Revitalizing Leadership: SYRIZA-PS Takes a Stand Amidst Kasselakis’ Confidence Challenges

The Prefectural Committee SY.RIZ.A-PS of Corinth at the Meeting of the 13her September 2024, decided by a majority to file a resolution with the following content:

As is well known, 163 members of the Central Committee proposed the withdrawal of confidence from the Body in the person of the President of SYRIZA-PS, Mr. Stefanos Kasselakis (even though the President is not a member of the Central Committee, he does not enjoy the confidence of the Central Committee, nor the Statute provides for a vote of confidence in the President, by the members of the Central Committee, so as to understand the subsequent removal of the -never!- given confidence).

In this context, they decided to hold a secret vote, among the members of the Central Committee, with the aim of achieving the overthrow of the party president Mr. Stefanos Kasselakis, who was elected by the broad base of 135,000 members with a percentage of 56%, which they succeeded. This is an unprecedented decision, a disgrace to the political morals and history of the Left.

Later, the same body, being in complete confusion, arbitrarily and arbitrarily tried to limit the powers of the supreme body of the party, which is the Congress, making irrevocable, it says, the above decision of the Central Committee.

And while the party’s Statute (no. 20 par. 4) mandates “In the event of a vote of no confidence in the Central Committee by 50% +1 of its members in the president, an extraordinary congress shall be convened”, the same Central Committee, whose responsibilities includes the preparation of the Congress, refuses and fails to respond to its institutional role and reason for existence and operation, and postpones the election of the President after three months, showing an absolute lack of institutional respect, even for the political role that SYRIZA-PS is called upon to play , as the official opposition in the country.

All of the above is so stinking, that it causes the disgust and indignation of the thousands of party members who selflessly fought to keep SYRIZA PS standing, after the electoral collapse of 2023 and the disintegrating splits that followed.

We, the members of NE SYRIZA-PS Corinthia, declare today openly and clearly that we will not allow the further humiliation of SYRIZA, the further abolition of any concept of democracy.

We are not interested in appeasing the fears of all those who, fearing that they will not be included in progress, have chosen to turn SYRIZA PS into a closed party of mechanisms, which permanently remove it from society, but are at the same time ready to do so. willing crutch, of a nebulous “progressive co-government”.

For us the Left means, above all, non-negotiable respect for democratic processes, the popular will and the decisions of the majority and that is why we will continue to fight for a progressive party with open and participatory processes, democratic and grounded in society, with the people of labour, production, culture, movements and popular demands.

For a mass party of members through society and not above society, which will once again give hope and perspective for a better life to the Greek people.

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#decision #resolution #SYRIZAPS #Corinthian #Prefectural #Committee #background #withdrawal #confidence #person #Stefanos #Kasselakis

What are the ‍implications​ of the Corinth Prefectural‍ Committee SY.RIZ.A-PS’s rejection of⁢ the Central Committee’s actions for‍ the future of SYRIZA-PS?

The Battle for Democracy: Corinth’s Prefectural Committee ⁣SY.RIZ.A-PS Says No to​ Party Politics

In ‍a bold move, the Prefectural Committee SY.RIZ.A-PS ​of Corinth has taken a stand against the undemocratic decisions ‍of the ⁤Central Committee of SYRIZA-PS, the Greek political party. On September 13, 2024, the⁤ committee decided by a​ majority to​ file a resolution that rejects the arbitrary actions ‍of​ the Central Committee, which​ have led to the ‍undermining of democracy within the party.

A ‌Vote of No Confidence:⁤ A ‍Disgrace to Political Morals

The controversy ⁢began⁤ when 163 members of the Central Committee⁢ proposed a vote of no confidence in the party’s President, Mr. Stefanos Kasselakis. Despite not being a⁣ member of the Central Committee, Mr. Kasselakis was elected by the party’s broad base of ⁤135,000 members with a significant majority ‍of 56%. However, the Central ⁢Committee, in a secret vote, succeeded in⁣ overthrowing the elected⁢ president, a move⁣ that is unprecedented and unacceptable.

Limiting the Powers of the Congress: A Threat to Democracy

Adding insult to injury,⁣ the Central Committee then attempted to limit the powers of the Congress, the supreme body of the party. This move is in stark contrast ⁤to the ‍party’s‌ Statute, which clearly states⁢ that in the event of a vote of ⁢no ⁤confidence in the⁤ Central⁤ Committee, an extraordinary congress shall be convened. The ‌Central Committee’s refusal to adhere to the party’s Statute​ and its own institutional role is a blatant​ disregard for ⁢democracy and the rule of ⁣law.

The Disgust and Indignation of Party Members

The actions‌ of the Central Committee⁤ have ​caused widespread disgust and indignation among party‌ members, who have selflessly worked to keep ‌SYRIZA-PS standing despite the electoral collapse of 2023 and subsequent⁤ splits. The ‍members of the Prefectural Committee SY.RIZ.A-PS of Corinth ⁢are‍ determined ​to take a stand against the further humiliation of the party and the abolition of democratic processes.

Defending the Left: Respect⁤ for Democratic Processes

For the Left, democracy means⁢ non-negotiable respect for democratic processes, the popular will,⁢ and ‍the decisions of the majority. The members of the Prefectural Committee SY.RIZ.A-PS⁤ of Corinth are committed ⁤to ​fighting ‍for a progressive party with open and participatory processes, grounded in society and responsive to ⁤the needs of the ​people.

