Growing Enthusiasm for Organ Donation in Quintana Roo

In recent years, the number of people and families who agree to donate the organs of their loved ones has increased in Quintana Roo, where it fluctuates around 50%.

Moisés Campos Navarro, hospital coordinator of Organ and Tissue Donation from the Regional General Hospital No. 17 of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Quintana Roo, explained that, at its worst moments, the negative trend towards this practice was of a 80%, which was one of the highest rates in the country, since the national average is 60%.

“Month by month, things are moving, but we are still far from other regions, for example, the center of the country, Bajío, which has a very high acceptance rate, there are hospitals that get more than 100 donations. The most important thing is that now families tell us that they have talked about it,” he said.

In this sense, he recalled that it is essential that people express their feelings to their relatives and acquaintances while they are alive. willingness to donate or not, organs upon death, since, in this way, the decision can be respected by the bereaved.

Although there are still doubts about the culture of donation, this year there have been successes 20 organ procurements, mainly corneas, kidneys and tissues.

“The most pleasant thing about this is that it has been Cancun residents who have received this aid and I think it is the end of a community, that the aid is generated internally and that is starting to happen, the last few months have been very encouraging,” he said and added that the latest procurements have been multi-organisational.

However, he acknowledged that there is still a long way to go to reach and surpass the figure obtained in 2023, when at At the end of the year there were 28 donations.

The interviewee recalled that this month marks the commemoration of National Day of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation, Therefore, we are looking for families who participated altruistically in the program, to pay them a respect. tribute next Friday, September 27.

“To be a donor in this program, you must have died, but then we forget about the person, that is why we are doing something different, because we want to do something different, to celebrate them and thank them, because they became heroes, they changed the lives of other people, without knowing them. That is the gesture of gratitude,” he said.

– What are the main factors contributing to the rise in organ donation acceptance in Quintana Roo?

Organ Donation on the Rise in Quintana Roo: Increased Awareness and Acceptance

In recent years, Quintana Roo has witnessed a significant surge in the⁢ number of people and ‌families willing to donate the organs of their loved ones, with an average acceptance rate of around 50%. This upward trend is a welcome change from the previously alarming rates, which stood at a staggering 80%, one of the highest in the country.

According to Moisés Campos Navarro, ‌hospital coordinator of Organ and Tissue Donation from the Regional General Hospital No. 17 of the Mexican Social Security‌ Institute (IMSS) in⁢ Quintana Roo, the national average remains at 60%, highlighting the need for continued awareness and education on the importance of organ donation.

Breaking Down Barriers:⁤ The Power of Family Conversations

Campos Navarro emphasizes the crucial role of open communication within families about their wishes regarding organ donation after death. “Month ‌by month, things are moving, ⁢but ⁣we are still far ⁤from other regions, for example, the center of the country, Bajío, which⁢ has a very high acceptance rate, there⁤ are hospitals that get more than 100 donations. The most important thing is that now families tell us that they have talked about it,” he said.

Having these conversations is essential, as ‌it allows family members⁣ to respect the wishes of their loved ones,​ should they pass away. By discussing their preferences, individuals can ensure that their organs are used to save lives, if ‌they so choose.

Successes and Challenges in Organ Procurement

This year, Quintana Roo has seen 20 organ procurements, primarily consisting of corneas, kidneys, and ‍tissues. These successes are a testament to the growing awareness⁤ and acceptance of organ donation in‌ the ⁤region. The fact that Cancun residents have received aid through⁤ these procurements is particularly​ encouraging, as it marks ​a shift towards a more self-sustaining community.

However, ⁢Campos Navarro⁢ acknowledges that⁣ there is still much work to be done to reach and surpass the 28 donations achieved in 2023. The latest​ procurements have‌ been multi-organisational, indicating a promising collaborative effort, but there remains a long way to go in⁢ terms of increasing organ donation rates.

Commemorating Organ Donation Awareness

This month, Quintana Roo marks the commemoration ⁤of organ donation awareness, a timely‌ reminder of the ⁤ongoing efforts to promote education and⁣ understanding about this vital practice. As the‍ region ‌continues to make progress, it is essential to maintain momentum and‍ encourage more ​families to have open and‌ honest discussions about organ donation.

By sharing their stories and experiences, individuals can inspire others to follow suit, ultimately increasing the number of lives saved through​ organ donation. As Campos Navarro notes, “The most pleasant‌ thing‌ about this is that‌ it has been ​Cancun residents who⁤ have received this aid and I think it is the end of a ⁣community, that the ⁢aid ​is generated internally⁤ and that is starting to happen, the ​last few months have been very encouraging.”


Quintana Roo’s progress in organ donation ⁢is ​a positive step ​towards creating a culture of​ giving ⁢and saving lives. Continued education, awareness, and open communication within families are crucial in driving this trend forward. As the ⁢region strives to ⁤reach and surpass the 2023 figure, it is essential to recognize ⁢the ​successes achieved thus far and build upon them, ultimately working towards a future where organ donation is the ⁤norm, ⁤rather than the exception.

Keywords: ​ Organ donation, Quintana Roo, Mexico, IMSS, organ procurement, corneas, kidneys, tissues, organ transplant, organ donation awareness, family conversations, willingness to donate.

What factors have contributed to the rise in organ donation acceptance in Quintana Roo?

Organ Donation on the Rise in Quintana Roo: Increased Awareness and Acceptance

In recent years, Quintana Roo has witnessed a significant surge in the number of people and families willing to donate the organs of their loved ones, with an average acceptance rate of around 50%. This upward trend is a welcome change from the previously alarming rates, which stood at a staggering 80%, one of the highest in the country.

According to Moisés Campos Navarro, hospital coordinator of Organ and Tissue Donation from the Regional General Hospital No. 17 of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) in Quintana Roo, the national average remains at 60%, highlighting the need for continued awareness and education on the importance of organ donation.

Breaking Down Barriers: The Power of Family Conversations

Campos Navarro emphasizes the crucial role of open communication within families about their wishes regarding organ donation



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