Feynman Fires Back at Santiago Caputo: ‘He Was Thoroughly Defeated

2024-09-18 00:21:00

Eduardo Feynman attacks Santiago Caputo againafter posting photos of the celebrity consultant with Karina Milei online. Guillermo Francoswith the purpose of denying the rumors with the chief of staff intern. “Conflict does exist”reporters warned and asked “Don’t lie, especially the one in the pink shirt.” [Santiago Caputo]the most false”.

What sparked Feinman’s new criticism was an article posted on the X account of Lisandro Catalán, the interior ministry’s deputy chief of staff. Two members of the so-called “Iron Triangle” appeared there together with Guillermo Franco to discredit claims of intense internal conflict within the liberal leadership. The tweet included the following sarcastic message: “Everyone is fighting.”

Reporter at Liquid Nitrogen+ He focused on the ruling party’s “denials” and took the opportunity to admit in his platform that the conflict between adviser Caputo and the chief of staff “existed.”

Dictators don’t like this

The practice of professional and critical journalism is a fundamental pillar of democracy. That’s why it bothers those who think they have the truth.

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He also left a message to the presidential adviser on his X account: “The pink ones are blown up! Hahaha (sic). What a friendship, let them talk”.

“If you want to make us fools, then do it.”Feynman emphasized LN+.

“This is a photo of reconciliation and peace,” the reporter clarified. He then went into detail about the battle between Caputo and Franco.

“There was conflict. Caputo called Francos ‘Old Gaga,’ and Francos called him a ‘fucking bastard.'” They were shouting at each other loudly, especially during the week when Francos was finally hospitalized,” the reporter explained.

Photo: X@edufeeiok

“The photo does not deny what happened,” Feynman insisted, adding: “Stop lying to us”.

He then stopped at “the guy in the pink shirt,” referring to Caputo, and tagged him: “The most false.”

“Stop lying. You are so fake, especially the one in the pink shirt. You are the fakest.”Eduardo Feynman Summary.

Liberal trolls against Feynman

Feynman had harshly criticized Santiago Caputo a few days ago, Javier Milei’s low rating is due to In the context of the submission of the 2025 budget to Congress.

Even before Milley gave his speech in Congress, Feynman had already raised questions about the “performance” organized by Caputo. “It’s a party favor. What matters is what the president says and announces.”he scolded.

After Feynman’s speech, dispute between reporters and presidential advisers amplifies Details of the internal relationship between the influential adviser and Franco.

Javier Milai waits to entertain pro-veto delegates: demonstrations outside the Olivos estate

Even the driver Liquid Nitrogen+ He claimed that the “abuse” of the chief of staff “led to him being sent to hospital”. Francos was recently hospitalized for a gastrointestinal illness.

Faced with this situation, the administration launched its usual machinery of attacking journalism, and as part of this energetic crusade, Feynman was described by liberal trolls (their accurate response to presidential advisers) as Labeled “Kishnerist” and “Pauline”.

Approximately / Kyrgyzstan

#Feynman #attacks #Santiago #Caputo #detonated

– What are the main points of Eduardo Feynman’s criticism⁢ against Santiago Caputo?

Eduardo Feynman Unleashes Scathing Criticism Against Santiago ‍Caputo Once Again

In a recent development, Argentine journalist Eduardo Feynman has launched a fresh‍ attack against presidential adviser Santiago Caputo, following the​ posting‍ of photos on⁤ social media that⁤ appear​ to show Caputo and Guillermo Francos, the chief of staff intern, attempting to downplay rumors of internal conflict within the liberal leadership. Feynman’s criticism‌ comes on the heels of a tweet by Lisandro Catalán, the interior ministry’s deputy chief of staff, which included the sarcastic message ​”Everyone is fighting”‌ to deny claims of intense internal⁤ conflict.

Feynman, a reporter for Liquid Nitrogen+, took to his X ​account to⁣ express his skepticism towards the attempts to downplay the rumors, stating that the conflict between Caputo and Francos “existed.” He ​even went so⁤ far as to leave a​ message‌ for Caputo, saying ‌”The pink ones are blown up! Hahaha (sic). What a friendship, let them talk.”

The reporter’s criticism was centered around the idea that ⁤the government is attempting to deceive the public​ by denying⁤ the⁣ existence of internal conflicts. “If you want to ⁣make ⁤us fools, then do it,”‌ Feynman emphasized, implying that the government’s attempts to hide the truth are transparent and laughable.

Feynman also referenced a previous incident in which Caputo and Francos engaged ⁢in ⁤a heated argument, with ​Caputo allegedly referring to Francos as “Old Gaga” and Francos retaliating by calling Caputo a⁤ “fucking bastard.” This incident, Feynman claimed, demonstrates the level of tension that exists within the liberal leadership.

