Capricorn, Dare to Discover Your Truth Today: A Journey of Authenticity and Reflection

Today, we have the Full Moon of the month in Pisces, which is also a Lunar Eclipse, forcing us to leave our pink bubble for a while and come…down to earth to face the things we have, flexibly or cunningly, avoided past time.

No matter how many tricks we do, no matter how many excuses we use, in the end we will be forced to take a position and decisions and clarify the landscape. There is also an issue of trust, as some will either have no grasp of the situation, will seem incapable of handling practical issues, or will give us the impression that they are trying to avoid getting their hands dirty and pass the “dirty work” elsewhere. , since Neptune in Pisces participates in it.

Of course, the participation of Uranus in Taurus is more active, so we shouldn’t be surprised by the development of things, since deep down we knew where we were right and where we were wrong!

On the same wavelength, the opposition of Mercury in Virgo and Saturn in Pisces, which takes place on the same day, wants us, while cancellations, delays, a breakdown, bureaucratic obstruction and entanglements in our every day activity will be the main phenomenon.

On the other hand, intense disagreements and misunderstandings will not be lacking, since we will take everything more seriously than it is, so it is better to avoid jokes, pranks and cuteness, as well as haste and reckless actions because we will find them… ahead us soon enough.


Today’s eclipse in the Pisces-Virgo axis, respectively in your 12th / 6th and in conjunction with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, will bring increased emotionality, a need for mental and physical health and you will have the desire to offer your love and help selflessly to anyone who needs it. You are in a transitional stage, where with calmness and secrecy, you prepare for the moment when you will stand out, since the background is well kept. With the opposition of Mercury in your 6th with retrograde Saturn in your 12th, you will be sparing with your words, but what you say will also be harsh and derogatory if necessary. Try to be as objective as you can, don’t rush to make decisions, detox your body from toxins and harmful habits and turn your attention to situations that relax you.


Today’s eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis, respectively in your 11th / 5th and aspecting Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, sensitizes you and you become more condescending with people in your friendly and social environment. It is possible that you have high expectations of a friend and in the end you find out that you are sorely mistaken and disappointed. Some goals are too ideal and too big to be achieved, so try to change them, and with Mercury in your 5th opposing retrograde Saturn in your 11th, there’s a chance you’ll clash with the kids. you and cool down. In the love sector, the risk of being carried away by your emotions and becoming a target of your love desires and needs is very likely.


With the eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis, respectively in your 10th / 4th and in aspect with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, there will be intense inner concerns and upheavals regarding your professional matters. You will find it difficult to handle situations, you will find mistakes, irregularities and inconsistencies, as a result of which you feel “hanging on a tree” and insecure. At the same time, the eclipse will be liberating because it will free you from secrets and fears since you will now know where you stand. With Mercury opposing your 4th with retrograde Saturn, you are likely to move away from your family and home for business reasons. You will need to make some decisions, without rushing, that concern not only your social and professional reputation but also your family.


With the eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis, respectively in your 9th / 3rd and in aspect with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, changes will occur in matters of education, training and travel, while in general you will have the need to believe in a miracle and hope that your expectations will be realized. Some are indeed likely to come true, but some others will be disproven so be careful not to fly in the clouds. With Mercury in your 3rd opposing retrograde Saturn in your 9th, it is possible that your plans for a trip will be blocked, you will have moral dilemmas and insecurities, and even get involved in legal adventures. In any case, you will have changes in partnerships, in goals, and it is possible that a partnership will completely change the data so far and benefit you.


The eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis in the 8th / 2nd respectively and in aspects with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto will affect your financial sector, your psyche and your emotions. You should put all of the above in order, but with your judgment clouded. There will be confusion, you will be quite emotional and impulsive and you will be carried away by the charge of the moment. In the professional field there will be changes while it is good to avoid taking risks. With the opposition of Mercury in your 2nd with retrograde Saturn in your 8th, financial negotiations and openings are not favored, instead you should organize yourself to avoid more debts and at the same time settle the existing ones. On an emotional level, be careful not to get carried away by your imagination.


