Fazlur Rehman Braces for Festivities as JUI Unveils Draft of New Constitutional Amendment

Senior leader of Jamiat Ulema Islam (F) Rashid Mahmood Soomro says that JUI believes that reforms in the courts are necessary, if any draft comes in this regard, JUI will accept it.

Rashid Mehmood Soomro while speaking in today’s news program “News Insight with Aamir Zia” said that the government wanted us to help them. After consulting with legal experts, you can give a yes or no answer.

What is the 26th Constitutional Amendment: Summary

He said, “Whether it takes an hour, a week or a month, the JUI will not be in a position to decide whether to support or oppose the draft until our legal experts give an OK on it.” ‘.

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Rashid Mahmood Soomro said that when Bilawal and the Law Minister came here, there was contradiction and ambiguity in their position.

JUI got the draft or not? In response to this question, he said that ‘something has been found, nothing has been found, our legal team is working on what has been found’.

What is in the proposed constitutional amendment for those who voted against the Election Commission and the party?

He said that this power grab is to save our people, PTI is opposing this whole system because the judges of their choice will not come and Imran Khan will not be able to get out of jail and we There will be no power. The government wants to block the way of PTI judges.

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Rashid Soomro said that Maulana is thinking of the people and Pakistan by keeping the power on the tip of his shoe.

In the proposed constitutional amendment, the existing powers of the Supreme Court and the High Court will be ‘encroached upon’.

What kind of offerings were made to celebrate Fazlur Rahman? In response to this question, he said that ‘where your thinking ends, their offers begin’.

#JUI #received #partial #draft #proposed #constitutional #amendment #offers #Fazlur #Rehman #celebrate #Pakistan
2024-09-18 01:33:01

– What are Rashid Mahmood ⁣Soomro’s views​ on judicial ‍reforms in Pakistan?⁤ ‌

Senior JUI​ Leader Rashid Mahmood Soomro Calls for Reforms in Courts, ⁤Open to Constitutional Amendment

In a recent news program, “News Insight with Aamir Zia,” Rashid Mahmood Soomro, a senior leader of Jamiat ‌Ulema Islam ‍(F), expressed his party’s ⁢willingness ⁢to support reforms in the judiciary system, provided the ⁤proposed draft undergoes thorough scrutiny by legal experts. Soomro​ emphasized that the JUI ‌believes in the necessity of ⁤reforms in the courts and is open to accepting a well-crafted constitutional amendment.

The Importance‌ of Reforms in the Judiciary System

Soomro highlighted the need for⁣ reforms in the judiciary system, ‍stating that the JUI will not ‌hesitate ‍to support a draft that aligns with its vision of a⁢ fair and just system. He emphasized that the party will only decide on whether to support or oppose the draft once its legal‍ experts have thoroughly⁤ reviewed it. This cautious approach is crucial⁣ in ensuring that any reforms introduced are in the best interest of the ⁣nation and its people.

The 26th Constitutional Amendment: A ⁢Summary

The ⁣26th Constitutional​ Amendment has been a topic of discussion in recent times, with various political parties expressing their opinions on⁤ the⁢ matter. ‍Soomro’s ⁤statements come at a critical‌ time,⁤ as​ the amendment seeks to introduce significant changes to the judiciary system. The ⁣JUI’s stance on the matter is⁣ crucial, as​ it could potentially sway the outcome of the amendment.

JUI’s Conditions for Support

Soomro made it clear that the JUI will not rush into supporting the draft without thorough consultation and review. He stated, “Whether it takes an hour, a week, or a month,⁢ the JUI ‌will not be in a position to decide whether‍ to support or oppose the draft until our legal experts give an OK on it.” This cautious approach demonstrates the party’s commitment to ensuring that any reforms introduced⁣ are well-thought-out and effective.

Contradictions in the Government’s Position

Soomro also ⁤highlighted the contradictions in the government’s position, ‍citing the visit of Bilawal and the Law Minister to the JUI headquarters. He stated that​ there was ambiguity in their position, which has created uncertainty around the draft. Soomro’s comments suggest that the JUI ⁤is seeking clarity on the matter before making a decision.

The Proposed Constitutional Amendment: Implications for Those ⁣Who Voted Against the ⁢Election Commission

The proposed constitutional ⁣amendment has significant implications for those who voted against the Election Commission and political parties. Soomro claimed ⁣that the​ amendment is an attempt to ‌block the ⁢way of PTI judges and prevent Imran Khan from gaining power. He stated, “This power grab is to save‍ our⁢ people, ⁣PTI is opposing this whole system because the judges of their choice will not‍ come ‍and ‌Imran‌ Khan will not⁣ be ⁣able to get out‌ of jail, and we will have no power.”


Rashid Mahmood ⁣Soomro’s‍ statements highlight ⁢the JUI’s commitment to reforms in ⁢the judiciary system and its willingness to support a well-crafted‍ constitutional amendment. The party’s cautious approach to reviewing the ⁢draft demonstrates ‍its dedication to ensuring that any reforms introduced are in the best interest of the‌ nation and its people. As the debate around the 26th Constitutional Amendment‍ continues, the JUI’s stance ⁤will be⁣ crucial in shaping the outcome of​ this critical ‌piece of legislation.

Keyword Tags: Rashid Mahmood Soomro, Jamiat Ulema Islam (F), Constitutional Amendment, Judiciary System,‍ Reforms, PTI, Imran Khan, Election Commission, Bilawal, Law Minister,​ Pakistan Politics.

– What reforms is Rashid Mahmood Soomro proposing for the courts?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

Senior JUI Leader Rashid Mahmood Soomro Calls for Reforms in Courts, Open to Constitutional Amendment

In a recent news program, “News Insight with Aamir Zia,” Rashid Mahmood Soomro, a senior leader



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