A Call ⁤to Action: For​ a⁣ Better Life for the Greek⁤ People

The battle for ⁤democracy within SYRIZA-PS is not just about ⁤party politics; it is⁢ about ensuring that the ⁢Greek people have a party that truly represents their ⁤interests‍ and ⁣aspirations. The members of the Prefectural Committee SY.RIZ.A-PS of Corinth ​are calling for a mass party that is of the people, by the​ people, and for‌ the people. A party that will give hope and ⁤perspective ‍for a better life to the Greek people.

Read⁣ On:

“Medicine”⁢ and despair of oncology patients, the price increases concern 923 preparations from 1% to 400%

Nea ⁢Smyrni: The 43-year-old woman who killed her‍ brother is accused of manslaughter

Kato Achaia: Police operation ‌to ⁤combat illegal immigration

Optimized Keywords:


Corinth Prefectural‍ Committee

Stefanos Kasselakis


Party politics

Greek politics

Left-wing ⁣politics

Progressive⁣ party

Democratic processes

Open and participatory processes

Mass party

Greek ‌people

Meta ‍Description:

The Prefectural Committee​ SY.RIZ.A-PS of Corinth​ takes a stand against ⁣the undemocratic decisions of ​the Central Committee of SYRIZA-PS, ‌defending democracy and the rule of law within the party.

Header Tags:

​H1: The Battle for Democracy:‌ Corinth’s‍ Prefectural Committee SY.RIZ.A-PS Says ​No to Party Politics

H2: A Vote of No​ Confidence: A Disgrace⁢ to Political Morals

H2: Limiting⁤ the Powers of the Congress: A Threat to Democracy

H2: The Disgust and Indignation of ⁣Party Members

H2: Defending the Left: Respect for Democratic Processes

* H2: A ‌Call to Action: For ‌a Better Life for the Greek People

– How does the Corinth Prefectural Committee’s resolution challenge the democratic structure of SYRIZA-PS?

The Corinth Prefectural Committee SY.RIZ.A-PS’s Resolution: A Blow to Democracy within SYRIZA-PS

On September 13th, 2024, the Prefectural Committee SY.RIZ.A-PS of Corinth made a historic decision that has sent shockwaves throughout the Greek political landscape. By a majority vote, the committee resolved to file a resolution that strips the President of SYRIZA-PS, Mr. Stefanos Kasselakis, of confidence. This move has been met with widespread criticism and disbelief, with many questioning the legitimacy and democratic credentials of the Central Committee.

A Disregard for Democratic Principles

The decision to withdraw confidence from the President of SYRIZA-PS is unprecedented in the party’s history. Moreover, it is a clear violation of the party’s statute, which does not provide for a vote of confidence in the President by the Central Committee. The statute explicitly states that the Congress is the supreme body of the party, and it is only the Congress that has the power to elect or remove the President.

The Central Committee’s actions are not only undemocratic but also undermine the very fabric of SYRIZA-PS. By refusing to convene an extraordinary Congress, as mandated by the party’s statute, the Central Committee has shown a blatant disregard for democratic principles and the will of the party’s members.

A Threat to the Party’s Unity

The Corinth Prefectural Committee’s resolution has also sparked concerns about the unity of SYRIZA-PS. The party has already faced electoral collapse and disintegrating splits in the past, and this latest development is likely to exacerbate the situation. The decision to undermine the President’s authority has created divisions within the party, with some members questioning the legitimacy of the Central Committee’s actions.

A Call to Action

In response to this crisis, the members of NE SYRIZA-PS Corinthia have taken a bold stance, refusing to accept the Central Committee’s decision and calling for a return to democratic principles within the party. They recognize that the Left means, above all, non-negotiable respect for democratic processes, the popular will, and the decisions of the majority.

The Fight for a Progressive Party

The struggle for a progressive party with open and participatory processes, democratic and grounded in society, is not over. The members of NE SYRIZA-PS Corinthia are determined to fight for a party that listens to the people, responds to their needs, and represents their interests. They envision a party that gives hope and perspective for a better life to the Greek people.

The Implications of the Resolution

The implications of the Corinth Prefectural Committee’s resolution are far-reaching and profound. It raises questions about the future of SYRIZA-PS, the state of democracy within the party, and the role of the Central Committee in the party’s decision-making process.

As the situation unfolds, one thing is clear: the fight for democracy and progressive values within SYRIZA-PS is far from over. The members of NE SYRIZA-PS Corinthia have taken a crucial step in standing up against the undemocratic actions of the Central Committee, and their bravery will inspire others to join the fight for a better future.

Read on:

“Medicine” and despair of oncology patients, the price increases concern 923 preparations from 1% to 400%

Nea Smyrni: The 43-year-old woman who killed her brother is accused of manslaughter

Kato Achaia: Intervention of ELAS with arrests at the festival

PASOK elections – DATA C poll: Super derby between Androulakis-Doukas – Diamantopoulou rises

Pebbling: What’s the new trend, the pros and cons

Because caps are now mandatorily glued to plastic bottles

* “My Home I” and “My Home II”: The criteria and the beneficiaries

Keywords: SYRIZA-PS, Corinth Prefectural Committee, Stefanos Kasselakis, democracy, progressive values, party unity, democratic principles.



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