You are one of the protagonists of the eclipse that will occur on the Pisces-Virgo axis since your sign is directly affected. In the 7th / 1st houses, respectively, it affects the area of ​​your interpersonal relationships and partnerships, and with the involvement of Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, you will be forced to make realizations and changes. Some relationships will disappoint you, they will hurt you and you will hardly be able to clarify the intentions of others as well as your real feelings. With Mercury in your 1st as opposed to retrograde Saturn in your 7th, issues related to the past will come to the fore and will finally have to be sorted out between you and your partner as well as your associates. In general, you should be careful in your relationships and not get carried away.


The eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis in the 6th / 12th respectively and in aspects with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto will affect you in the field of work and health. You will feel on your skin the fatigue, the exhaustion as a result of which you will complain, and rightfully so. With your energy constantly draining, you won’t be as productive as you’d like. You should put a brake on compulsions if you don’t want your health to be affected. Try to eat right, sleep enough and if you have neglected medical examinations, make sure to do them before health problems knock on your door. With Mercury in your 12th opposed to retrograde Saturn from your 6th, it is possible that problems will arise in the workplace and you will be dissatisfied with the prevailing conditions.


The eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis in the 5th / 11th respectively and in aspects with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, will bring developments in the love sector as your mood for romance and romance will increase. It is more likely that you will fall in love, lose yourself and fly in the clouds, with the risk that at some point you will land unevenly. It will be quite a fertile season for you if you want to have a child, although you will need to be careful not to take situations for granted. With Mercury in your 11th and in contrast to retrograde Saturn from your 5th, it is possible that obstacles will appear towards the realization of some goals and you will be dissatisfied. If some things aren’t happening, maybe they aren’t meant to be, so you don’t need to push them.


The eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis in the 4th / 10th respectively and in aspects with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, will bring developments in the area of ​​family and home that will have an impact on the area of ​​career and vice versa. You may need to take care of someone from your family and stay away from professional activities for a while. You will be incredibly moody and sensitive and you will have many and frequent psychological changes. With Mercury in your 10th, opposing retrograde Saturn in your 4th, some ambitions will go in favor of faith and country, as a result of which you will think about changing professions and careers, tackling professions more freely and completely changing your everyday life . You will be forced to mature and in general to see some situations more seriously or even pessimistically.


With the eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis in your 3rd / 9th respectively and in aspects with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, the field of communication and relationships with siblings and close relatives will be directly affected. The way you perceive some things will be chaotic, with the result that the way you express yourself will bring misunderstandings and misunderstandings. You will understand some things as it suits you, you will have a tendency to get confused in words and you will not come up with a solution, but neither will others with you. Try to be honest especially with yourself, because with Mercury in your 9th opposing retrograde Saturn from your 3rd, you will be hiding truths and at the same time stirring up issues from the past. Problems can occur in subjects, written texts, knowledge and movements.


The eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis in the 2nd / 8th respectively and in aspects with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, invites you to put your finances in order, which you probably manage in a chaotic manner. It is not a period for financial openings or investments, while it is not excluded for an already existing investment, to fall out and have losses. You will feel emotionally and materially insecure, and with Mercury in your 8th forming an opposition to retrograde Saturn from your 2nd, you will have to put the brakes on misdeeds and wastes that offer you nothing, instead reducing your savings accounts. Some inheritance cases and in general money that comes to you through others, will present postponements and delays as a result of which you will find it difficult to manage bills and debts.


The eclipse in your own sign, on the Pisces-Virgo axis and in your 1st / 7th respectively, in conjunction with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto, will affect you deeply and catalytically in the field of relationships but also in the way you perceive desires and your needs. It is possible that you ask for more than you receive and some relationships take a different turn, even closing their circle and opening another. With retrograde Saturn in your 1st opposed to Mercury in your 7th, you are tired of talking and demanding, and as a result you cut all communication bridges with those you feel don’t understand you. The past will make its appearance again and a love affair or a partnership will preoccupy you again.


