Shape Austria’s Tomorrow: Amplify Your Voice by Voting!

Shape Austria’s Tomorrow: Amplify Your Voice by Voting!

2024-09-18 06:53:02

Vienna (OTS) –

The National Council is one of the pillars of Austrian democracy. 6.35 million eligible voters will be able to decide how it will be composed in the upcoming elections. In a joint appeal, the Presidium of the National Council is addressing voters and urging them to use their right to vote and go to the polls on September 29.

The voters will decide in which direction democracy moves, stresses National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka. Anyone who does not exercise their right to vote accepts that others will decide the direction and future of Austria.

Every eligible voter would use their vote to ensure that Austria continues to develop democratically, explains Second President of the National Council Doris Bures. It is a privilege to help shape the future of the country and to lay the foundation for what will happen in Austria in the future.

The third President of the National Council, Norbert Hofer, is also calling on people to vote at the polling station or by post. By voting, everyone would shape Austria’s future and keep the country and democracy moving. (End) pst

NOTE: The video with the entire election appeal and more information on the 2024 election year can be found at


#National #Council #Presidency #vote #determine #future #Austria

– Why is voter participation essential⁣ for ⁤the future of Austrian democracy in the upcoming​ National Council Elections?

The Future of Austrian Democracy: Why Every Vote Counts in ‍the Upcoming Elections

As the National Council Elections approach ‌on September 29, the fate ‍of ⁣Austrian democracy hangs in the balance. With 6.35 million eligible voters holding the power ​to ⁤shape the country’s⁤ future,⁢ the ⁤Presidium of the‍ National Council is urging citizens to exercise their right to vote and make their voices heard.

In a joint appeal, the ⁣leaders of the National Council ⁤are emphasizing the significance​ of active participation in the democratic process. National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka stressed‌ that every single vote counts, as it determines the direction in⁢ which democracy will move. “Anyone who does not exercise their right to vote accepts that others will decide the direction ‍and future of Austria,” Sobotka warned.

Second President of the⁣ National Council Doris Bures echoed this‌ sentiment, highlighting the privilege that ⁤comes with being able to ⁣shape the future of the‌ country. “Every eligible voter would use their vote ⁢to ensure that Austria continues to develop democratically, laying the foundation for ‍what‍ will happen in Austria in the future,” Bures emphasized.

The National Council, a pillar‌ of Austrian ⁤democracy, is the country’s highest legislative body. The upcoming elections will‍ determine its composition, and by extension, the trajectory ⁢of the nation. The decisions made⁣ by the National‍ Council have a direct impact on the⁢ lives of Austrian⁢ citizens, influencing policy, legislation, and ⁣the overall​ direction ⁣of⁣ the country.

The Importance‌ of Voter Participation

Voter participation is ⁣crucial in‌ a functioning democracy. When⁢ citizens exercise their ​right to vote, they ​are not only fulfilling⁤ their civic duty‌ but also taking‍ an ⁤active ⁣role in shaping their country’s future. By casting their ballots, voters are ⁤sending a clear message to their elected representatives about the issues that matter most to them.

Unfortunately, ⁣voter apathy and disillusionment are widespread problems in many democratic countries, including Austria. In recent years, voter turnout has been declining, ‌leading to concerns about the⁣ health of democracy. Low voter participation ‌rates can result in a disconnect between citizens and ⁢their elected ‍representatives, undermining the legitimacy of democratic institutions.

The Consequences⁢ of Not Voting

When citizens fail to exercise their right to ‌vote, ‍they relinquish their power to shape the ⁢country’s ‍future. This can have ‍serious consequences, ⁣including:

  1. Undemocratic Representation: If certain groups or demographics do not participate in ⁣the electoral process, their interests and concerns may not be represented in the National Council. This‌ can lead to ​undemocratic representation and a ‍lack​ of diversity in the legislative⁣ body.
  2. Unwanted Policy Outcomes: When citizens do not vote,⁣ they may end ⁣up with policy ‌outcomes that do not align with‌ their values or interests. This can result in decisions⁤ being​ made by a small, unrepresentative group, rather than the collective will ⁢of the people.
  3. Erosion of Democratic Values: Low voter participation⁢ rates can⁤ contribute to a⁢ decline in democratic values, such as trust in institutions, civic engagement, and‍ the rule of law. When citizens do not participate in the electoral process, they may become⁢ disenchanted with democracy itself.

