Biden Calls for Safeguarding Gaza Hospital as Tensions Rise

Mr Biden added to mounting international pressure on Israel by calling on the US ally to take “less aggressive action on the hospital“.

“The hospital has to be secured,” Mr. Biden told reporters in the Oval Office when asked if he had raised concerns about the issue with Israel.

Witnesses reported intense airstrikes, as well as tanks and armored personnel carriers, just meters from the gates of al-Shifa hospital, which Israel says the Islamist group Hamas has hidden its military headquarters under, a charge Hamas denies.

“The situation is very bad, it is inhumane,” wrote a surgeon from the medical charity Doctors Without Borders (MSF) on social media.

“We don’t have electricity. There is no water in the hospital,” the unnamed doctor added.

The October 7 attack by Hamas stunned Israelis, who were particularly worried about the fate of the hostages. Demonstrators gathered outside the United Nations building in Jerusalem on Monday to call on the world body to help free the prisoners.

According to Mr. Biden, a possible agreement on the release of the prisoners is currently the subject of negotiations mediated by Qatar.

The war in the Gaza Strip has also raised concerns about a wider regional conflict.

During the attack carried out by Hamas in Israel on October 7, according to Jewish state officials, about 1.2 thousand people were killed. people, mostly civilians, and 239 people, including at least 30 children, were taken hostage.

The death toll from the war reached 11,240 on Monday as fighting in the territory has continued for more than five weeks, according to the latest figures released by the Gaza Strip’s Hamas government.

The dead included 4,630 children and 3,130 women, the government said.

According to her data, another 29 thousand people were injured.

Israel has been relentlessly bombing and sending troops into the densely populated Palestinian territory controlled by Hamas in an effort to destroy the Islamist militant group.

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#Biden #calls #Gaza #hospital #protected #conditions #deteriorate
2024-09-18 05:40:48

What is⁢ the purpose of the ‌`

` element in HTML?

I apologize, but the text you⁣ provided appears to be a news article about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and it’s not related to the HTML


If​ you’d like, I can provide a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic‍ of the‍

element ​in HTML. Here it is:


Element in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is a fundamental building block of HTML, used to‍ group⁣ elements ‌together for styling, layout, and semantic purposes. In this article, we’ll delve into⁢ the world‌ of

, exploring its uses, attributes, and best practices.

What is the



element, short for‌ “division,” is a generic container‌ element in HTML. It’s used to wrap a section of content, grouping elements together to create a logical separation within a document. The

element is a block-level​ element,​ meaning it⁤ begins on a new line and takes up the full width of its parent⁣ element.

Uses of the⁤



element is incredibly versatile, with a wide range of use ⁢cases:

  1. Layout and Styling:
    is often used to create layouts, applying CSS styles to‍ the element to control the visual presentation of content.
  2. Semantic Meaning:
    can be used to add semantic meaning to a document, helping⁤ search engines and screen⁢ readers understand the structure of the content.
  3. JavaScript and Interactivity:
    is often used as a container for interactive elements, such as buttons, forms,⁢ and accordions.
  4. Microformats and Schema:
    ‌can be used to ⁢wrap microformats and markup, providing additional context to search engines.

Attributes of the



element has several attributes that can be used to customize ⁢its behavior:

  1. id: A unique identifier for the element, used for styling and scripting purposes.
  2. class: A space-separated list of classes, used for styling and semantic meaning.
  3. style: Inline CSS​ styles can be‌ applied directly to the element.
  4. data-*: Custom data attributes can be used to store‌ additional information about the element.

Best‍ Practices for Using the


To get the most ⁣out of the

element, follow these best practices:

  1. Use
    Sparingly: ‌Avoid⁢ overusing

    , as it ⁤can lead to a “div-itis” – an excessive use of unnecessary elements.
  2. Use Semantic Elements: ⁣When possible, ⁣use semantic elements (e.g.,

  3. Use Meaningful IDs and ⁢Classes: Choose IDs and classes that accurately describe the content or functionality of the element.
  4. Keep Markup Simple: Avoid nesting unnecessary⁣ elements, and keep the​ markup simple⁤ and ‍easy to read.



element is a powerful tool in the HTML toolkit, providing ‌a flexible way to group elements together for styling, layout, and⁢ semantic purposes.⁢ By understanding its uses,⁣ attributes, and best‌ practices, developers can create⁣ more effective, accessible, ‍and maintainable web pages.

I hope‌ this article is helpful! Let me know if you have any ‍further questions.

What are the key benefits of using the `

` element in HTML?

What is the purpose of the

element in HTML?


element is one of the most commonly used elements in HTML, and it plays a crucial role in structuring and organizing content on the web. In this article, we’ll delve into the purpose and significance of the

element, its syntax, and examples of its usage.

What is the



element is a generic container element in HTML that represents a division or a section of content. It is a block-level element, which means it takes up the full width of its parent element and starts on a new line. The

element is often used to group elements together for styling purposes or to provide a hook for JavaScript code.

Purpose of the


The primary purpose of the

element is to provide a way to organize and structure content on a web page. It is a versatile element that can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Grouping elements: The
    element can be used to group elements together, making it easier to apply styles, layouts, or JavaScript effects to multiple elements at once.
  2. Creating sections: The
    element can be used to create sections or divisions of content on a web page, such as a header, footer, or sidebar.
  3. Providing a hook for JavaScript: The
    element can be used as a hook for JavaScript code, allowing developers to target specific elements or sections of content.
  4. Applying styles: The
    element can be used to apply styles to a block of content, such as backgrounds, borders, or padding.

Syntax of the


The syntax of the

element is simple:

Content goes here


element can also be used with attributes, such as id, class, or style, to provide additional information or styling:

Examples of

element usage

Here are some examples of how the

element can be used:

  1. Creating a header section:

  1. Grouping elements for styling:

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

  1. Creating a footer section:



element is a fundamental element in HTML that provides a way to organize and structure content on a web page. Its versatility and flexibility make it a crucial element for web developers, allowing them to group elements, create sections, and apply styles to content. Whether you’re a seasoned web developer or just starting out, understanding the purpose and syntax of the

element is essential for building effective and well-structured web pages.

Optimized keywords:

element, HTML, container element, block-level element, grouping elements, creating sections, applying styles, JavaScript hook, web development, HTML syntax, HTML examples.



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