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#Zodiac #signs #Capricorn #today #bit.. #strange #honest #pay #attention #problems

Resilient. As we ⁣navigate this‍ celestial event, it’s essential to communicate openly and ​make thoughtful decisions that align with our true‌ selves.

Here⁣ is ​a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the‌ topic of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in⁤ Pisces:

Deep Reflections and Decisive Action: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

As the ​Full Moon rises in the dreamy waters of Pisces, accompanied by a⁤ powerful Lunar Eclipse, we are forced to confront the realities we’ve been avoiding. This celestial event brings ⁢a sudden ⁤awareness, compelling us to take a step back, reflect,‌ and make decisive decisions.

Facing the Truth

The​ Full Moon in Pisces, taking place on [date], is‍ a wake-up call, urging ⁣us to leave our comfort ⁤zones and face the things we’ve‌ been dodging. No matter how hard we try to sugarcoat or justify our actions, the​ universe‍ is​ nudging us to take⁣ responsibility and be honest with ourselves. This eclipse serves as a catalyst for growth, pushing us to confront our insecurities,⁣ fears,‌ and⁢ doubts.

Trust Issues

With​ Neptune’s participation in Pisces, trust becomes a significant theme. We ⁢may encounter individuals who seem⁣ incapable of handling practical ‌matters or ‍may be unwilling to take responsibility, leaving us feeling frustrated ‌and uncertain. It’s essential to establish‍ clear boundaries and communicate⁤ effectively to avoid misunderstandings.

Uranus’ Influence

The involvement⁣ of Uranus in Taurus adds an element of surprise, making us aware of the ⁣consequences of our actions. We may have ignored the signs, but deep down, we knew what ⁣was right ⁣and ​wrong. This​ awakening can be‍ both liberating and unsettling, prompting us to re-evaluate our choices and decisions.

Communication and⁤ Decision-Making

The⁣ opposition of Mercury in Virgo and Saturn ⁢in Pisces on the same day emphasizes the importance of careful⁢ communication and thoughtful decision-making. Delays, cancellations, and​ bureaucratic obstacles may arise, but it’s ⁣crucial‌ to stay patient and focused. Avoid hasty actions and⁣ words, as they may lead to misunderstandings​ and conflicts.

Astrological Insights for Each Sign

Here’s a​ brief overview of how the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse ⁤in Pisces may affect each zodiac sign:


Expect increased ⁢emotional sensitivity, a ‍need ⁣for selfless giving, and ⁢a focus on mental and physical well-being. You’re‌ in a transitional phase, preparing for ⁤a moment‍ when you’ll shine.


You may feel more compassionate toward friends and‌ social connections, but be cautious of high‍ expectations.⁤ Be prepared for​ potential disappointments and adapt your​ goals accordingly.


‌ Inner turmoil and ⁢professional concerns may⁣ arise, making it difficult to handle situations. However, this​ eclipse can ‍also free you from secrets and fears, allowing you to ​move forward.


Changes in education, training, and travel are possible, and ‌you may need to believe in ⁢miracles to make your expectations a reality. Be cautious ​of unrealistic‌ hopes and remain‌ grounded.


Financial instability,⁢ emotional turbulence, and impulsive decisions may arise. It’s essential to organize​ your finances, avoid risks, and‍ curb ​emotional indulgence.


As the​ eclipse directly affects your sign, be prepared for a ⁣shift in your relationships and partnerships. Reflect on‍ your vulnerabilities and take decisive action ‍to improve your connections.


The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is an invitation to confront our fears, insecurities, and doubts. By facing the ⁤truth and taking responsibility for our actions, we​ can‍ emerge stronger, wiser, and more



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