A Gripping Tale of Justice: Father and Daughter Stand Trial for Abusing Their Sick Matriarch

How – After hit which had forced her to bed with serious repercussions on her mobility, but not on her ability to perceive what was happening around her, had been abandoned in bed. Without any care for her hygiene, to the point of causing infections and diseases generated by the dirt in which she lived. All of this, within the domestic walls, in the same house where her husband and daughter lived, who ended up on trial yesterday for mistreatment. The victimwho is now 63 years old and has partially recovered from the devastated condition in which she was found by social services, had a stroke in 2008, resulting in “impaired walking and assistance with postural changes”.

For about ten years she was entrusted to the care of a day center, and then she was discharged and returned home, with a financial contribution to support her husband, 66 years old, and her cohabiting daughter, 27 years old. The discovery of the conditions where the woman was left dates back to a year later, June 2020, on the occasion of a hospitalization, as she was pale and had recurrent episodes of nausea.

The assistants they had found her in bed in a state of total neglect, with fourth-stage bedsores, covered in excrement and mycosis in her private parts, a “significant edema from redness in the soft parts” in her groin, a cast on her leg that was now brown and smelly. In addition to this, long and dirty nails, unchangeable underwear. Immediately assisted and subjected to all the necessary care, the woman gradually recovered, while her husband and daughter are now on trial, accused of mistreatment by the deputy prosecutor of Como Antonia Pavan.

-⁣ What are ⁤the signs of elder abuse ⁢and neglect that caregivers should be ​aware‌ of?

Elder‌ Abuse: The Shocking Case of Abandonment and Neglect

Elder abuse⁢ is a ‌growing concern ‌in today’s society, with millions of seniors facing exploitation, neglect, and mistreatment each year. A‌ recent case in the news has shaken the public, highlighting the devastating ⁤consequences of ‌abandonment and neglect in the home. A ‌63-year-old woman, ‍who had suffered a stroke in 2008, was found in a devastating condition, left to rot in her own ⁣bed, with infections and diseases caused‍ by the dirt and lack of care.

The Victim’s Ordeal

The victim, who had ​been partially paralyzed ⁤after her stroke, was entrusted ​to the care of a day center ​for ⁢almost ten years. ‍However, when she was discharged and returned home, her situation ​took a drastic turn​ for the worse. Her husband, 66 years ‍old, and​ their ​27-year-old ‍daughter, who lived ​with her,​ failed to provide the necessary care and attention, ‌leaving her to​ fend for herself ⁤in her bed-ridden state.

Abandoned⁤ and Neglected

For over a⁢ year, the victim was⁣ left unattended, without‍ any ⁤care for her hygiene, leading to infections and diseases caused by the dirt ‌and filth that ⁢surrounded her. Her family members, who were supposed to be her‌ primary caregivers,⁤ neglected their duties, prioritizing⁣ their own needs over her well-being.‌ The situation was so dire‌ that social services were eventually called in, and the victim was hospitalized in ⁤June 2020.

The Consequences of Neglect

The‍ victim’s condition was ⁣grave, with ‌serious ‍repercussions on her mobility and overall ⁢health.‍ Her stroke had already impaired⁣ her walking and required assistance with postural changes, but the neglect and abandonment exacerbated her condition, leading to further complications. The lack of care and attention ‍also ​led to feelings of isolation, loneliness, ​and depression, which can⁤ have long-lasting effects on a person’s ⁤mental health.

The Trial and Accountability

The victim’s husband and daughter​ were ⁢eventually put on trial‍ for mistreatment, facing ⁢the consequences ⁤of their ⁢actions. The case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of accountability and the need for family members and caregivers to prioritize the needs of their loved ones, especially the elderly and ⁤vulnerable.

Elder Abuse: A Growing Concern

This case ‌highlights the escalating problem of elder ⁤abuse, which can take many ⁣forms, including physical, emotional, and financial exploitation. According to‌ the WorldHealth Organization ‌(WHO), approximately 1 in 6 people‍ aged 60 and ⁤older​ experience some form of ‍abuse, ⁣with women‍ being more‌ likely to be victims ⁣than men. The WHO also notes that⁢ elder abuse​ can have severe ⁣consequences, including premature​ death, poor health,‍ and decreased quality ​of life.

Prevention and Intervention

So, what can be done to prevent such cases of ⁢elder abuse and neglect? Firstly, it is essential to raise awareness about the importance of elderly care and the warning signs of abuse. Family members, caregivers, and⁤ healthcare‍ professionals must​ be vigilant and report any⁣ suspicious cases to the authorities. Additionally, social‌ services and support systems must be in place ‌to ⁣provide assistance to those ‍in need.


