The Grillini Greenlights Security Measures but Misses Crucial Aspects

Thomas Manni

September 16, 2024

In the closing statement of the Palermo prosecutors Marzia Sabella, Calogero Ferrara and Giorgia Righi, who asked for 6 years for Matteo Salvini in the Open Arms trial, there is a great absentee: Giuseppe Conte. Yes, because the prime minister of that government, that August of 2019, was precisely the leader of that Movement that had signed those Security Decrees and who now, from the social pages and newspapers, accuses Salvini of having behaved like “a bully” and the Meloni government of attacking the judiciary. “We will put an end to the immigration business” Conte sentenced to the Chamber of Deputies with a Luigi Di Maio who smiled satisfied to his right. The same Di Maio who now prefers not to comment on the request of the Palermo prosecutors. “A business that has grown out of all proportion under the cloak of false solidarity” attacked the forgetful Conte. And the 5 Star Movement is the same one that wrote in its 2018 electoral program: “The goal is to reach zero landings within the next five years. The Dublin Regulation and the agreement on migrants have transformed Italy into Europe’s refugee camp.”

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Danilo Toninelli, who was Minister of Infrastructure in the yellow-green government, is now a “digital creator” and explains on social media, in an arduous climb up the mirrors, that yes, he had signed the decree that banned entry to the Open Arms but only once. “When the TAR rejected that decree, Salvini presented it to me again on the table and I did not sign it” revealed, only today, Toninelli. Fortunately, someone with a bit of memory is still there. The former Minister of Defense, in Conte I, Elisabetta Trenta declared that “six years seems too much to me, an excessive sentence for a minister who carried out an activity within the scope of her role”. The 5 Star Movement has now moved into the broad field and that is enough to not even be touched by this trial. What’s more, he now finds himself on the side of the accusers, of those who point the finger at Salvini as if they had never been in that government, as if Salvini had only been at the Ministry, as if he had signed those decrees himself.

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In the meantime, the opposition is speculating on the case and attacking at full speed. The latest controversy is over the video where Salvini explains his reasons broadcast on Rai. And they are asking for the intervention of Agcom. “There is no balance, there is no guarantee of impartiality and every elementary principle of public service is being trampled on. We are truly concerned about this slippery slope on the eve of important administrative rounds starting from Liguria and we intend to invest Agcom with this obvious criticality. Persevering is truly diabolical and someone will have to answer for this mortification of Rai” wrote the Democratic members of the Rai Oversight Commission who announced that they will also bring this case to the examination of the commission. The National Association of Magistrates is also on the warpath and, in a note, “expresses solidarity with all colleagues involved in the handling of the trial against Senator Salvini and in particular with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Palermo”. Obviously, there has been no shortage of expressions of solidarity with the minister. The latest, in chronological order, is by Gianni Alemanno and Nicola Colosimo, national secretary and vice-secretary of the Independence Movement. “If Salvini must be condemned for having kept his electoral promises to stop illegal immigration, then all those who voted for him are co-responsible. Arrest us all,” they wrote. In the meantime, today the Federal Council of the League will meet to discuss the Open Arms case. While on the weekends of September 21-22 and 28-29, Salvini has called the League people to rally; on October 6, Pontida will also be there.

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#grillini #signed #Security #Decrees #forgot #Tempo
2024-09-18 02:04:04

How did Giuseppe Conte’s past immigration policies influence his current stance ​on the Open⁤ Arms trial?

The Hypocrisy of Giuseppe Conte:‌ A Look Back ⁤at the Open Arms Trial

In a surprising twist, the Palermo prosecutors, Marzia Sabella, ⁢Calogero Ferrara, and Giorgia Righi, have requested a⁣ six-year ​prison sentence for Matteo Salvini⁣ in the​ Open Arms trial. However,​ one notable absentee from the prosecutors’⁣ closing statement ‍is none⁣ other than‌ Giuseppe Conte, the former Prime Minister of Italy. This raises questions about Conte’s role in the events leading up ⁢to the trial and ⁤his current ⁣stance on the issue.

