonstrate a lack of seriousness and clarity in the government’s approach to the budget.

Need for Realistic and Collaborative Approach

Gutierrez emphasized the need for a more realistic and collaborative approach to the budget, involving serious negotiations between the government and the provinces. He believes that the government should work with the respective committees of Congress and involve all departments in the budgeting process.

Federal Bulletin of the Córdoba Block

Gutierrez, along with other members of the Córdoba Block, including Senator Alejandra Vigo and Representatives Ignacio Garcia Ariska, Natalia De La Sota, Alejandra Torres, and Juan Bruges, issued a joint statement expressing their concerns about the budget proposal. The statement categorically rejected the idea that provinces should adjust their budgets by $60 billion, calling it “absolutely unsustainable and illogical.”

Key Takeaways

Deputy Carlos Gutierrez has strongly criticized President Javier Milei’s budget proposal for 2025, calling it “nonsense” and “ridiculous.”

The proposal requires provinces to adjust their budgets by $60 billion, which Gutierrez believes is an unrealistic and unfair demand.

The deputy has highlighted the inconsistencies in the government’s statements on the budget proposal, citing a lack of clarity and seriousness.

Gutierrez and other members of the Córdoba Block have called for a more realistic and collaborative approach to the budget, involving serious negotiations between the government and the provinces.

SEO Keywords: Carlos Gutierrez



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