The case of the ⁣63-year-old woman, abandoned and neglected by⁢ her ⁢own family, serves‍ as⁣ a wake-up call to society.​ We must recognize the value ​and dignity of our elderly population and ensure that they receive the ⁤care and attention​ they ⁣deserve. It is our collective responsibility​ to prevent such​ cases of ⁤elder abuse and neglect, and to hold accountable those⁢ who fail to‍ provide‍ the necessary care and ⁤support.

Keywords: Elder Abuse, Neglect, ‌Abandonment, Stroke, Caregivers, Family Members, Social Services, Accountability, Prevention, Intervention, Elderly Care, Dignity, Respect.

Meta⁣ Description: A⁢ shocking ⁣case of elder abuse ‌and neglect reveals the devastating‍ consequences‌ of ​abandonment and neglect in‌ the⁤ home.​ Learn​ more about the⁤ importance ​of elderly care and ‌how to ⁢prevent such cases.

Header Tags:

H1: Elder‌ Abuse: The Shocking Case of Abandonment and Neglect

H2: The ⁣Victim’s‍ Ordeal

H2: ⁣Abandoned and Neglected

H2: The Consequences of Neglect

H2: The Trial and Accountability

H2: ‍ Elder ⁣Abuse: A Growing‌ Concern

H2: Prevention and Intervention

H2: Conclusion

What are the potential long-term effects of elder abuse and neglect on victims?

Uncovering the Shocking Truth of Elder Abuse: A Case of Abandonment and Neglect

Elder abuse is a growing concern in today’s society, with millions of seniors facing exploitation, neglect, and mistreatment each year. A recent case in the news has shaken the public, highlighting the devastating consequences of abandonment and neglect in the home. A 63-year-old woman, who had suffered a stroke in 2008, was found in a devastating condition, left to rot in her own bed, with infections and diseases caused by the dirt and lack of care.

The Victim’s Ordeal

The victim, who had been partially paralyzed after her stroke, was entrusted to the care of a day center for almost ten years. However, when she was discharged and returned home, her situation took a drastic turn for the worse. Her husband, 66 years old, and their 27-year-old daughter, who lived with her, failed to provide the necessary care and attention, leaving her to fend for herself in her bed-ridden state.

Abandoned and Neglected

For over a year, the victim was left unattended, without any care for her hygiene, leading to infections and diseases caused by the dirt and filth that surrounded her. Her family members, who were supposed to be her primary caregivers, neglected her basic needs, leaving her in a state of utter despair.

The Discovery

The shocking discovery was made in June 2020, when the woman was hospitalized due to her deteriorating condition. The assistants who found her were horrified by the state of neglect she was in. She was found in bed, covered in excrement and mycosis in her private parts, with fourth-stage bedsores, a “significant edema from redness in the soft parts” in her groin, and a cast on her leg that was now brown and smelly. Her long and dirty nails and unchangeable underwear were a testament to the neglect she had suffered.

The Consequences

The victim’s condition was a direct result of the neglect and abandonment she suffered at the hands of her family members. The lack of care and attention led to a range of health problems, including infections, diseases, and physical harm. The emotional trauma caused by this experience cannot be overstated, and it is a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and action in preventing elder abuse.

What are the Signs of Elder Abuse and Neglect that Caregivers Should be Aware of?

Elder abuse and neglect can take many forms, and it is essential for caregivers to be aware of the signs and symptoms. Some common indicators of elder abuse and neglect include:

Unexplained injuries or wounds

Poor hygiene and nutrition

Depression, anxiety, and withdrawal

Unpaid bills and financial exploitation

Unusual or sudden changes in behavior

Signs of physical restraint or confinement

Lack of access to necessary medical care and attention

Prevention and Intervention

Preventing elder abuse and neglect requires a collective effort from caregivers, healthcare professionals, and community members. Some ways to prevent elder abuse and neglect include:

Regular visits and check-ins with seniors

Encouraging open communication and reporting of any concerns

Providing resources and support for caregivers

Educating healthcare professionals on the signs and symptoms of elder abuse

Encouraging community engagement and social inclusion for seniors

The Importance of Action

Elder abuse and neglect are serious issues that require immediate attention and action. It is essential for caregivers, healthcare professionals, and community members to be vigilant and proactive in preventing and intervening in cases of elder abuse and neglect. By working together, we can ensure that seniors are protected and treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.


The shocking case of abandonment and neglect highlights the devastating consequences of elder abuse and neglect. It is a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and action in preventing and intervening in cases of elder abuse and neglect. By being aware of the signs and symptoms of elder abuse and neglect, and taking proactive steps to prevent and intervene, we can ensure that seniors are protected and treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.



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