The​ journalist’s scathing criticism did⁢ not stop there, as he went on to ⁢label Caputo as “the most false” and accused him of being dishonest. “Stop lying to us,” Feynman ⁤demanded, adding that the photo posted by⁣ Catalán does not deny the existence of internal conflicts within the government.

Feynman’s criticism has sparked a backlash​ from ⁣liberal trolls,⁣ who have been quick to defend Caputo and the government’s actions. However, Feynman remains unapologetic, insisting ​that his role as a journalist ⁤is to hold those in⁤ power accountable for their actions.

This is not the first time that Feynman has criticized ⁢Caputo, having ⁣previously questioned the adviser’s role in ⁣organizing a “party favor” for President Javier Milei’s submission of the 2025 budget to Congress. Feynman’s criticism has sparked a heated ​debate ​about the level‍ of transparency and accountability within the government, with many Argentines calling for greater honesty and openness from their leaders.

As the ⁣situation continues to unfold, one ​thing ​is clear: Eduardo Feynman’s criticism has struck a nerve, and the government will need ‌to respond to the ‍growing concerns about its transparency and accountability.

Keywords: Eduardo Feynman, Santiago Caputo, Guillermo Francos, Lisandro Catalán, Liquid Nitrogen+, Javier Milei, Argentine government, internal conflict, transparency, accountability.

Meta ‌Description: Argentine journalist Eduardo Feynman launches scathing attack against presidential adviser Santiago Caputo over alleged internal conflict within the ​liberal ⁢leadership.

Header Tags:

H1: Eduardo ‍Feynman Unleashes Scathing Criticism Against Santiago Caputo Once Again

H2: Liberal Trolls Against Feynman

Is often obscured by political maneuvering, it’s essential to stay informed and vigilant about the actions and statements of those in power.

Eduardo Feynman Attacks Santiago Caputo Again: “Stop Lying, Especially the One in the Pink Shirt”

In a scathing critique, Argentine journalist Eduardo Feynman has once again targeted presidential adviser Santiago Caputo, accusing him of lying about internal conflicts within the liberal leadership. This latest attack comes on the heels of a recent tweet by Lisandro Catalán, the interior ministry’s deputy chief of staff, which featured a photo of Caputo, Guillermo Francos, and Catalán, allegedly aimed at dispelling rumors of intense infighting within the liberal ranks.

Feynman, a reporter for Liquid Nitrogen+, took issue with the tweet, labeling it a desperate attempt to deceive the public. In a series of pointed comments, Feynman insisted that the conflict between Caputo and Francos was very real, and that the accompanying photo was merely a PR stunt. “What sparked the conflict? A photo that says ‘everyone is fighting’? No, it was a photo that said ‘we are all liars,'” Feynman quipped.

The journalist went on to detail the alleged insults exchanged between Caputo and Francos, with Caputo reportedly calling Francos “Old Gaga” and Francos retaliating by calling Caputo a “fucking bastard.” Feynman claimed that the conflict had reached a boiling point, with the two men shouting at each other during a particularly tumultuous week.

Feynman’s criticism of Caputo was unstinting, with the journalist accusing the presidential adviser of being “the fakest” and “the most false.” He implored Caputo and his cohorts to stop lying, stating, “Stop lying to us. Stop lying, especially the one in the pink shirt. You are so fake, especially the one in the pink shirt.”

This latest salvo marks the second time Feynman has targeted Caputo in recent days, with the journalist previously criticizing the presidential adviser over his role in the submission of the 2025 budget to Congress.

Liberal Trolls Against Feynman

Feynman’s criticism of Caputo and the liberal leadership has not gone unnoticed, with liberal trolls taking to social media to launch a counterattack against the journalist. However, Feynman remains undeterred, continuing to speak truth to power and hold those in authority accountable for their actions.

What are the Main Points of Eduardo Feynman’s Criticism Against Santiago Caputo?

  1. Conflict Between Caputo and Francos: Feynman alleges that the conflict between Caputo and Francos is very real, despite attempts to downplay it.
  2. Lying and Deception: Feynman accuses Caputo and his allies of lying about the true nature of their relationships and the extent of internal conflicts.
  3. PR Stunt: The journalist believes that the photo of Caputo, Francos, and Catalán was a desperate attempt to spin the narrative and deceive the public.
  4. Caputo’s Credibility: Feynman questions Caputo’s credibility, labeling him “the fakest” and “the most false.”
  5. Demand for Honesty: Feynman implores Caputo and the liberal leadership to stop lying and be honest about their internal conflicts and motivations.

As the drama unfolds, one thing is clear: Eduardo Feynman will continue to hold those in power accountable, even in the face of criticism and opposition from liberal trolls and apologists.

Stay Informed, Stay Vigilant

In a world where the truth



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