A Trip Down Memory Lane

In August 2019, Conte was the Prime Minister⁢ of Italy, ‍leading a government that had⁤ signed the Security Decrees, which aimed⁣ to curb immigration.⁤ Now, Conte⁢ accuses Salvini of behaving like “a bully”⁣ and the Meloni government of ⁢attacking the judiciary. However, it was Conte who, along with Luigi Di Maio, had​ promised to put an end⁣ to the “immigration business” during a speech to the Chamber of Deputies.

The Forgotten Past

Conte’s accusations against Salvini and the Meloni government⁣ are ironic, ⁢given that the 5-Star Movement, of which ⁤he ⁣was a part, had written in its 2018 electoral program ​that “the goal is to reach zero landings within the next five years.” The same movement⁢ criticized the Dublin Regulation and the agreement ⁤on migrants, which had ‍transformed Italy⁢ into Europe’s‌ refugee camp.

The Role of Other Key Players

While Conte remains silent, other ⁤key players from the yellow-green government have⁣ broken their silence. Danilo Toninelli, the former Minister of Infrastructure,⁣ now a​ “digital creator,” ⁣has‌ taken to social media to explain‍ his⁣ role in the events leading up ⁢to ⁤the ⁢trial. Toninelli claims that he had signed the decree banning ⁤entry to⁤ the Open Arms⁤ only once, and when the TAR rejected it, Salvini presented it ‍to ⁣him again, which he did not ​sign.

A Different Perspective

Elisabetta Trenta, the former Minister of Defense, has also⁣ spoken out, stating that “six years seems too much to me, an ‌excessive sentence for a minister who carried out an⁢ activity within the scope of her role.” Trenta’s comments highlight the complexity of the issue and the need for a nuanced approach to‍ addressing the challenges posed‍ by immigration.

The Hypocrisy of Giuseppe Conte

Conte’s silence on the ‍issue is deafening, especially ⁣given his past statements on the matter. His accusations against Salvini and the Meloni government ring hollow, considering his own role⁢ in the events leading up to the‌ trial. It is time for Conte to⁤ take responsibility for his actions and acknowledge the role he played in shaping the immigration policies of the yellow-green government.


The Open Arms⁤ trial has ⁢brought to the‍ fore ‍the complexities of addressing immigration in Italy.⁤ The hypocrisy of Giuseppe Conte​ and other key⁢ players from the yellow-green government serves as a reminder of the need for transparency and accountability in politics. As the trial⁤ continues, it is essential to remember the events ⁣leading up ​to it and the roles played‍ by those in power. Only through a ⁤nuanced understanding‍ of the issue ‍can we hope ⁣to find a solution that balances the needs of Italy with ‍its humanitarian‌ obligations.

Keywords: ⁣Open Arms trial, Giuseppe Conte, Matteo⁢ Salvini,⁣ immigration, Italy, Palermo prosecutors, 5-Star Movement, Luigi Di Maio, Danilo Toninelli, Elisabetta Trenta, security decrees.

What were the major outcomes of the Open Arms trial involving Matteo Salvini?

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The Open Arms Trial: A Tale of Hypocrisy and Forgetting

[Image: Matteo Salvini in a meeting, source: Il Tempo]

In the latest developments of the Open Arms trial, prosecutors Marzia Sabella, Calogero Ferrara, and Giorgia Righi have requested a 6-year sentence for former Italian Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini. However, a closer look at the events unfolding reveals a striking absence of accountability from those who were instrumental in shaping the country’s immigration policies during the same period.

The Forgotten Past: Giuseppe Conte and the 5-Star Movement

Giuseppe Conte, the former Prime Minister of Italy, is noticeably absent from the spotlight despite being the leader of the government that signed the contested Security Decrees in August 2019. Conte, who now accuses Salvini of “bullying” behavior, seemed to have conveniently forgotten his own role in the drama. His party, the 5-Star Movement, had included in its 2018 electoral program the goal of achieving “zero landings”



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