The Power of Every Single Vote

In a ​democracy, every single vote counts. The outcome of the National Council Elections will be determined by the collective decisions of individual voters. By participating in the electoral⁤ process, citizens​ are exercising their power to‌ shape the country’s future.

As the National Council leaders emphasized,⁤ every eligible voter has‌ a responsibility to use their vote​ to ensure that ⁤Austria‌ continues to⁣ develop democratically. By⁢ casting their ballots, citizens are:

  1. Holding Elected Representatives Accountable: Voters⁢ are sending a clear message to their elected representatives about the issues that matter most to them.
  2. Shaping Policy and Legislation: The National Council’s composition will⁤ determine the trajectory of policy​ and legislation, and by extension, the direction of the country.
  3. Defending Democratic ‍Values: By participating in the electoral process, citizens are upholding ⁢democratic values and ⁤reinforcing the‌ principles of democracy.


The National Council Elections on September 29 ‌are⁣ a pivotal moment in Austrian democracy. With 6.35⁢ million eligible voters holding the⁢ power to shape the country’s future, every single vote counts.​ The Presidium ‍of⁣ the National Council’s appeal to citizens is a timely reminder of the importance of active participation in ⁣the democratic⁣ process.

By ⁣exercising their right to​ vote, Austrian citizens are⁢ not only fulfilling their⁤ civic duty but ‍also taking an active⁢ role in shaping the country’s future.⁢ The ⁣outcome of​ the⁢ elections will have far-reaching consequences for Austria’s democracy, and it is up to every individual ⁤voter to ensure that their voice is heard.

Remember: Every Vote Counts, Every Voice Matters

Keywords: National Council Elections, Austrian Democracy, Voter Participation, Democratic⁣ Values, Right to Vote, National Council President‌ Wolfgang Sobotka, Second President of the National Council Doris Bures.

– What is the significance of voter participation in the upcoming National Council Elections in Austria?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the National Council Elections in Austria:

The Future of Austrian Democracy: Why Every Vote Counts in the Upcoming Elections

As the National Council Elections approach on September 29, the fate of Austrian democracy hangs in the balance. With 6.35 million eligible voters holding the power to shape the country’s future, the Presidium of the National Council is urging citizens to exercise their right to vote and make their voices heard.

The Significance of Active Participation

In a joint appeal, the leaders of the National Council are emphasizing the significance of active participation in the democratic process. National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka stressed that every single vote counts, as it determines the direction in which democracy will move. “Anyone who does not exercise their right to vote accepts that others will decide the direction and future of Austria,” Sobotka warned.

A Privilege to Shape the Future

Second President of the National Council Doris Bures echoed this sentiment, highlighting the privilege that comes with being able to shape the future of the country. “Every eligible voter would use their vote to ensure that Austria continues to develop democratically, laying the foundation for what will happen in Austria in the future,” Bures emphasized.

The Role of the National Council

The National Council, a pillar of Austrian democracy, is the country’s highest legislative body. The upcoming elections will determine its composition, and by extension, the trajectory of the nation. The decisions made by the National Council have a direct impact on the lives of Austrian citizens, influencing everything from economic policy to social welfare programs.

Why Voter Participation is Essential

Voter participation is essential for a healthy democracy, as it ensures that the voices of all citizens are heard and represented. By casting their ballots, Austrians can shape the country’s future and hold their elected representatives accountable. Moreover, high voter turnout sends a strong signal to politicians that citizens are engaged and invested in the democratic process.

The Consequences of Low Voter Turnout

On the other hand, low voter turnout can have serious consequences for Austrian democracy. When citizens fail to exercise their right to vote, they cede their power to shape the country’s future to others. This can lead to a disconnect between the government and the people, eroding trust in institutions and undermining the very foundations of democracy.

Encouraging Voter Participation

To encourage voter participation, the National Council is urging citizens to make their voices heard. By doing so, Austrians can ensure that their country continues to develop democratically and that their voices are heard in the halls of power.


As the National Council Elections approach, the future of Austrian democracy hangs in the balance. By exercising their right to vote, Austrians can shape the country’s future, ensure that their voices are heard, and uphold the principles of democracy. It is essential that citizens take an active role in the democratic process, making their voices heard and holding their elected representatives accountable.

Keyword Summary

National Council Elections, Austria, democracy, voter participation, Wolfgang Sobotka, Doris Bures, National Council President, Second President of the National Council, democratic process, legislative body, voter turnout, democratic future, Austrian citizens, elected representatives, accountability.

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